Shirt – thrifted; Jeans – Mavi; Sandals – Zellers.

It’s so hot and humid here, I can barely stand it.  But I’m trying every which way I can to stay cool.  That may or may not include wearing as little clothes as possible in the house – I’m not going on record as saying anything!

I picked up the white shirt above in NYC at a thrift store.  I’ve had my eye on this shirt from Ruche, but when I found something similar for only about $9 I was sold!  I love how loose and breezy it is.  And yes, I’ve failed miserably in the ‘no shopping’ department when I was in NYC.  But hey, it’s NYC.  And generally, I’ve gotten a lot better.  Not great, mind you, but better.

Oh and guess what?!?  I’ve finally made my official appearance in the web series I’m working on.  And I’m a suspicious character in black.  Love it! Check out the latest episode below, and go here to see previous episodes and behind-the-scenes.  Let me know what you think!  *but be nice/constructive please*