Category :Jackets

Kids and Dogs

Why is it that Kids and Dogs only want Mamas when they’re sick?

Sweet Jeans is Sweet!!

What’s better than really stylish second-hand clothing? When it’s customized just for you!

Slip Ups Happen

You’re doing your best; examining your behaviors, checking yourself, putting in safeguards, but then you buy something you didn’t mean to. Maybe you slipped emotionally, or fiscally. Whatever it happens.

Making the Choice for Sustainable Fashion: What Next?

Okay, you’ve made the choice to be sustainable in fashion. What the hell does that mean? Well, it means a lot.


It’s finally here. Spring.

Work Wear

Recently I had a contract that meant I was working everyday on set mostly.

Bronte Maple Syrup Festival, and Sand Cloud

Catch joy where you can, am I right?

Come Hell Or Highwater Sunset

Never one to sit still, the explorer needs to get out.

Out of Snowy Dodge

When opportunity calls, answer. And when it offers you a chance to get the hell out of snowy Dodge – go.

Who’s the Problem? And Other Thoughts On Conformity

I wore this on a day I hung out with a friend, and had drinks with some girlfriend’s in the evening.

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