Category :Looks

Gambling On Contradictions

Shirt – Jacob; Skirt & Belt – H&M; Shoes – Payless.

 Sorry about no Random Sunday post. I was veeeeerrry tired, headach-ey, and time of the month-ey.  So I crashed. Hey, no one’s perfect right?

I love that I managed to nab this skirt for only $10!  Granted I was 8 months pregnant at the time.  And no I didn’t fit in it then, I took a gamble that I would return to my pre-pregnancy size.  I figured that for $10 I could take the risk.  But I’m so glad that it paid off.  I love the pleats and a-line of this skirt, but I also really like how the retro nature of it is balanced by the abstract, almost bleeding, pattern.  It makes the whole piece more modern I think.  Pieces that have this contradictory nature appeal because they are always really interesting and fresh.

Quote of Today:
“Audrey was just doing quality control, and there are indeed 22 panty liners in a package.”

Rain Dance Dress

Dress – Ruche; Belt – AE; Shoes – Payless.

It seems that whenever I decide to wear a striped dress it rains.  I wonder what kind of weird karma that is?  Maybe it’s my rain dance dress?  Anyway, I love it.   It’s soooo twirly!  And I’m going to have fun dressing it up and down all Fall and Winter long *hey, outfits are the only thing to look forward to in winter…I hate the cold!*  The dress is a little big for me, but it looks okay with a belt tied round it, and it’ll be fined layered with cardis.  Better a little loose than too tight I say!

Happy Labour Day Friday!  *we spell it with ‘our’ here in Canada*

True Story:
Yesterday the postman came to deliver the mail and
Drake the Dog ran up to the screen door to bark at him.  
The postman
just laughed at him.  
Even he knows not to take Drake seriously.

On Sunday…

Jacket – Old Navy; Dress – H&M; Belt – Threadsence; Shoes – Payless.

…I went to a friend’s house to play the Battlestar Galactica Board Game *with both expansions* and it was awesome!  what was great was that everyone around the table, six people in total, could reference esoteric things of the show and everyone else knew what they were talking about.   Sometimes I can’t believe how much of a nerd I am! C’est la vie.

Then last night Husband and I got to go out together after the sun went down.  That has not happened in 14 months!  *the exception being our anniversary weekend away*  We put Baby to bed, and left for tea and dessert, leaving her in the capable hands of Uncle Rob.  Really, since Baby was in bed all he had to do was play video games, but still.  It was nice.  We weren’t out too long since both of us are really pooped, but regardless it felt good to get out for a bit.

And while we were out, I managed to grab the Vogue September issue!  I look forward to this issue all summer and I’ve been keeping my eye out for it.  Last night I saw it was on news stands so I snagged it!  I’m really looking forward to perusing it and getting a lot of inspiration. 

True Story:
*sometimes a picture is all you need*


When ‘Naked’ Or ‘Bathrobe’ Won’t Do

Blazer – Ezra; Scarf – Old Navy; Jeans – Guess; Shirt – Lucca Couture; Shoes – Payless.

Okay, so sometimes I don’t actually want to get dressed.  Not that I want to walk around naked, more that I don’t want to actually think about what I’m wearing.  I was having one of those days, but I had no choice as I had to go to work…on tv…in front of the nation…so I had no choice.  Even if I don’t feel like getting dressed.  I just start one thing at a time and build up from there. And thank goodness my dress code is super casual though because here’s how my brain works:

I don’t want to get dressed. I don’t want a cute outfit or dress.  I want to stay in my bathrobe.  But I can’t.  Okay, I’ll wear jeans.  And what else?   I want to be cozy and covered up today.  Nerdy t-shirt.  No.  Plain gray t-shirt  because it’s soooooft.  I want a cozy scarf.  Can I deal with some color?  Maaaaaybe.  Oh bright orange!  Okay that works.  Maybe I should try to look good. Meh.  Ruched sleeve blazer…in black.  Nice!  Easy. No fuss, no muss. *looks down* Crap!  No shoes.  Okaay.  Comfy broken in ballerina flats.  Done.

p.s. Check out some pics from the Posthuman shoot here.  Oh, and I read a great article over here on Bethany’s blog. 

True Story:
Two very tired parents.  One veeeery stinky diaper.  
No one wants to change it.  
While trying to convince the other to change it, the whole house slowly starts to smell like a biological warfare testing ground.  
Parenthood. It doesn’t make sense.

Regrets, I’ve Had a Few

Scarf – Trove; Dress & Ring – Spotted Moth; Booties – Ruche.

Do you have regrets?  I do.  I used to say I didn’t.  I think I said it because I was prideful, as in “everything is perfect, exactly how I want it and I don’t make mistakes.” And I don’t know if it was true at the time or not, but these days I have them.  Yes, the choices I’ve made have led me to the point I’m at now and there are so many things I’m thankful for.  But the nature of regrets is the ‘could-have-been’ nature to them.  You wonder, “Was that the better choice?”   I think I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be, but that doesn’t mean that at 5am in the morning I don’t regret. I regret choices. *I was younger and stupider…hard to believe I know* I regret actions.  I regret things I said, and things I didn’t say.

