Category :Just Baby

Random Sundays: Babies Are Hilarious!

 They find the strangest things funny and exciting, like sitting under chairs and wearing Daddy’s big shoes.

Baby and I are sick right now.  So we’re resting. Just a bad cold, but it’s got us down.

Random Sundays: Body Slam!

It’s a beautiful Sunday here.  And I’ve spent the day gardening – did you know my skin is allergic to tomato plants?  I didn’t.  But I get a hug rash on my arms after pruning those plants.  The best part of my day is always taking Baby to the park.  She loves to crawl, climb, peek, and touch.  And she loves it when there’s other kids there.  It’s the most fascinating thing to her – other kids. 

True Story:
Baby does full out body slams on us.  We lay on the bad, ground or couch.  She comes over, stands near us, raises her arms and full one throws herself on top of us.  It’s hilarious!  And each time we cheer, “Body Slam!”

Baby’s Labour Day Weekend

Some good eats.

A huge new vaccum to play with.

Lots of walking and lounging by the pool.

And a new game of opening and closing the screen door. 
True Story:
Went to the Doctor’s today with Baby *she’s fine* Had to get her naked for the exam.  
Stripped her down to her diaper, but she really wanted to walk around.  So I put her socks back on.  Result?
Naked Baby in socks walking around the whole doctor’s office.

Our Dishwasher

   Baby loves to help load the dishwasher.  She’s very fascinated by the whole endeavor.

The dishwasher from Joanna Haughton on Vimeo.

I’ve got an outfit post coming up real soon too!

Babies Have The Perfect Curls

Honestly, what is it with kids and their perfect hair?  
It seems that every child I see has the perfect mop of hair – be it straight or curly.   
When do we lose that trait?  
And can we please get it back?

Mama! It’s My Turn!

Baby complained to me today.  She’s upset that while I constantly write about her in this blog, she never gets a chance to share her own voice with you.  So, being the magnanimous mother that I am, I’ve allowed her to share what a typical day in her life looks like.  Enjoy!

Day in the life of Baby from Joanna Haughton on Vimeo.

*she can’t talk yet, so she didn’t actually complain*

Forget Bachelor Pad, Splash Pad’s Where It’s At!

The great thing about having kids is that you get to see everything fresh – through their eyes.  You get to go back and experience a lot of pleasures that have been forgotten along the way.  One such experience came along for me when we took Baby to the splash pad.  The squeals and screams of excitement coming from her were so joyous!  When the water would disappear she would stop, look at it very seriously, look at us, then back down and wait.  And wait.  And then the water would suddenly start up again, and she would wriggle and wave her arms and squeal in excitement!  Of course, when she put her face right up to it and got a nose full of water she was less than impressed, to say the least.  She reached for me, and after being safely secured away in my arms, gave that sprinkler a stern scolding.  I could tell.  I’ve heard that tone of voice before.  That sprinkler was given a strict talking to.

But neither she, nor it, learned their lesson because the whole event was repeated less than five minutes later.

Honestly, I think this is one of my favorite memories from the summer!

True Story:
I recently had about 500 business cards printed.  
How do I know there’s that many? 
‘Cause they’re all on my living room floor currently.  
Quality control via Baby.

Morning Routine

There’s a routine in this house. 
It’s morning, just after breakfast actually.  
Baby heads for the patio doors, maneuvers the two steps down to the patio.  
Expectantly she throws her right hand in the air, reaching for what she knows will be there.  
Cute pudgy fingers close around my hand and up she gets on her two feet.  
Then comes the long walk down the length of the backyard.  
She’s unfazed.  Determined. She has a purpose.  
Finally she reaches her destination.  
She makes sure things are the way they’re supposed to be.  
It’s changed a little.  
The tomatoes are riper, and today we pick a few.  Oh, there’s a weed.  We should pull that.  
Any green beans ready?  No.  Maybe tomorrow.  
Her observations complete, she heads back into the house.   
Only to return tomorrow.

Why Have Expensive Toys…

 …when really all you need is a blue box.

With wonderful new toys inside.

 But she’s not the only one who wants this new toy.

See Drake the Dog running off with the toy.
Cue Baby crying like a banshee.

I’ve been away on an anniversary getaway.  That’s why it’s been quiet here. 
But I’ll be letting you know how that went very soon!  

Barefoot In The Park

To take advantage of the beautiful weather, we decided to stroll on over to the playground.

The first time Baby went down the slide of her own free will and volition.

The whole affair was followed by big, proud grins!
And Drake had a wonderful time mucking around in the mulch.  He’s happiest when he’s a mess!

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