Category :Maxis

Cognizant of Our Partiality

“Human experience is often a misleading guide to the true nature of  reality. Lying just below the surface of the everyday is a world we hardly understand.” – Brian Greene, The Fabric of the Cosmos

Speaking Up For What You Need

I don’t like to ask for help and ask for what I need.


The unexpected comes from nowhere – it’s why it’s called unexpected.


When going out to events that you have to dress up for a little bit, I like the LBD.

I Forget…


…to feed me sometimes.

Folk Rock ‘n Roll.

I sometimes feel that with the way I dress, I should be the front man for some sort of folk rock ‘n roll band.

Just In Case…

…you didn’t think I actually wore the things in my blog.

In the Air

As my girl goes back to school, to grade one, I’m reminiscing about the summer already.

That Dress Though

I’ve worn this dress a few times already.

Price Per Wear

It’s been a little too hot lately to wear a jacket, but I still brought it along.

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