Category :Just Baby

Random Sundays: Can I Borrow These?

She’s starting early.

Random Sundays: Bikes or Bison?

A walk in High Park Zoo was the highlight for Baby Girl.  
But the animals had to compete with this bike that also caught her attention.

Random Sundays: Walk

Baby laughed and ran the entire way.  

Random Sundays:Kids Are Funny

My baby girl has been really cute and silly lately.
First, she insists on going into the sunroom, having me cover her with a handkerchief and close the door.  Then she pretends to be “sleepeez” for a few seconds, before she comes back in and has me do it all again.

And she found her baby seat recently.  Now it’s become the best lazyboy seat in the house for watching Elmo and Yo Gabba Gabba.

Kids are so funny!

Happy Canada Day!

Get outside.  
Have some fun.  
Happy Canada Day!

A New Kind Of DIY

Sunnies & Hat – F21
Dress – Ruche

Went to the wading pool with Baby.  Technically we weren’t allowed in the pool, but who’s going to listen to “technically” on such a beautiful day.  It was all fine and dandy until she slipped face first into the water and came up screaming from the fear.  She immediately lunged into my arms and I held a scared, shocked, and soaking wet toddler to me until she calmed down. 
In other DIY news, to cool down immediately hold a scared, shocked, and soaking wet toddler to yourself until she calms down.  Your whole front will be wet and cool for the next foreseeable future.
p.s. clearly the fall didn’t leave a lasting impression since all these photos were taken afterwards and there’s still a fierce wading pool determination in her. 

You’ve Come A Long Way, Baby

She got a tricycle for her birthday *which was yesterday* – and she loves it.  
Is it possible to sleep on a tricycle?
My, my, how far she’s come in two years.

No-Bake Chocolate Brownie Bites

I made gluten/dairy free Coconut Brownie Bites as a dessert recently because I was having an uncontrollable chocolate craving. *well, that’s not true, I can control it.  I just don’t want to*   As you can tell they were a hit with more than just me.

Healthy and delicious, she can certainly have these.  But just one…Andrew took her to the grocery store after and he told me she was totally wired.  Bouncing up and down in her stroller, singing, and talking non-stop.  I’m just glad she was with him and not with me,”I just gave her chocolate.  Here you go, she’s your problem now.”

If you want to make these easy no-bake treats you can go here.  Or if you’re lazy, like me, here’s the recipe quoted directly from her site:

Coconut Brownie Bites –

  • 10 pitted Medjool Dates
  • 3/4 Cup Walnuts
  • 1/2 cup cocoa powder
  • 2 Tbs Maple Syrup
  • 1/2 cup shredded coconut

What Do I Do?

  1. Use a food processor to pulse the walnuts into crumbs
  2. Add all other ingredients and blend until mixture forms a ball
  3. Form mixture into small balls and roll in coconut.

Random Sundays: Big Box Store

We bought a vacuum. She thinks we bought her a really big box.

Random Sundays: Major Props

Early birthday present from Grandma and Grandpa, coupled with an afternoon spent at the splash pad and park warrants some major props wouldn’t you say?

Mama and Dad, you guys done good! Keep it up.

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