Category :Maxis

Stubborn or Whatever

One thing you should know is that I’m a determined person.

That Lighthouse From the Brochure

Remember when I said we got a decent cup of coffee and some chocolate?

Beauty and Bounty – 5 Things You’re Grateful For

“It would be as though my hands and feet were suddenly untied, and life was pouring back in.” – Rumi

Workin’ on the Juju

Do you have a thing where you associate clothes with certain events or memories? No, just me? Cool.

Time At The Beach

The last few days we’ve spent a lot of time at the beach.

Among the Ruins

A short walk from the campsite there’s a set of old ruins.

Put On That Dress

I went camping last week, as you may know if you follow on insta, but that did not mean that I put away my pretty pretty dresses.

Just a Few Things I’ve learned. It’s Not A Lot.


My PhotoBomber

When you’re a mom who blogs about fashion, it means that you often have a ‘little helper.’

You Rock You

Dresses and boots, jeans and a leather jacket, and now knotted tees with a maxi skirt –

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