Category :Maxis

The Day After

You go out the night before, stay out late, have a great time, and the following day you are tired.

Sick in The Head: Book

Time for another book recommendation. Judd Apatow’s “Sick in The Head.”

You Win Some, And Some Dresses Fall Apart

So I’m a bit bummed. Gotta say.

Christmas Eve Family Dressing

Christmas Eve is the big deal for us Polish folks.

Winter (Almost) Whites

Yesterday I posted an honest and not so pretty post on Instagram, and the response from the community was so lovely.

I’m Dreaming of You…

Snow on the ground. But.

Choose Growth, Don’t Settle Into Mediocrity

“The human animal, like others, is adapted to a certain amount of struggle for life, and when by means of great wealth homosapiens can gratify all his whims without effort, the mere absence of effort from his life removes an essential ingredient of happiness.” – Bertrand Russell

Hugs and Friends, Oh And Twirling.

Why is it not okay to ask for a hug? Say you need one?

Shoot the Room, and Other Fashion Blogger Hacks

So that first day, that eight hours of walking day? Yeah, that day was the slow death of my fabric backpack.

Roller Coaster Week

Well, last week was super eventful, in a roller coaster sort of way.

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