Category :Looks

What I Wore To BSG

I’m not usually one for wearing bows in my hair, which is why I loved these little black ones.  I get the bow in my hair, but also keep it small, demure, and elegant.

Emily was being a brat!
Dress – Kimichi (thrifted); Belt – Ruche; Loafers – Payless.

So you know we had a BBQ and games night yesterday.  *BTW, Cylons won – I was a Cylon – I won!*  I found this dress at a thrift place in NYC and it’s starting to become one of my favorite summer pieces. I love the country-western feel to it and also the fact that it has a feminine silhouette.  Plus, something light and cotton in the humidity is always appreciated.  I’m also thinking it’ll look great when the weather gets colder.  Paired with some thick tights, and a sweater, or jean jacket I think it could look great as an all-season piece.  It’s like all-season tires – great anytime!

Quote of Today:
“Heavy raiders are going to vent us into space.  More wine?”

Old And Weathered, But I Love You So

Tank – F21; Top – Oxmo; Jeans – Guess; Sandals – Winners.

Do you have a favorite pair of jeans?  These are mine.  They’ve frayed and they’re sooo worn, but I absolutely love them.  I have a soft spot for pieces that are old and weathered but have the ability to make you feel just oh-so-comfy.  What’s your piece of clothing?  Send me pics and if I get enough, I’ll do a post featuring your guy’s favorite items. 

Quote of Today:
“How do you know there isn’t a horses head in the boot?”

Two Gnomes For The Price Of One

Glasses – F21; Shirt – thrifted; Belt – Ruche from this dress; Jeans – Guess; Sandals – Winners.

Crazy that Baby’s almost walking!  It’s really amazing to think about all the changes she’s gone through in the last year.  We went out for a walk.  We got about two houses down where the neighbor has gnomes, figurines, and a fountain in his yard – all of this is a huge delight to Baby!  We didn’t get much further. But that’s okay.

I love when pieces come with accessories!  I got this belt as part of a dress and I’m loving it.  It’s such a great piece to pair with a light shirt and a pair of jeans.  And one of my other favorite belts came with an H&M skirt.  It’s like getting two things for the price of one! 

 True Story:
Husband is the one people think is so laid back, but in the last two days he’s been impatient, “Can’t she walk faster?  Just pick her up and let’s go.” He’s been Mr. Clean-Pants, “She’s getting sooo dirty!  Maybe you should take her back inside.”  And I’ve been the one who’s been lassez-faire about it all.  Role reversal!!

Funny and Awkward

Dress – Covet; Shoes – Payless.

First off, this dress is kinda awesome!  It’s so breathable and loose, but still looks cute in that relaxed way. Love it! And I love that Covet is dedicated to using organic and sustainable fibers.  So important that companies are eco-conscious these days.

My friend Emily came over and we played photographer in the backyard for a little bit.  And the whole time was a running monologue by me.  Seriously, I didn’t stop talking.  *try editing those pics!*  But here’s what the whole monologue was about:  I’m not sexy, hot, edgy, *insert hot femme fatale adjective here*.  I’m just not.  I do awkward very well. Ungraceful?  Check.  Clumsy? Yup.  Sexy?  *scratching head* Ummmm…what’s that?  And you know, I kind of like that I’m awkward. Plus, I’m funny.  Right?   

*noise of crickets*

*more crickets*

Okay, I think I’m funny. And Baby thinks I’m hilarious, though I realize that my ability to make a one year old crack up may not prove my point.  Regardless, what was I trying to say?  Oh right, sexy.   I know many sexy women and they’re awesome!  Emily for example,  has bosoms and hips to kill for.  Seriously, I think several men have died because of them.   I have other friends who are always considered to be sexy with a capital “S.”  Sometimes I look at shots of them and go, “Wow! Can I be that for a day?”  But you know they have days they want something else too.  Grass is always greener and all, am I right? 

And the good thing about being as un-graceful, clumsy, and awkward as me?  I always get a laugh!

Tell me, what’s something you love about yourself?  Leave a comment and let’s get the love fest started!

Quote of Today:
“It’s always better when you’re a Cylon.”

Look Of The Summer

Boots- Ruche; Shirt – Ruche; Tank – Jacob; Shorts & Belt – AE.

First off, I’d like to give a warm welcome to my new followers!  I usually send each new follow a personal welcome message, but for some reason Google Friend Connect is not allowing me to do so for the last two weeks.  So unfortunately, a group welcome is the best I can do.  I’m so glad you’ve joined me! Let me know what you’re thinking.

