Category :Just Baby

Random Sundays: Her Mother’s Daughter

Baby is turning out to be just like her Mama.  She loves the treadmill just as much as I do! Don’t worry, she was under my watchful gaze the entire time.
I’m on set today for Posthuman, so this is the only post I’ll manage today. 
And check out a teaser pic of my new headshots here.

Random Sundays: Baby and I

You know I don’t post pics of Baby on this blog, but I thought since her face isn’t in this shot I would show you all how big she’s getting.  She’s crawling and standing and cruising.  And, of course, she’s getting into everything!!  She’s such a curious little munchkin.

That’s her blankie there in the picture…and it gives her comfort when she sleeps and when she tumbles (which she does a lot since she insists on standing and trying all sorts of new things).

And I love to see her big grin and little bum bounce when she’s dancing along to music.  So cute!

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