Category :Looks

Challenging Ourselves

Sweater& Belt – F21; Dress – Vintage; Tights – Walmart; Boots – Threadsence.

First off, a big, huge, “Welcome!” to all my new followers.  Thanks for following!  You guys make me so very happy!  

I recently read on an article about the 10 Fall trends to avoid.  I do agree with some of it – namely the all-over feathers trend and the lacy catsuit.  I just think that looks silly.  But they suggest skipping leopard print because it’s last season.  My thoughts are, “So?”  Skirts were in last season too, does that mean we can’t wear them now?  Leopard is one of those things that never really goes out of style.  I do, however, always suggest keeping it to a minimum and not an all-over outfit because that just feels like too much.

Number two was all over pattern mixing because it’s hard.  Yes, it may be challenging to get the hang of pattern mixing, and you may have some bad outfits in the process, but this is a wonderful look.  And once you get the hang of it, it’s an unexpected way to spice up your wardrobe.  Plus, I don’t think you should skip a trend just because it’s something that challenges you.  How else are you to grow?  In fashion, or in anything, I say challenge yourself.

This is all in my humble style opinion of course.

For the month of November, I’ll be suspending the regular Quote of Today or True Story.  Instead, I’m starting a daily challenge.  Everyday, I’ll post the next day’s daily challenge – this gives you a little time to prepare.  I’ll be doing the challenges along with you.  They’ll be little fitness, emotional, and behavioral challenges.  

It’s okay if you can’t do them all.  And whenever you read the post, just count it as your tomorrow’s daily challenge, you don’t have to be on exactly the same challenge as me.  Just try!  I hope you’ll join me!  And I’d love to hear your experiences, so please leave a comment on how it went!

Tomorrow’s Daily Challenge:
Get outside your comfort zone.  Find a self-imposed rule/limitation and break it. *just make sure it’s not illegal*

Wonder Wonderful

Scarf – H&M; Cardi & Boots – Ruche; Jeans – Guess.

 I sometimes wonder why certain things happen to certain people.  I wonder why seemingly undeserving people get plenty of good things happening, while those who seem to work and persevere don’t get any breaks.  Why do you think that is?

I sometimes wonder if it’s God, fate, karma, or just plain luck and whether that holds any meaning to it.  Maybe there’s a plan *in that case, I’d like a peek at the blueprints* and maybe there isn’t.  Maybe it’s all just a crap shoot and some of us just plain end up with the long straw while some of us get the short straw.

Imagine we all got what we deserved.

Do you ever wonder?

True Story:
Sometimes it’s hard to get work done with two little munchkins.

Toward A Woman’s Heart

Hood/Scarf – Smart Set; Top – Everhart; Cardi – Aritzia; Leggings – Lululemon; Legwarmers – ?; Shoes – Payless.

Had a callback for a film.  It was a little weird, but hey they didn’t ask me to do anything compromising so whatever.  Hopefully I get it.  It’s a feature length film, and it would be really nice to get onto a set for a longer duration.  So fingers and toes crossed.

And when I got home, not only was there dinner waiting for me.  But!  There were also homemade chocolate chip cookies cooling on the counter.  Oh yeah.  Now that’s a man who knows how to get to a woman’s heart.

Well, diamonds work too.

True Story:
Baby now eats with a fork and spoon at the dinner table in a booster seat.  
No more high chair. 
She’s growing up!

Hair Please

Shirt – Smart Set; Sweater – Ruche; Jeans – Gap; Boots – Feet First.

 I miss my long hair.  I mean I really miss it!  And though I don’t regret chopping off all my hair last year at all – it was totally the right thing to do, I don’t have the patience to grow out my hair.  It takes too long.  So, I’m wondering about hair extensions.  I don’t really know anything about them.  So I’m reaching out to you guys.  What are they like?  What’s the maintenance?  Do they damage your hair?  How much do they cost?  I heard they can be a lot -which would be sucky since that’s not something I can spend a lot of money on – so it’s probably not gonna happen, but I thought I’d look into it anyway.  Anyone know anyplace in Toronto where you can get them cheap?

I’m a hair extension virgin.  So what are your thoughts?

Quote of Today:
“It’s all about the full mount on Halloween.”

To Trick or Not To Trick?

Dress – vintage from Etsy; Belt – Spotted Moth; Boots – Feet First.

With Halloween coming up, I’ve started wondering.  When should you take your kids out?  I’m not taking Baby out this year because she can’t eat the candy, she probably wouldn’t understand or appreciate it, and she’ll probably get overwhelmed and/or scared of the whole thing and all the frightening sounds.  I want to take her out when she can understand and appreciate the whole fun process and know that it’s not real – just fun.  But that’s where I’m coming from.  What do you guys think?  When did you take your babes out for the first time? 

And on the flip side, when do you let your kids go out alone?  I read this article in the Globe and Mail and found it quite interesting food for thought.  What age should we be trusting our babes out alone?  9,10, 11? Finally, when do you think the cut-off for trick or treating should be?  When are you too old to trick or treat?

These are certainly some things I have never considered before becoming a parent.  And now that I’m here, all these decisions are on my mind.  And I try to do what’s right for me, but it’s difficult to hold strong in the face of judgement from other parents who think that what they do is what everyone should do.  Have you experienced this during Halloween too?

