Category :Looks

Dress 3: Why Don’t You All Kick the Bucket Then

The Dress

Styled for winter

Cardigan – Jacob; T-shirt – Smart Set; Belt – American Eagle; Dress – bought in Lagos, Portugal; Boots – Feet First

Okay, I actually wore this dress yesterday but since I already posted yesterday with a dress look I decided to wait and post this one today.  I wasn’t sure about the whole thing until I was in a store and the lovely salesperson said that she loved the color of my skirt.  Yay! I love the color of the dress too.  It’s what originally attracted me to it.  And I also love complements!  But who doesn’t right?

Sell, Stash or Save?  This dress is definitely a save!

Now onto something a little different. 

Everyone seems to be writing a Bucket List.  Everywhere I look it’s bucket-this, and bucket-that.  Frankly, I’m against it.  It’s not that I’m against living your life to the fullest and fullfilling goals and dreams.  It’s that I’m against doing it out of fear.  And the bucket list comes from fear – the fear that you’re not going to live the life you want before you die, the fear that your life will lack meaning, the fear that you won’t do/achieve what you want to do.  It assumes a negative – that you will die without something (having done or experienced something).  Chances are you will die without doing everything you ever wanted – that’s the nature of being human.  So if you set yourself up like that – you will die dissappointed.  Fear is not a good starting point. 

Why can’t we switch gears and look from joy?  Be joyful about what you have right now.  Be joyful about what you have achieved.  And be joyful about what you want to achieve.  Write your goals.  Write the things you want to see and do.  But do it from joy.  Look forward to it with glee.  Not a dread that you may die before you do it all, or that you have to do it all because you may die.  Do the things on your list because you want to have the best life ever.  Do those things because you want to experience meaning and wonder.  Do it because life matters – not death.    I’m going to write a Life List.  I’m going to die, everyone is eventually, but will everyone really live?

Dress 2: A Slice of Football

Me trying to look cool
And failing!   Dress – H&M; Scarf – thrifted; Cardigan – H&M; Boots – Feet First; Leggings – Forever XXI

Okay, the dress challenge continues.  This little number was worn last night on air.  And the best part of working last night?  Spending time with our camera operator, the lovely Olivia.  She rocks!  She’s the only woman I know who can pull off a shaved head and a headband with a leopard bow!  Not at the same time, but I wouldn’t put it past her to do that either.  Yes, I’m talkin’ you up Olivia *she reads this blog*.  We watched trashy TV during our break and I commented/heckled throughout the show.  We used to watch HGTV; I was obsessed when I was renovating my house *read: gutting it out completely and rebiulding*.   Now when I say I watched HGTV I mean I watched it like a sports obsessed man watches football:  I yelled at the screen, I trash talked the players, and I criticized their plays.  Now that the house is over I turn to SLICE – trashy and terrible reality TV.  Yes, I know.  I KNOW!  But I can’t help it.  It’s the vice that I indulge in once a week.  And yes, it’s my new football.  Pass the chips.

Waking Up In The Morning Is Hard To Do

All I could manage today

Sweater – C’est Moi; Shirt – Reserved; Leggings – Forever XXI; Leg warmers – Legs Beautiful

6:15 am: Baby’s banging on her bed like a bongo drum.  Just five more minutes Mom…oh wait, crap, I’m the Mom and I don’t get two minutes, much less five.  No, I don’t want to be up.  But as I’ve learned recently, when you’re a parent it’s never about you.  So up I get, throw baby over one shoulder and head downstairs.  Baby goes onto the floor on her blanket with her toys, while I feel an irresistible pull towards one particular kitchen cabinet – where we keep the coffee…

Sort of awake now, thanks to Coffee Tree.  Love their fresh roasted coffee – I need to see an oily film on my cup or it’s not really coffee, you know? It’s not that I’m a coffee snob, it’s just that if I’m going to indulge in a vice I’m going to do it right.

Now I’ve got to work up the motivation to shower and get dressed.  Suggestions?  What gets you going in the morning?

Dress 1: Amish Much?

The  dress by itself

Once I added some things to spice it up. Dress – somewhere in Madrid; Scarf – somewhere Toronto; Boots – somewhere in New York City; Belt – American Eagle

Today’s the first day of my dress challenge.  Hope you’re all as excited as I am.  I thought I’d start with a dress that I hardly wear and one that’s not a favorite of mine.   I figure since I can only wear it once  until the challenge is over I should save and cherish my favorites.

This dress is hard to style.  It has puffy sleeves that eliminate the possibility of wearing a cardigan, and I tried it with a vest but I looked like I was auditioning for Sisterwives.  Husband actually suggested a scarf and that ended up working.   Overall, I’m not sure it flatters my small frame, you know?  I feel it makes me look a bit frumpy.  And yes, a leather jacket, boyfriend blazer or jean jacket can make anything look decent, but do I want to keep something around that I only feel “decent” about? What do you think? Your comments are helpful and I need help deciding these things.  I have trouble letting go of my clothes. Donate, store, or save?

Moving on.

My Bestie is coming over today.  Haven’t seen her in about three weeks – and we never go that long without seeing each other.  So we’re going to be chatting it up like mad.  Husband will probably escape into his basement cave to get a break.  But it’s going to be fun.  Then Her Man is coming over and it’s games night.  Yes, that’s right, game night! We’re playing either Settles of Catan or Carcassone.  It doesn’t matter which because either way they’re going down!  It’s on B@#%h!  (Disclaimer: I’m intense about my gaming)

Why Are You So Happy?

