Category :Looks

Feminine, Flowery, and Flirty!

Shirt &Skirt – F21; Belt – AE; Shoes – Payless; Earrings – ?
I love being feminine, flowery, and flirty! 
And I love an older silhouette.  This makes me think of something my grandmother would wear when she was younger, but that’s what I love about it.  Flowers and lace are kind of a timeless thing.  The key is to have some bright color and a creative way of tying a belt to make it seem young as opposed to ‘granny.’
Want to hear something crazy?  Right after these pics were taken I ran upstairs to wash my face.  Turns out I put on expired sunscreen and was having a reaction to it.  Yikes!  Not cool.  So my face is a little pink today.  Kind of matches my outfit.  C’est la vie. 
One last thing, if you have 3 minutes check out my demo reel here.  Let me know what you think!

My Brain Makes No Sense Today

You can’t see but my nails are a pretty ballerina pink!

Cardi & Belt – Zara; Dress – H&M; Tank – ??; Shoes – Payless.

Sorry, but my hair is wet and unstyled in these shots!  I had to head out and I needed to take pics ’cause I knew I wouldn’t get a chance to later.  So that’s my excuse.  Lame, I know.  But there it is. 

Don’t you hate summer colds?  It’s warm and nice outside *well, maybe not today* and you’re stuffed up and headachy.  Kinda sucks.   Well, that’s where the whole Fam is today.  Yup, we’re all sick.  Well, maybe not Drake the Dog, but he eats poop so he probably has the immunity of a cockroach. 

I’ve got an activity planned for Husband and I.  It’s something that I’m instituting and I’ll tell you about it once he knows.  It’s only fair that he should hear it first.  So you’ll just have to check back. 

Also, check out what a professional *not really, but that’s the funny part* I am on set here.

Okay, this post is random and all over the place, but that’s just where my head is at today.  can’t think straight or in coherent ideas and transitions.

So I’m gonna go eat gluten-free pizza. 
*yes, I’m just that wild ‘n crazy*

K. Bye.

A Room With A Few…Ladies

Cardi – F21; Dress – Ruche; Belt – AE; Socks – MacGregor; Boots – Town Shoes.

This dress from Ruche is perhaps one of my favorite in my entire closet, and that’s saying alot considering how many I own.  But I love how easy it is to throw on and how feminine it makes me feel.   Plus, it’s wonderful because there’s lots of breathing room so on those days when you don’t feel up to scruff it’s very forgiving.  And the little tulips and the ruffles make me feel pretty!

I tried a Tai Chi class today *which I’ll be blogging about tomorrow* and afterwards headed over to a girlfriends house for a ladies tea party. 

Christine (left), and Victoria (right) our wonderful hostess.

My small plate of treats and cup of tea with the tray in the background.

I had a wonderful time snacking on delicious homemade goodies – gluten and sugar free too!  But I have to say the very best part was hanging out with the wonderful ladies who came.  It’s amazing to be in a roomful of such talented, smart, witty and caring ladies.  What a blessing!

Hat ‘o Glory

Husband was impressing me as you can tell.

Hat – F21; Cardi – H&M; Top – AE; Jeans – Guess; Loafers – Town Shoes.

Here’s an outfit I wore a few days ago for a nice little stroll around our neighborhood.  I haven’t had an opportunity to post it yet, and I didn’t want to leave it too long, you know? 

I love hats.  They’re my latest obsession, before that it was scarves and this season I seem to not be wearing many scarves.  I’m sure I’ll go back to them soon.  I tend to swing like a pendulum from on extreme to the other.  Soon, all my outfit posts will feature scarves!  Okay, maybe not all.

I’ve got a fun Saturday planned and I’ll share that with you all of course.  But for now, check out some more shots of my Posthuman shoot over here.

Happy Saturday!

P.S.  I’m so relieved that Baby’s fever broke and that now she’s sick but obviously getting better.  *breath of relief*

Blowing Raspberries

Glasses & Dress – F21; Flip Flops – Abercrombie&Fitch.

I love this dress for two reasons: one, it’s cotton and therefore breathes on a humid day, and two, it has a great pattern that hides all the food stains I get from Baby.  Oh and a third reason!  It has pockets – always good to throw in little things you need, like teething medication. 

And while we’re on the topic, why does teething have to be so darn hard and trying….for the parents I mean?  I’m not sleeping, and I spend the whole day carrying/holding/cuddling a sucky, whiny baby.  It’s rough I tell ya! 

