Category :Looks

Wine And Coral

Glasses – F21; Dress – Ruche; Shoes – Aldo.

So I copped out of Random Sundays, and Tuesday In Review this week because I’ve been away.  Husband and I celebrated 7 years together on Sunday and we went away for our first night by ourselves since Baby was born.  So you guys will forgive me right?  Thiiis time.

We went to Prince Edward County in Ontario, which is another wine region in the province – the main one being Niagara.  This region produces drier wines because of it’s harsher climate.  And we enjoyed tasting what the wineries had to offer.  I thought since we’re going away and tasting wines I wanted to be bright and colorful, hence, I chose this cheery coral dress.  I don’t have a lot of coral, but I’m loving the color lately and this dress is just perfect!  It’s breezy and light and so easy to wear.  And I loved that I was the brightest colored person in every winery tasting room.

Oh, and did you notice the heels?  I haven’t worn heels in forever ’cause I’m usually too busy running after/with Baby to wear heels.  But no Baby = heels!  Husband wasn’t tooo crazy about them since it makes me taller than him, but oh well.  Tough luck.

Side note:  I need a haircut!

Quote of Today:
“My goodness she can poo!”

Seven Years Tomorrow

Shirt & Necklace – F21; Pants – Gap; Sandals &Ring – Ruche.

Happy Saturday everyone.  I’m kind of excited.  Tomorrow I’m going away with Husband to a B&B for the night.  It’s our seven year anniversary and we’re getting away for two days and a night.  It’s silly the things you get excited about when you have kids – a whole night to yourself!  His parents are staying at our house to watch Baby, and I know they’re going to have a great time too!  Baby loves to play with them, so she’ll be plenty entertained.

Last night I was on air again, and was thoroughly creeped out by the horror line up that finished my night.  I love scary movies, but I’m such a wimp that I didn’t like the idea of going out into the dark night alone.  Thank goodness one of my fabulous co-workers walked me to the car!   I’m still scared of the dark.  I’ll admit it.

And speaking of Baby, check out our lovestory featured on the Ruche blog

Quote of Today:
“It’s meandering.”

When Casual Friday Is Everyday

Shirt – Only; Jeans – Guess.

Casual Friday is everyday at my house.  So when it came to putting this outfit together I decided to forgo the shoes since I probably wasn’t going anywhere.  And I was right.  The most that I ventured out was to the swings – and I wore my flip flops for that.  Still, the structured nature of this top made me feel like I had a bit of something even if I was just wearing jeans.    And even though I hadn’t done my hair or make-up, I still felt pretty good that day.  Rockin’ the whole casual day-after thing *even though there was no “night before”*

I wanted to thank you all for your lovely words about my glasses.  Confession time: I don’t actually need glasses.  I have 20/20 vision, but I used to really want glasses and did everything I could to ruin my vision.  It didn’t work, and now I’m glad it didn’t, but I still sometimes want to wear glasses just for the fun nerd look.  So the pair you see me sporting is from Forever XXI. And now my secret is out – I’m a glasses wanna-be!

True Story:
Now that Grandma and Grandpa are here, Baby is totally hamming it up.  
She’s giggling and smiling and teasing!  And makin’ eyes! 
Such a little flirt!  
I’m in trouble.


Having a little trouble with the umbrella.


Glasses – F21; Shirt – Walmart; Skirt – Gentlefawn; Boots – Petite Pied.

First off, welcome to all my new followers!  And thank you sooooo much for reading.  You totally make my day!

Now, do you ever have those days when everything you put on looks horrible on you?  *at least in your mind* Well, I had a day like that with the above outfit.  I spent forever *and in a Mom’s life forever is like, 30 minutes* trying on tons of stuff.  I hated everything I put on.  One of those I-have-nothing-to-wear days.  It’s not that I have nothing to wear, it’s just that everything I put on just doesn’t sit right today, or just doesn’t feel right, or just doesn’t project the image I want today.  So I gave up.  I put on a skirt I like and just tried to keep things simple and not go nuts.  It’s just one day.  And I have to just get through this funky mood.  And I did.  And so will you.

True Story: 
Me squealing about something pretty on a website that I want.
And Husband’s answer to me squealing, “Yeah, and you have so many pretty things upstairs.”  
I don’t like it when he’s right.
  *crosses arms and sulks*

Polka Dot Ramblings And A Winner Announced

Dress – Ruche or Modcloth;  Belt – F21; Shoes – Payless.

Can I just say that I love polka dots?  I think I’m completely obsessed with them.  Anything I see with polka dots grabs my attention and won’t let go.  So when I saw this dress a while back I was in love.  And it wasn’t just the dots, it was the fact that it was such a timeless shape.  Though to be fully honest, I didn’t like my hair after I saw these shots and decided to throw it up in a pony before heading out.
I need a haircut.

True Story:
Yesterday I made myself a shake and once I had turned on the blender I turned around to check on Baby, who’s usually afraid of the thing, only to find her….dancing!  She was dancing to the whirring.  Kids are funny.

Standing Out In A Sea Of Beauty

Top – Ruche; Maxi – Spotted Moth; Booties – Aldo.

