Category :Just Baby

Saturday Smiles: This Girl

It’s great to be back with my little munchkin, even though she is being extra whiny and clingy lately. I think that’s my fault for disappearing on her for ten days.  Hopefully, she’ll forgive me soon and trust will be reestablished.

This week I’m smiling because of:

1. This lovely girl – precocious, smarty pants, and already loving dark, bitter coffee.  The screams when I try to take it away from her?  Oh dear!
2. Thai take-out – the cold I’ve been keeping at bay with adrenaline has finally hit me full force leaving me wanting hot, starchy take-out.  Yum!
3. My tablet – letting me read all three books of The Hunger games series in the last week and a half!

What made you smile this week?

Saturday Smiles: Yogurt Face

It’s been one hard week.  I’ve been sick as a dog.  I actually had to miss an event I’ve been really looking forward to because of it.  Poo!  Anyway, it hasn’t been all bad.  Here’s what’s brought a smile to my face this week:

1. Mint tea to soothe the savage throat.
2. Husband giving much needed comfort when you’re sick.
3. My little purple yogurt face!
4. All the amazing people who’ve voted for me on Circle of Moms!  Keep it up, once a day please.  Just click on the icon and find ModaMama then vote!  It’s that easy. 
Your support means so much to me!

Random Sundays: High Spirits

We’ve all got a bad case of the cold, but at least we’re in high spirits!
Happy Sunday.

Random Sundays: Baby Mornings

I’m crying!  Heeeeeello I’m crying!  When is someone going to come get me?  I’m not going back to sleep, I’m up and I want you to com get me!!  It’s Elmo time!

Finally, he comes into my room to get me, she’s probably still sleeping.  Sheesh.

Okay seriously Dad, what do you think you’re doing?  Would you like to be plunked down on a cold futon and have your pants taken off first thing in the morning?  Dude, it’s cold!  I don’t want my bum changed, I don’t care if I’m soaking wet.  It’s cold and I don’t…seriously??  Now you’re taking off the rest of my cozy PJs, are you nuts?!?!  No I don’t want to get changed.  No I don’t want to put on cold clothes, what was wrong with those?  Fine.  You suck.  I’m going to suck my thumb and give you a dirty look while you finish this whole “getting dressed” business.

You done?  Good.  Pick me up, you know where to go.  Aaaahh, that’s right: warm milk and Elmo’s world is the perfect way to start your day.  I think I’ll sit here for a while. *two second later*  Okay, that’s enough of that.  Time to get on with the day!

I wonder if my toys are still the same?  I better empty every box and open every toy just in case there’s something new there this time.  Nope. Nothing new.  Okay, well, I’ll just double check….everything.   Oh hey, she’s up, I better cry and whine a lot to let her know I love her. Hey, I’ll do that smile thing she likes so much.  There we go, she likes it!  Maybe yank on her PJ pants just to make sure she knows.

Drinking and Driving.

Huh?  Breakfast? Yeah, I guess I could eat.  No, I don’t want the broccoli in the scrambled eggs, or the eggs, I’ll just have the toast and sausage today, thank you! Look I can eat all by myself, I even feed the dog by ‘accidentally’ dropping stuff.  Hey, yours looks even better.  Oh, and hey that’s that adult-not-for-kids coffee stuff.  I like that! I’ll just help myself to some of it before you notice.  Time to play, you do the clean-up.  Hey, where do you think you’re going?  You can’t use the toilet without me!  I need to be there and make sure you don’t fall into that big round white thingy. 

Look checking your email and reading those ‘blogs’ is really boring, so here I’ll pull you away and show you where the real action is: watching my color, or wiggle my bum to music, or even better, you get to watch me play with my toys!  Look how funny I am, you laugh every time I do.  And you’re constantly saying how cute I am, so you really must love to do nothing except watch me play with my toys.  I know, I’m awesome.  Yup!

Betch ya didn’t know I’ve got super powers.  When I put my blankie over my face I disappear!  I can hear you’re worried about me, and looking for me, but don’t worry, I can come back, see? And go again.  And come back. And go again… *several hours later* … And come back again. And go again.  And come back again.

