Category :Brown

That Little Bit of Joy

Baby *do you mind if I call you baby?*, it’s Monday, let’s get out there and kill it today, shall we?

Kicking The Habit

Ola beautiful people! It’s sunny, and getting warmer by the second. So I’m slowly coming out of hibernation. But first, before I do anything. I’m cutting my coffee/tea intake drastically.

Small Changes

Do you ever find yourself with something that you loved,

Parisian Stripes?

I rarely, if ever, wear stripes. It’s just not my thing.

Get Your Coffee, Do The Work

Sometimes you just need to get a coffee from your favorite coffee shop – holler holler at SuperCoffee! – and get shit done like the boss lady you are.

The Tale of a Traitor

Let me tell you the tale of a traitor. 

Sick in The Head: Book

Time for another book recommendation. Judd Apatow’s “Sick in The Head.”

You Win Some, And Some Dresses Fall Apart

So I’m a bit bummed. Gotta say.

Choose Growth, Don’t Settle Into Mediocrity

“The human animal, like others, is adapted to a certain amount of struggle for life, and when by means of great wealth homosapiens can gratify all his whims without effort, the mere absence of effort from his life removes an essential ingredient of happiness.” – Bertrand Russell

Those Chords, They Play My Soul

Stones. The Rolling Stones. Have you listened to Blue and Lonesome yet?

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