And no, I can’t imagine it’s fun for her either.

True Story:  Baby latest favorite thing is to blow huge raspberries on my leg or arm.  She did it for five minutes straight yesterday, and afterwards my leg was soaking in drool.  Ahhh, the joys of parenthood:  drool soaked body parts.

Sometimes I’m A Little Weird

Glasses & Shoes – F21; Dress – AE; Earrings – Walmart; Belt – thrifted; Watch – gift from Husband.

Do you know what I love?  I love fatty protein shakes.  Weird, I know.  But I love making *soy-free, dairy-free* shakes with a huuuuuge dollop of almond or cashew butter.  It’s absolutely wonderful post run or after a Kung Fu training session.  And sometimes *perhaps today* I love to throw in some strong iced coffee into it and have it for breakfast.  It’s so thick and creamy and it perks me right up!

But enough about food.

Last night, I  had a rehearsal for Posthuman *read about that here* The above outfit was what I wore to said rehearsal *which is soooo not appropriate for the character I play, but whatever*  Anyway, it was hot and humid, and by the time I got to the bus stop *a two minute walk* the entire area around my belt was wet with sweat *gross!!*  So, for the duration of the bus and subway ride I removed the belt and hoped that things would air out.  They did, so I just kept the belt off.  And I forgot about it until we were just about to leave.  I probably looked a little weird pulling a belt out of my purse suddenly and putting it on.  But I wanted to wear it as soon as I remembered ’cause I thought it was cute!

Garden Walking

Yes, that’s bok choy in my hand.

Tearing off some parsley.
Shirt – Talula (thrifted); Skirt – Smart Set; Flip Flops – Abercrombie&Fitch.

It’s been really hot here lately, and though I’m not complaining, it is a little rough on Baby.  During the day she’s fine, but during the night she’s so hot she can’t sleep.  Which means that she cries.  Which means we can’t sleep.  That’s the only thing that I have a beef with in terms of the heat.

Any tips on staying cool?

It was so nice, that we decided to all go for a walk down the Humber River.  We didn’t get very far before Baby got fussy and we had to turn around; so in all, we were out for just over an hour.  But here’s some of what we did see:

Air Conditioning Overkill

Necklace – F21; Earrings – somewhere in Europe; Tank – thrifted; Sweater – Costa Blanca; Cargos – Esprit; Shoes – Rocketdog (Winners).

You know one thing I don’t like about summer?  The studio becomes crazy air-conditioned, so that even on the hot, hot days I have to wear *or bring* a sweater and have my legs covered.  I’m not a fan of such strong air-conditioning; the environmentalist in me gets livid at the use of energy.  But that’s the reasoning behind this outfit.  It was light enough to wear outside, and with the pants rolled up, it allowed me to stay cool, while at the same time the sweater and the fact that I could roll down my pants kept me warm once I got to the studio and settled in for the evening live on-air shift. 

And I have to say it was a great shift in that we aired some fabulous movies and and I had a lot to say.  I also said some silly things, but hey, I’m a nerd what can you do? 

Sunday Can Be Arresting

Hat&Sunglasses – F21; Shirt – Smart Set; Shorts – Jacob; Sandals – Zellers.

It was very hot yesterday *yay!!!*  I wanted to wear long pants to cover all the bruises on my legs from the music video shoot , but seeing as that was just not possible I opted for Bermuda shorts.  They didn’t cover everything, but there was no way I would’ve made it through the day with long pants.  I spent a lot of time walking that day, and among the parks and shops and people cycling, I saw the other lovely sites of a large city:  someone getting arrested right in front of me and about three cop cars parked right there dealing with it.  Like I say, summer brings out the crazy in everyone.

What did you do with your Sunday?

Mother Nature You Have a Twisted Sense of Humour

Dress & Cardi – Ruche; Belt – F21; Boots – somewhere in NYC.

Guess what??  It’s cold and rainy here…again.  What are you gonna do right?  The weather was not going to stop me from wearing a pretty dress.  But I didn’t last long in it, so I’m going to have to wear this again sometime.  Maybe when my legs aren’t covered in goosebumps.

Regardless, it’s a lazy day.  I watched a movie while Baby played on the floor in front of me.  Now she’s sleeping and I’m going to watch Big Bang Theory season 4.  *Sheldon and I are soulmates*

And I’m trying to convince Husband to order take out for dinner.  It feels like a take-out kind of day.  

Now if only I could decide: pizza or chinese???

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