Some days it’s even messy.
And I have to share this post from Rose a la Mode with you guys. She put me on her list of ‘cool people’ and had me blushing.
Random Sundays are usually just that, random. But regardless, I always prefer a theme. Today’s post is all about babies – my babies to be specific – and all the hijinks they get into.
First off, remember how I told you that Baby climbs her stroller? Well, I finally manged to grab a few shots of that intrepid adventure.
Now you see why I have to watch her allllll the time. The second I turn my back she’s off to scale the stroller, or the high chair, or anything she can.
And here’s how my other babies are doing. *despite my heretofore black thumb*
Since we’re on the subject of food. I finally cooked something for the first time since we moved into the house *over a year ago*. That’s right. I made spaghetti. From scratch. Sort of. I used rice pasta and a pre-packaged tomato sauce *gasp! don’t tell my numerous babies above* But the rest – meat, veggies, etc. – I made myself. All by myself.
Baby loved it!
Then my other baby, Drake, helped himself to dinner as well. He did double duty really; ate dinner and helped me clean Baby’s tray at the same time. Ambitious little multi-tasker!
Baby is really killing me with her smartness and cuteness! First off, this morning while watching cars go by what did she do? She gave Drake the Dog a big hug while they stood at the door. Of course, right after she proceeded to knock him down and smack him in the head, but still the hug came first.
And she may not be walking, but she knows that we hide the remote behind the couch and under the pillows and so that’s the first place she looks now. She’s figured out how to climb her stroller to get to the cup holders at the top. *the only reason I don’t have a pic of this is because I was spotting her* And she’s also figured out that if she stacks my DVD binders she can use them to climb higher. *yeah, I’m not impressed by that one*
And yes, she continues to remove every single shoe from the shoe rack.
Yesterday was Baby’s first birthday party. We kept it very small and made it a simple BBQ. And that was absolutely perfect!
Goofing off with Auntie Emily. |
Me and my Mommy! |
I can’t believe she’s one already!
Baby and I went for a walk to the bank today. It’s a simple and rather mundane walk, but today I went out focused on trying to see the fun and pretty things on the way.
The first thing I saw was this awesome cement truck, No, you’re not imagining it – it’s pink!
Then I noticed a cute habit that Baby has developed. When we’re walking, instead of leaning back and enjoying the sights, she always sits straight up in her stroller and holds onto the tray. This is her go-to walking position – perched on the edge of her seat. She’s gonna be a go-getter that one!
I also noticed some fun building art.
And finally, after our walk, Baby shoved herself into the smallest, most awkward place in the room. Why? I don’t know.
Sometimes, I don’t get that kid. But I love her.
As I mentioned, today is Baby’s one year birthday. This morning as I cuddled Baby on my lap I was complaining that she’s no longer a baby, she’s a toddler now. And I’m lamenting the fact that she’s no longer a baby. But then Husband immediately informed me that she’ll always be my baby. So Baby she is and I’m sticking to it.
As a family we all headed out and bought a gluten-free cupcake that we shared over iced tea at Starbucks. She loved the yummy lemon icing and the dough, but after a while I think she had enough of the sugar. So Husband decided to valiantly *ahem, ahem* finish up the cupcake for her.
Only after this pic was taken did I informed him that he had lemon icing on his mouth. *tee hee* |
We then headed over to the park where Baby had a swing. It’s a recent discovery for her, and every time I put her in it she cries for a split second unsure of whether she likes this. But then she grins and giggles and enjoys herself. Every time.
At the park, Drake the Dog made quite the impression on the ladies. Not only did he attract the attention of the female dogs, but he also had quite the groupie following of little girls on the playground. The kid is a chick magnet!
He’s such a player! |
Reading light, remote controls, Drake the Dog, and a piece of wood. |
Toysrus? Forget it! Walmart? Who Cares! These are Baby’s favorite toys: a reading light, remote controls, the dog, and a piece of wood. The Wii remote is especially alluring since we usually keep that out of her reach; so, on the off chance she sees it lying around she bee-lines straight for it! She loves the swirly nature of the light and the dog is fun to pull, poke, prod and generally annoy. As for the piece of wood? Your guess is as good as mine on that one!