I think regrets aren’t a bad thing.  It means you’ve grown and if you knew then what you know now, you would behave different.

Sorry, don’t mean to be a downer.  Ice cream anyone?

  True Story:
I come into the living room last night and Drake the Dog is sprawled, spread eagled on his back on Husband’s lap, who’s giving him belly scratches. 
I felt like I was intruding.

Skirts Abound With Boho-Casual

Top – Smart Set; Belt – AE; Skirt – Zara; Booties – Aldo.

I was on the set of Posthuman shooting an awesome episode today!  Seriously, it’s gonna be sooo good.   But that’s why I don’t have an outfit pic for you.  Instead, I’m showcasing an outfit that’s a few days old. Hope you like it!  I certainly do, but that’s because I’m having a love affair with Maxis recently.  Shhh, don’t tell Husband.   He doesn’t suspect anything.

In the meantime, check out this video.  It’s a little behind-the-scenes at the Movieola studio. *and I’ll be posting those outfit pic tomorrow, so it’s also like a sneak peek* 

Happy Sunday!

Quote of Today:
“Show me your shifty eyes.”

I Can Feel You Coming This Way

Top & Necklace – F21; Jeans – Guess; Shoes – Aldo

Summer is slowly on it’s way out.  You can tell because even though the days are still warm, the nights are getting cooler and cooler.  I like this time.  When summer gets lazy and fall is slowly creeping in.  When the flowers are blooming, but you can feel the changing of the colors is there like a word on the tip of your tongue.  But I despise that it means winter is around the corner. Comfy sweaters and cups of hot chocolate don’t make up for the icy winter wind freezing me despite all my layers. 

I find myself looking at sweaters, scarves and knit dresses.  And though I want to wear them, I’m glad it’s still too warm. I want to hold onto the summer sun as long as possible.   Somehow summer seems filled with hope and happiness; I don’t want to let that go. 

Quote of Today:
” Two Arnolds equal one Billy Zane.”

The Single Child Phenomenon

Dress – bought in London, England for $5!; Shoes – Zellers (on him – I don’t know, probably Value Village).

I wore this happy dress on the last day of my anniversary trip.  It’s such an easy dress to throw on ’cause the silhouette is so classic and flattering and the print is just so joyous.  I’m a big fan of happy prints.  They can just brighten your day like nothing else. 

On our anniversary we were reflecting on the last seven years, and the changes and choices we’ve made.  And once again we checked in with each other about our decision to have one child.  We periodically check in just to make sure we’re still on the same page.  And a lot of relatives and friends chide us for that decision.  They’re strongest and most common argument is that Baby needs a sibling and playmate.  To me that’s not a valid reason because I don’t want to reason for another human beings existence to be as a “sibling and playmate” for another human being.  And since we’re not drawn or moved to have another I don’t see why we should. 

On that note, I was recently reading in the September issue of Marie Claire that only children “tend to work faster and have better vocabularies; they develop a confidence and self-contained quality.”  And further they get plenty of socialization from friends, activities and school.   No longer is being an only child a hindrance as others thought.  And you know what?  I have siblings, but my soul sister is my best friend.

And when it comes to sibling rivalry – Drake the Dog constantly steals her toys causing tumultuous temper tantrums.  Trust me.  I’ve been privy to many such displays.

Quote of Today:
“I have Jane’s sports shirt too” – Firefly reference.

Reaching For Nostalgic Pieces

Necklace – in Dominican Republic; Bracelet – F21; Dress – Stradivarius; Sandals – Zellers.

Had a rehearsal for Posthuman yesterday (check that out here).  It went really well and I’m excited about the shoot on Sunday.  Other than that, I’ve been crazy, hectic busy trying to get through my ‘To-Do’ list.  It feels like it just keeps getting longer and nothing seems to be getting crossed out.  I really wish there were about 39 hours in the day.

Since I’m slightly insomniac lately and therefore not functioning at optimum capacity, I decided to wear my favorite dress.  Wearing this dress always makes me feel better.  I got it in Barcelona, and wore it all throughout Spain; so whenever I wear it it brings me back to sunny days spent walking along the beach and enjoying menu del dias.  What’s your favorite nostalgic piece?

Quote of Today:
“I can feel the cavities!”

A Dinner Seven Years In The Making

Dress – Ruche; Shoes – Aldo; Belt – H&M.

As you know, I’m a polka dot fiend, but recently I’ve been loving the color red, so this dress was a perfect combination of an old obsession with a burgeoning new one.  And it’s comfortable too.  Oh and a tip, it packs well.  No creases what-so-ever.

So, Dinner was at the local music pub.  Not a fancy place, but one with a cool vibe and a live blue-grass player.  He had gray dreadlocks. Can we say cool A-ttitude

During dinner we had wondered what to do afterwards, but Mother Nature made the decision for us by providing a torrential downpour that made us quickly go back to the hotel room where we watched a movie and ate decadent chocolate! Mmmmm…chocolate…with cookies crumbs.

True Story:
Never give your child oatmeal with fresh blueberries while she’s wearing a white shirt…and insists on feeding herself. 
*le sigh*

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