Second, the outfit.  I read in some magazine that the “look of the summer” is jean shorts, a crochet sweater and cowboy boots.  Well, to be honest, I’m not a fan of crochet sweaters/shirts.  I like crochet as a detail, not as a centerpiece.  So, I decided to put a variation on the “look of the summer”  by pairing my cowboy booties and jean shorts with a top that has crochet detail.  It turned out that this was a great functional outfit to wear for my outing with Baby.  We decided to go out and get lunch *okay, I’m the only one who ordered lunch, she ate what I brought for her* and iced tea.  With Husband away on a business trip, I thought it was a great way to treat ourselves.  Oh, and I also got a chocolate-coconut macaroon.

P.S.  Sorry about the no make-up look today.  In this heat, I can’t stand wearing any.

And today’s True Story warranted a post all it’s own, so read that here.

Hot Town, Summer In The City

Hat – Ruche; Glasses – F21; Dress – Ruche; Shoes – Payless.

 It’s 49 here in Toronto.  We’re supposed to be at the tail end of a heat wave, and tomorrow the weather’s supposed to drop down ten degrees.  Supposed to.  Early this morning the whole fam went for a walk, and since then we’ve dunked Baby in her pool and hung out in the master bedroom *the only place with an AC*
That’s where Baby has been sleeping too.

But I must say this dress is perfect for the heat.  The material feels heavy, but because it’s cotton and linen the whole thing breathes.  Ahhhhh….  And a wide brim hat and big sunglasses are my summer essentials!  that and SPF 60.

True Story:
Baby took a dump today in her pool.  
Yes, yes she did.

Iced Tea!

Shirt – Soundgirl ; Skirt – H&M; Sandals – Winners.

Can you believe it’s this hot?!?!?  45 degrees!  I’m melting.  But on the plus side, I’m reeeeally enjoying iced teas!  I’ve been drinking all kinds and they all taste so delicious!  But I’m going through my ice faster than I can make it.  Which is not a good thing.

I have to say I had an amazing shoot yesterday with a talented photographer – dANIEL gARCIA.   We shot outside on the beach and I was in tall wildflowers, up a cliff *in heels no less* and on the beach.  So much fun!  Can’t wait to share the shots with you.

But back to the heat wave, how do you stay cool when it’s hot?

Quote of the Day: 
“You’ll eat goose poo, but you won’t eat an organic cracker.”

Good In White, Bad In Black

Shirt – thrifted; Jeans – Mavi; Sandals – Zellers.

It’s so hot and humid here, I can barely stand it.  But I’m trying every which way I can to stay cool.  That may or may not include wearing as little clothes as possible in the house – I’m not going on record as saying anything!

I picked up the white shirt above in NYC at a thrift store.  I’ve had my eye on this shirt from Ruche, but when I found something similar for only about $9 I was sold!  I love how loose and breezy it is.  And yes, I’ve failed miserably in the ‘no shopping’ department when I was in NYC.  But hey, it’s NYC.  And generally, I’ve gotten a lot better.  Not great, mind you, but better.

Oh and guess what?!?  I’ve finally made my official appearance in the web series I’m working on.  And I’m a suspicious character in black.  Love it! Check out the latest episode below, and go here to see previous episodes and behind-the-scenes.  Let me know what you think!  *but be nice/constructive please*

Laughing At Myself

My sister caught me as I tripped and was not-at-all-graceful.

Dress & Belt – F21; Sandals – Zellers.

I can’t help but laugh when I trip and generally act clumsy.  It happens to me a lot, so I’ve learned to embrace that particular character trait and I’ve even come to love it a bit.  It’s what makes me who I am.  I can be all poise and grace, until I fall over my own feet.  And I don’t even try to act like nothing happened.  It’s just too funny not to laugh.

In A New York Frame Of Mind

Hat & Ring – Ruche; Top, Sandal & Shorts – F21; Belt – H&M.

Top of the mornin’ to you.  I’m up bright and early, too early for my tastes, but as every Mother knows it’s not up to my tastes.  And last night marks the last time I’m going to sleep in my bed until next Sunday.  I’m New York bound!  Heading over to my sister’s place tonight.  so for the next while I’ll be posting from NYC.

I’ve been there a few times.  So here’s the question:  any hidden gems that I should check out?  Anything secret you’ve discovered that you’re willing to share with me?  See you in New York.

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