Following up on yesterday’s post. The mental and emotional journey was staggering over the last month. I spent a lot of time crying, and feeling sad. I was terrified that it would be a chronic or long term condition which had me really blue because all I saw were the things that I wouldn’t get to do.
Then came a point where I suddenly saw my old life (what came before this illness) and what I had, and was incredibly grateful for that. I had so much life, so much freedom, and so much to be grateful for. All I wanted was to get back to that. So once I started to feel better, I was excited that I would get that old life back.
And now, for all intents and purposes, I do. So that makes me happy. I have so much freedom to do what I love and have amazing experiences. But I do feel moments where the old downer thoughts – that I’m not booking enough as an actor or photographer – and the doubts – that I’m not good enough as a person, actor, photographer – try to creep back in. It’s hard. We all have a “Negative Nancy” as my naturopath calls her. And I know we all have our ways of managing her. I’m just trying to figure out a way to hang on to those feelings of gratitude and appreciation, rather than allowing Negative Nancy a megaphone.
How do you stay grateful? And what things do you use to keep Negative Nancy at bay?
Lena B, Actually
October 28, 2014I'm a firm believer that if we all threw our problems in a pile, there's a good chance we'd pick ours back up. I always make a point of focusing on the good… and I deal with the bad & not so good stuff as it comes. With everything we went through with Memphis' condition & diagnosis and my husband's meltdown and depression, I always knew things could be *worse* and we're only given what we can handle!!! I'm glad you're feeling better, it's so nice to see you back!! Chin up, take it one day at a time! Also… you rock! ♥
Joanna Haughton
October 29, 2014Thanks. Great advice
October 28, 2014Welcome back Joanna
i m glad that you feel better and wish you always live your life happily! 
Joanna Haughton
October 29, 2014Thank you Sarah! You're super kind
The Girl who Loved to Write
October 28, 2014Such fun pictures!
Joanna Haughton
October 29, 2014Thanks
October 28, 2014Welcome back, glad to hear you found something that works.
Regarding Negative Nancy, frankly I don't so much keep her at bay as just try to ignore here. Paying bills and fulfilling my obligations, and the fear of consequences should I stop those things, gives me focus.
Joanna Haughton
October 29, 2014Well yes, that does keep one focused. I guess I'm more referring to the negative thoughts about ourselves that can overwhelm us if we allow it. At least that's my experience
Cody Doll
October 28, 2014When I went through my problems with my stomachs, it was hard not to deal with negavite. I was always thinking how unfair it was. But I decided to keep a Thankful Planner. Everyday, usually at night, I think of at least one thing I can be thankful for. Sometimes it's as easy as "I was born with arm, or I can breathe air" Other days I have alot more. Writing down what I was thankful really helped me see what I really have going on.
I am glad to see that your doing better. This outfit is adorable on you too!
Joanna Haughton
October 29, 2014Oh totally! I spent a lot of my month thinking that too. It was almost impossible not to at some points. It really is very, very,very hard to focus on the positive, and I'm not very good at it. Just trying to do my best and that's all we can ask of ourselves right?
Cody Doll
November 8, 2014Totally!
Carolynn Markey
October 28, 2014you look so ready for an adventure! I have a negative nancy as well. I try to ignore her but it's not perfect. She gets me down as well!
Joanna Haughton
October 29, 2014Haha. Thanks. Indiana Jones in a dress? I think we're all really hard on ourselves. And I'm trying to not be so hard or judgemental of myself. But it's a tough road for sure