Category :Brown

Sometimes I Just Can’t Help Myself…

…I get into political twitter conversations

Not Very Happy

Why? ‘Cause I said I wanted to quit coffee….and he kept me to it.


You know it may be a silly joke, one that’s been taken too far on Grey’s Anatomy,


So just to go off yesterday’s post. Just so you don’t think my world is falling apart or anything. I’ve got a little story today. 

A Day Alone in Charlottetown

Though this was a vacation, there was a reason behind it: he had to work one of the days.

Imperfect Photos

Today I’m talking about photos.


I mentioned a while back that I’m working on growth in terms of self love and feeling beautiful.

Just a Few Things I’ve learned. It’s Not A Lot.


So We’ve Gone Vegan…..again

Yup, that’s right. We’ve gone vegan again, for the health factors, the environment factors, and the animal factors.

How Do You Rejuvenate?

Just a chill day doing chill things.

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