Nap time? Why are you so happy all of a sudden?  Grab my blankie, and pick me up. Good Mama.  Where’s that thumb?  Oooh, I love that curvy spot where your neck meets your shoulder, maybe I’ll just nuzzle right in there.  Yeah, that’s nice.  Cuddles are good.  *yawn* Ah yes, it’s song time…I like it when you sing ’cause I can sing along too.  What?  Okay g’night.  Love you too….

Merry Christmas!

Baby played with all the fabulous toys she got last night, but this one was decidedly her favorite…for now.

Honestly, I wish I knew….

Baby’s very eco-conscious at even this young ripe age.

I still don’t have any clothes, so I’m wearing a hand-me-down sweater I nabbed from my mama, and the icy blue scarf my sister got me for Christmas.  Isn’t it lovely?

Drake the Dog pretty much pouted the whole day.  Until he got to go to the dog park, then her pouted again.

Hope you are all safe and happy!  I’m stuffed with lots of good food.  I think I might burst, then again I might just go and have some chocolate….who knows.

Christmas Eve

Baby loves fruit smoothies!

Me and my darling sister.

While I was busy packing everyone else – Baby, gifts, house etc.  I totally forgot my own clothes hanging on the hanger in the closet.  So all I had was my jeans, and belt, and had to raid my Mom’s closet for the rest.  Necessity breeds creativity.

Sweater&Top – my Mama’s; Jeans – Gap; Belt – F21; Shoes – didn’t need them.

Christmas Eve dinner with my Mama and beautiful sisters!
Baby was so excited and surprised with all the gifts!

The aftermath.

Baby got this cute toque for X-mas, but didn’t want to wear it, so I put it on instead.

Some Things About My Baby

Baby’s got quite the daily activity list!  And she’s developing some very fun likes and dislikes. 
For example, she likes to play with my boots, and shoes, and sandals. 
I feel she’s going to have more pairs of shoes than I do.
Oh my!

She also loves to point out her ears, hair, nose, bellybutton, and knees.  
The knees are a recent favorite…particularly pulling up my dress/pants to show me my knees.  
Just in case I forgot where they were.

Getting us to open the trash so she can throw things away is another cute phenomenon.  
I just hope this tendency to clean up after herself sticks around.
And there’s my personal favorite: cuddles with Mama.  
I’m a big fan of those myself.
And tonight?  Tonight it’s present opening time.  I can’t wait to see her do that!
Merry Christmas everyone!

Sliding Ducks And Muddy Babies

It was a beautiful day.  So we thought it was a perfect time to go for a walk around the pond…what were we thinking??

The pond has started to freeze over but you can’t tell because it’s so thin, so the ducks were coming in for regular landings only to be shocked and surprised that instead of being in water they were sliding on top of ice.

Then Baby, walking along, fell face first into mud. Oh no!  But she was fine and started getting up by herself only to plop down on her bum and then to tumble completely backwards…into the mud.  OH NO!!

Husband had to lift her out by grabbing one tiny fairly clean spot on her snowsuit.

First the ducks, then we had to clean her off….

We did the front too.

You should’ve seen the huge smile on her face.  She thought it was the greatest game!

Quote of Today:
“After Europe, I can sleep anywhere.”

Couch Potatoes

Yesterday Baby had vaccinations at the doctor’s office.  She took it like a trooper and was playing again not one minute after the shot.  But then in the middle of the night she cried, screamed, squirmed, and just plain carried on for almost three hours.  This morning there is one whiny, sucky, and tired baby in the house, and one tired and grumpy mama.  So we’re spending the day on the couch.  In our PJs.  With her blankie.

Tomorrow’s Daily Challenge:
Listen to a song from your childhood, or watch a movie from the same.

Random Sundays: By The Light Of A Dying Sun

It’s getting dark earlier and earlier now.  Our afternoon walk by the pond ends up being at sunset, instead of in the midday sun. Though the bright green and heat are gone, there’s still something very magical about the place.  Especially in the light of the dying sun. 

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