Category :Just Baby

Stolen Hats And Playful Pats

I think this new toddler stage is my favorite.  There’s a new word almost everyday, a new action or discovery everyday, and more fun and games.  Mama’s hats are stolen and worn throughout the afternoon because they’re a lot more fun than her own, cardboard boxes are the ideal toys until they rip and a chorus of  ‘Uh-ohs’ commences with a lower lip stuck out further than I thought possible, and hugs and kisses are given freely and playfully complete with a tiny hand patting you on the back and a little nose nuzzling your neck.

Random Sunday: Little Drummer Girl

I think we’ve got a drummer on our hands.
There go my ears…
….and my sanity.

Random Sundays: Hair

Who knew she’d ever have enough hair for this?

By The Duck Pond

Spring time is here and that means we’re able to spend hours outside and by the pond.
Everyone’s loving it.

Nothing Sexier

…than a man who loves his daughter shamelessly.

Wrapped Up In A Rock

I don’t usually link up with challenges and things like that, but when the idea of photos based around faceless portraits was mentioned I instantly thought of this photo I snapped yesterday.  It captures my baby girl perfectly.  She’s inquisitive, loves nature walks, and always finds joy in the simplest things…in this case, a rock.  And finally, she’s fiercely independent.  She walks where she wants to, how she wants to and stops whenever she wants to.  Like here.

Mating Season Outside

Who’s walking who here?

Loving the ducks and geese!

Lil’ climbing monkey.

The beautiful weather allowed us so many opportunities to be outside this week.  I couldn’t get enough of it, and neither could my little babe.  She wanted to go out from the moment she woke up every day.  She would actively turn off the tv, get her hat and shoes, and push us towards the door.  So naturally, we’d oblige since I prefer her to be out doors rather than in front of a tv.

Her favorite are the ducks and geese at the pond.  But I believe we’re firmly in the mating season as the male geese are extremely aggressive.  She started to walk right up to one with no regard for the fact that it was hissing at her.  I jumped in there right away – to stop her and to show the goose that I’m dominant and get it to stop hissing.  Man, that could’ve gone badly.   Figures, a male showing off for the ladies!

Happy Sunday!

In Case You Miss Something

Getting the yard ready for spring, cleaning out the house, and generally decluttering.  All while giggling at this little independent, smart, and stubborn little girl.  She loves to go outside, and she loves to help, whether you want her to or not!  She’s definitely a riot. 

True Story:
Andrew put together the patio table with a wrench.  
Once he was done, she grabbed the wrench and went over all of his work.  
You know, just in case he missed something.

Smiles: Fearlessness

Here’s what has me smiling this week:

1. The beautiful weather that allows so many days spent in the park.
2. The fearlessness of my little babe going down slides, running up stairs….
3. The strength and health of my heart to take all her fearlessness.
4. The tea shop by my work that almond milk as an option. 

What made you smile this week?

Random Sundays: Toys

Mama, this is the greatest toy ever!
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