 A friend and I were recently talking about beauty.  We were discussing the prevalence of a certain standard of beauty in society and the pressure we both feel to live up to it, and the fact that we both deviate from said standard in highly “negative” ways.  So it’s kind of interesting that in the September issue of Flare magazine (a Canadian fashion magazine) there was a whole reader survey about beauty, standards, and pressures.

Us Canucks had some interesting things to say:
The images we see on the internet, and social networking sites on a daily basis heighten our expectations of beauty and perfection in ourselves.  This sets the bar higher and higher for ourselves, and we feel a pressure to live up to it daily.  And while most of us have a dissatisfaction with our body shape and weight, overall we feel beautiful.

Do you agree?

This sort of goes along with what my friend and I were talking about.  The prevalence of amazing photos, and such a huge assortment of beautiful women makes both of us feel we have to live up to some unachievable bar of beauty.

Do you struggle with weight and body image?  Do you feel beautiful?  In such a menagerie of beauty, how do you stand out?

Just a side note since we’re talking about photos, I’ve been just using curves and color balance exclusively in my photos recently.  So how do you like it?

Quote of Today:
“You’re evil Justin Bieber! You’re mistreating that bear in your castle!”

Hau Hau!!

Top & Belt – F21; Skirt – Old Navy; Sandals – Zellers.

Husband came home last night.  And he brought me a truffle brownie and his magic foot massage hands!  That made me feel better. And I finally got a shower – once Baby went to bed mind you – but still, I got my shower.  Hope you guys have a happy Saturday!  I’m going to work tonight.  I also have to memorize a script and make a self video for an interview/audition I can’t get to since I’m going away to a B&B for my seven year anniversary next weekend.  Can you believe it?  It’s been almost seven years of marriage?  That’s nuts!  Nuts I tell you!

True Story:
Yesterday I realized that Baby has been saying something for a while now.  You know that I speak to Baby exclusively in Polish, right?  So the sound a dog makes in Polish is roughly “hau hau”   not “woof woof.”  That’s how we do it (phonetically it’s said ‘how how’ but it’s spelled h-a-u).  Anyway, yesterday I noticed that when Baby sees a dog she points at it and does an improper version of “hau hau.” *it’s more of a consistent sounding grunt*  So now we ask her “what does a doggie do?”  or “what does Drake do?”  and she makes the same noise.  We’re sooo excited!  It’s really thrilling for us to see her starting to understand language and to really react to it.  The idea that this little person is communicating with us is incredible.  
Sorry, long story.  And maybe not that thrilling to you guys.  
“Hau Hau!”

Let The Sunshine In

Belt – H&M; Wedges – Payless.

I thought about wearing white shoes with this outfit but I don’t really like it when things are too matchy-matchy; so instead, I went with nude wedges.  I think it looks better.  This has to be one of the easiest dresses to wear.  It’s comfy, breathable, and styles so easily.  And its available in so many varying options.  I bought mine from Ruche, but you can get one in jade from Dress 911, or a green one from Spotted Moth one as well.   And if you’re plus size, pick up this ivory one from Modcloth, or this coral one from Ruche.

Remember, when I swore off shopping? Yeah, I’ve failed miserably at this.  Well, not “miserably” – it’s not like I’m in debt or have gone outside my means.  Just done really poorly in terms of will power.  But I keep trying.  And I’ve got a renewed energy to do so.  Partly because of the sunshine.  Partly because things have really picked up.  I’m hopefully going to have some exciting stuff to share with you in the coming months. 

Quote of Today:
“It’s like flopping down on a sofa made of Chuck Norris.”

Stripey McStripe

Glasses & Shirt – F21; Khakis – Banana Republic; Necklace – Ruche; Bag – Matt by Matt&Nat; Shoes – Payless.

This was a great outfit to wear to the studio and on air because it kept me cool outside since the pants and top are of a light material, but it also kept me warm inside the over air-conditioned studio.  And I love that I still remained very professional looking.  True, I don’t need to since my job as an on-air personality is just to look cute, cool, or otherwise interesting, but it’s nice to sometimes exercise the option of looking professional. 

And can I just share how much I’m loving stripes recently?  So much!

Quote of Today:
in conversation at the studio I heard this,
“My greatest fear is irony” 

Maxis ‘Round The Pool

Dress – street stand in Valencia, Spain; Glasses – F21; Sandals – Zellers.

Today was another wonderful sunny day at my Mom’s house.  I went swimming three times!  Like I said, wonderful!  Baby ran around, chased the dog, and screamed when we tried to *yet again* take her swimming. Oh well, we tried.

I bought this dress in Valencia, Spain several years ago and I’m still completely loving it.  It’s so bright and happy – perfect for a sunny day!   Ah, and check this out if you want to see how I styled it in the cold weather.

The family enjoying pie after dinner!

True Story:
Drake ripped open a squeaky toy today – killed it.  Baby found the big plastic part inside that squeaks.  Then she spent twenty minutes with it in her mouth chomping down non-stop to make it squeak as she crawled around the house. Kids are hilarious!
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