Category :Fringe

The Rest is Silence

“Now let silence speak. As than begins, we will start out.” – Rumi

That Freakin’ Munchkin

Seriously. She has the cutest smile, and a constant ‘why?’ 

Nothing But the Rhythm

Accessories are fantastic. Hats, necklaces, earrings, rings.

Call Me Sappy In A Fringe Dress

“Two objects can be far apart in space, but as far as quantum mechanics is concerned, it’s as if they’re a single entity. Moreover, because of the tight link between space and time found by Einstein, the quantum connections also have temporal tentacles.” – Brian Greene, The Fabric of the Cosmos

Wearing a Dress As A Skirt, But That Bag, Though

A cross body fringed bag? Yes please!


A simple shirt dress in a soft fabric.

Morticia Adams

Lately, there’s this obsession I have with white.


…I’m gone. Adios! I’m outta here.

Old Friends

There’s this beautiful thing that happens with long time friends.

You Don’t Have To Go Anywhere

“The world is full of things that are tragic or comic, heroic or bizarre or surprising, and those who fail to be interested in the spectacle that it offers are forgoing one of the privileges life has to offer.”
 – Bertrand Russell.

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