Quote of Today:
“‘Cause everybody needs a good cape.”


Scarf – street stand; Jacket – Jacob; Bag – Matt by Matt&Nat; Sweater – F21; Dress – Ruche; Tights – Hue; Shoes – Clarks.

I saw this outfit on The Clothes Horse a while back and knew that since I owned the same dress I just had to recreate that look.  You know what they say about imitation.  But I wasn’t crazy about the color of her sweater for myself; it looked great on her, but I knew that it just wouldn’t feel right on me.  So when I found this poodle sweater on F21, I knew it was the perfect way to recreate that darling outfit.  And well, I had a certificate burning a hole in my pocket, so I made sure to snag it.  What’s funny is that the very day it arrived at my door, I saw Rose a la Mode wearing the exact same sweater.  Great minds, huh?  Anyway, I’ve been saving this outfit for a day when I get to go out for a bit, and I finally got the chance, so here it is!  Yeah poodles!  Yeah horses!  Yeah mixing prints!

This outfit was a hit with both the Moms and the kids that I help teach.  Cross-generational outfit?  yes, please!

Quote of Today:
“If I just clean it, it’s clean.”


Cardi – Jacob; Dress – Ruche; Belt – F21; Tights – Hue; Boots – Threadsence.

I told you I was a little obsessed with these boots lately.  I seem to be wearing them everywhere.  I do mean everywhere.  I think they go with everything.  And they’re really very comfy too.  Bonus!  Mixing this brown and gray combo was really second nature because they’ve always just seemed to fit in my mind.  I didn’t know that this was a ‘no-no’ until I read it a few years ago in a magazine.  Oh well.  Whatevs. I’m still gonna do it, along with navy and black, and black and brown.  To me these are easy neutral colors that all mix well.  Am I the only one who doesn’t understand why these mixes are ‘no-no’s?  What other stuff do you mix that you ‘shouldn’t’?

True Story:
Sesame Street spoofs True Blood with True Mud. 
Even spoofs the characters. Sookie. And Bill. 
Hil. Ari. Ous.

Rebellion Of Bad Mother

Look how cute Drake the Dog is!

Pin – c/o Blue Eyed Owl; Sweater – Jacob; Gloves – Ruche; Jeans – Guess; Boots – Petite Pieds.

When I get something I like, or simply when I remember that I like something a lot, I tend to wear it like mad for several days or weeks straight. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one. It’s happening with these boots, and it’s also happening with this set of pinwheel bobby pins you see in my hair that I recently received as well.

These pins have me addicted and obsessed. There’s something about the shape and movement in a pinwheel.  I think it’s a way to combat, nay embrace, the blustery winds we’re having here right now.  Or maybe their cheery colors are my small Spring rebellion against the grayness and cold of Fall.

True Story:
Baby has a cold.  Boo, yeah, whatevs.  Here’s the point:
When she sneezes her entire head goes forward at a great force. 
So standing beside me this morning while I make my tea, she sneezes. Hard.
And slams her head into the dishwasher. 
She cries.
I laugh. 
I’m a bad mother. 
tee hee.

Whimsy Of Yellow

Pins – c/o Blue Eyed Owl; Cardi – Gap; Dress – Ruche; Top – H&M; Belt – F21; Tights – Hue; Boots – Threadsence.

I’ve been eyeing the lovely shade of mustard yellow that’s so popular for fall.  It’s such a warm, rich color that is just so appealing.  But I can’t wear yellow. Or rather I don’t – not “can’t.”  If you put me in something yellow or yellow toned, not only does it wash me out, but I look like I have some severe stage of jaundice.  I think it’s the combination of my very fair skin and the olive undertones that run throughout it. So when Liz contacted me with the opportunity to select and try out some of her delightful handmade accessories I yipped with glee when I saw that the Mustard & Cobalt Pinwheel Bobby Pin set had just the yellow I’ve been craving.  And to top it all off I had just nabbed this belt for $3, so putting to two together just seemed to make sense.

These are beautifully made and I adore the whimsy of pinwheels in my hair.  It makes me feel like I’m going to have a soft breeze caressing my hair.   Her shop has some really pretty things, like these earrings and this lovely pin/ brooch.  I think it would look stunning as a decorative piece in a fun messy updo.  Personally, I’m pleased as punch that I can satisfy my yellow craving while avoiding looking like an extra on AMC’s “The Walking Dead.”


Jacket – Old Navy, Dress and Undertunic Ruche; Belt – AE; Shoes – Payless.

The thing I love about dresses is just how easy it is to slip them on and go.  I wore this outfit a little bit ago, when it was warm and just never got around to posting it.  This dress was one of my first purchases from Ruche, and it’s definitely a good decision.   I love how it’s feminine, comfortable and easy to wash *big bonus for a busy mama* But what I like most about it is that it always makes me smile.  It’s just not possible to be down when you have on a pretty pink dress with flowers all over it.

If you have a moment, check out my guest post over here.  I’m writing about all things vintage and thrifted.  I love me some cheap clothes!

True Story:
Baby grabbed a lemon and started licking it.  
Then making that sour face we all know.  
Then licking it again.  

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