Look how cute Drake the Dog is!

Pin – c/o Blue Eyed Owl; Sweater – Jacob; Gloves – Ruche; Jeans – Guess; Boots – Petite Pieds.

When I get something I like, or simply when I remember that I like something a lot, I tend to wear it like mad for several days or weeks straight. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one. It’s happening with these boots, and it’s also happening with this set of pinwheel bobby pins you see in my hair that I recently received as well.

These pins have me addicted and obsessed. There’s something about the shape and movement in a pinwheel.  I think it’s a way to combat, nay embrace, the blustery winds we’re having here right now.  Or maybe their cheery colors are my small Spring rebellion against the grayness and cold of Fall.

True Story:
Baby has a cold.  Boo, yeah, whatevs.  Here’s the point:
When she sneezes her entire head goes forward at a great force. 
So standing beside me this morning while I make my tea, she sneezes. Hard.
And slams her head into the dishwasher. 
She cries.
I laugh. 
I’m a bad mother. 
tee hee.