Category :Fringe

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Radio Silent, Sorta – Follow on Snapchat

Hey all. Love y’all so much. But in the interests of adventuring and living life and all that, I’m going radio silent for a bit.

Thoughts on Others Opinions on Fashion

“Become who you want to become for the person inside of you. The one you let out when no one is around…that is who I want to love.” – r.m. drake

To Be A “Great Man”

“Altogether it will be found that a quiet life is characteristic of great men, and that their pleasures have not been of the sort that would look exciting to the outward eye.” – Bertrand Russell.

Fancy For the Everyday

You know I’m all about the everyday.

Busy Days, Restorative Days

Yeah, all our days are busy. With work, errands, obligations, yadda yadda.

That Perfect Standby

Everyone is obsessed with the new.


My brain is pleasantly contented.


Everyone has their go-to, or rather a few go-tos.

Outdoor What?!

Hey all, are y’all ready to shed the layers? ‘Cause I sooo am.

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