Giving face: Jeans – Guess, Shirt – American Eagle, Vest – American Eagle, Attitude – all me!

Home Sweet Home!  Don’t get me wrong there’s nothing like family, but there’s nothing like home either.  Last night we went straight from my Mom’s house to a Christmas dinner at Husband’s Brother’s House (my Brother in Law).  They have a lovely home and are great people but you know how much I love lots of people gathered in one place.  Well, there were 6 adults and 3 kids there – all in one lovely but not overly large open concept house.  That coupled with cranky, sleepy Baby and cranky, sleepy Mama equaled a fun but stressful and chaotic time.  So I was quite happy when we got home and put Baby to sleep – ’cause then Mama could finally relax. 

And this morning (since I had the use of Mom’s car) I went to get a large, and I mean large, purchase of groceries – we were out of everything.  So that meant I had to get dressed.  And I felt like being a little nerdy/preppy today.  I loved wearing vests while pregnant – somehow they worked with the large belly – don’t ask me how.  And I have continued to love wearing them now that I’m no longer sporting a basketball in front.  This one is a favorite.  And I wanted to be fun and playful by mixing patterns with the shirt. 

After returning and unloading the vast array of groceries I sat and played with Baby.  Husband took some shots and started teasing me through the process; hence, the various assortment of faces I’m making.  Another reason I’m so happy?  I spent all my Christmas money and my Birthday money (it’s coming up soon and I just know you’re excited!) on one big ticket item that I’m been secretly lusting after for Months.  What is it you ask?  Why it’s a DSLR camera!  Specifically the Nikon D3100.  I spent many an hour researching and stressing over which is the right one to choose and finally settled on this one (so if you disagree with my choice, please refrain from commenting about it – it would only make me feel bad).  It’s sold out all over the place in store, so I bought it online and it should hopefully (fingers crossed) be here before the weekend.  So excited!!  Can’t wait to share the wonderful pictures with you! 

Another reason I wanted a great camera?  Baby’s getting bigger and cuter by the second.  And I just have to capture her in all her wonder.  I can’t get enough.  How did I get the cutest little girl in the world??

What was your favorite gift this Christmas?

Use The Force

“These are not the droids you’re looking for”

Today was the first day in 6 months that we were up before Baby.  She slept in until 7:45am – I wish everyday was like this.  Hopefully, her sleeping habits will only get better.  I need my beauty rest – goodness knows I haven’t had any in a long time.  

This morning when I came downstairs dressed to face my day, Husband looked at me and said, “Don’t take this the wrong way, because you look really nice, but you look like a Jedi.”  Normally I’m not against any Star Wars reference (considering my love of all things Star Wars, Star Trek and BSG), but “Jedi” was certainly not the look I was going for.  So, I stopped, focused really hard, and tried to choke him just a little with my mind just like Darth Vader…no such luck.  He just stood there with a smirk on his face looking so pleased with himself.  So I just kicked him in the shin instead.

Great lunch, even better company.  We had two friends over for some good old Polish home cooking.  They’re a fun couple who appreciate hearty food.  And it was really nice to get to see them since they’ve moved to another province for the next year.  That’s what I like about the holidays: everyone makes an extra effort to see one another and spend some time together.

Oh The Weather Outside Is Frightful

It’s so cold here in Toronto, or perhaps it’s just my imagination because I think that anything below 10 degrees celsius is cold.  But even Drake the dog wants to go inside after only 10 minutes galavanting about; so, it can’t all be in my head right?

This was today’s on air look and the best part is that it’s super comfy!  The soft jersey knit dress is the most relaxed thing ever.  And I love the detail of the asymetrical hem.  It adds a little interest into what would otherwise be a very boring outfit.  

However, I couldn’t go without adding a little glitz to the whole thing – I don’t like to be too monochromatic.  So I added these statement earrings.  I love the intricacy and size of these, but I like that they still manage to be elegant because of the solid silver look.

The best thing about today though?  Even though it’s so cold and bitter and I hated being out, something great happened.  After coming home frozen, I warmed up with a bowl of homemade soup (made by Husband) and opened an early birthday present.  What was it you ask?  A night for me at The Sutton Place Hotel – just for me.  No baby to keep me up and no one to ask anything of me.  I’m going to sleep, eat, sleep, run, sleep, and sleep.  He’s giving me a whole 24 hours of uninterrupted peace and rest.  I couldn’t have asked for anything better.  That’s one good man for you.  Can’t wait!  It’s this Thursday, December 16.  You betcha I’m going to blog all about it.

For Eileen McCurdy

My co-worker, the always lovely Eileen McCurdy, has been wanting to see me in this dress since I showed her the online store picture.  But I recently told her why I could not wear it to work for her to see, and after giggling at me she said, “Blog about it.”  So Eileen this one’s for you!

The dress is one of my latest acquisitions from ShopRuche and I must say that I absolutely love it!  But here’s the problem (and it’s one I should have thought of earlier, but it probably wouldn’t have stopped me from buying the dress): it’s got a high neck and back zipper.  Now why is that a problem you ask?  Simply this:  I can’t wear it to work or for more than a few hours at a time. Why you ask again?  Because as a nursing mom I need to pump milk at work or when I’m out for longer times spans, and this dress doesn’t allow that.  I need easy access to my boobs! So that’s why I can’t wear this dress to work, and why it must remain in my closet unworn until I stop nursing. I can’t be striping down to my knickers in the bathroom and playing with back zippers.  I need to be able to whip those puppies out whenever and wherever I need to!

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