Category :Fringe

A LadyLike Dress With a Touch of Sass

Dress – c/o Simply Dresses  //  Shoes – Call It Spring  //  Necklace – F21
There was something very appealing about choosing a Simply Dresses dress that contrasted so much in design and color.  The design is bold and sexy, and the rich chocolate color I chose is so demure that I think the whole piece strikes a great balance.  As always this dress is impeccably made. The material is so rich and the layers underneath fill everything out perfectly.  I particularly appreciate the bust support added to the front.  I’m not superbly endowed so I don’t have to have a special undergarment, but the touch of padding to shape the dress is an appreciated touch so as not to show too much.  It’s the little details like this that make me love the dress.
From the front, the dress is deceptively ladylike, and it’s not until you turn around to walk away that you leave a bit of sass in your wake.  I’d like to think it’s a great reflection of the sides of myself, ladylike and demure with well, another side to me as well.
And as always, you have to have a great cover all and shades for the after, after party.  Where ever that might be. 

MASH For Hard Times

Jacket – F21  //  Top – SammyDress  //  Jeans – Gap  //  Boots – Feet First  //  Necklace – H&M Icon Collection
Have you guys ever seen MASH?  I haven’t, but I’ve been watching it recently from the very beginning and I must say I love it.  The quirky, campy feel of it, especially considering the subject matter, hits a perfect note.  I think it’s especially applicable considering the tragedies that happen all around the world today.  Even in the worst places, and the worst times, joy and humor can be found.  They help us get through it. 
Thinking of you Boston.

Fringe in February

Sweater- C’est Moi via Trixie  //  Dress – 8000 Nerves via ModCloth  //  Tights – HUE  //  Boots – Feet First
Necklace – Threadsence  //  Belt – thrifted

So two things have happened.  One, I’ve gotten tired of February keeping me in pants with long johns or tights underneath.  And two, I finally got up the nerve to wear my ModCloth stylish surprise dress and in the middle of a frostbiting blustery day.  And I nearly froze my fingers off again taking these pictures.  So I guess that’s three things.

Pardon the wrinkled nature of the dress.  I did have it on all day with the babe, through the ordeal of forgetting items and running back to the house then back to the bus, and a test shoot with a very lovely lady.  While we’re on the subject of the dress, I love it.  It’s one of those pieces I never would’ve chosen myself but now it seems to fit seamlessly into the shifting aesthetic of my style. 

If you haven’t noticed ModaMama is moving ever so subtly away from sweet dressing and more into a boho style lately.  Maybe I shouldn’t say it outright, maybe that’s some bloggers faux pas, but I find myself drawing away from certain sweet items like Peter Pan collars in favor of fringe and loose fitting soft materials.  Who knows.  One thing I love about fashion is it’s ever evolving reflection of the changing nature of our selves. 

Hap Hazardly Thrown Together

Top- F21  //  Scarf – unknown  //  Jeans – Gap  //  Boots – Locale  //  Necklace – c/o Imprintalish
Andrew woke me up this morning and gave me about five minutes to get ready and come downstairs before he had to leave.  I’d showered the night before so it wasn’t the end of the world to just throw on clothes, but it was really challenging try to think about clothes when my brain was still in dream mode. *read: “I almost nodded off again sitting in front of my closet”* So I grabbed jeans and then just molested my closet frantically until something worked.  Turning 90 degrees, I was faced with this scarf and necklace hanging on my scarf rack.  The final step was to throw it all together.  
So the morale of this story is two fold.  One, it’s okay to molest your closet when you’re half awake because it won’t press charges.  Two, sometimes outfits are best when they are simply hap hazardly thrown together.  

When The Walls Come Down

Dress – Lace Affair  //  Sweater – Kensie  //  Fringe Cardi – Reverse 
Necklace – Threadsence  //  Tights – HUE  //  Booties – Walmart  //  Headband – The Trendy Owl
Sometimes the very notion of something fitted and something directly touching my skin and creating any friction is repellent.  On those days I turn to loose, flowing layers and gentle, soft fabrics.  If something must touch my skin it better be a soft and serene graze.
I don’t think it’s a coincidence that on those days I also reach for florals, cozy blankets, tea, and comforting books.   Sometimes our adult thick skin wears a bit thin and we need to feel safe and comforted.  A lazy walk with a cute little girl doesn’t hurt either.
True Story:
Andrew was working on fixing the window in Baby Girl’s room.  
She decided to show off by climbing into her crib.  Once inside she wanted out.  
Andrew, knowing she was well contained in there, kept delaying and putting her off.  
When he finally lifted her out of the crib and set her down.  
She looked him right in the eyes, gave him a big smile, and smacked him a good one on the arm. 
Then she ran off fully satisfied that he got his comeuppance.

Feeling It

Dress – MANGO
Jacket – old with no tag
Boots – Aldo
Sunnies – F21
Eagle Ring – Lulus
Bicycle Ring – Spotted Moth
Necklace – boutique in Montreal
Tights – H&M

Style and fashion is all about how you feel, and your attitude.  It doesn’t matter how gorgeous the clothing or how expensive the accessories.  It’s all in the swagger and the way you carry yourself.  That’s why when looking at these pictures I can’t convey to you that even though this outfit is so fun, exactly what I wanted, and I like it in the pictures, I didn’t like it in person.  That day I was missing the swagger.  The ‘tude eluded me and left me wanting.

That day, I feel the clothes were wearing me.  That’s my fault, not the clothes. My mistake was that I didn’t listen to my feelings and instead went with what I had decided in my head.  I wanted to wear the dress, which I love, but I was stubborn and didn’t pay attention to my gut.

Fashion is feeling.

Quote of Today:
“She’s yelling at Dora.”

Blissfully Ignorant

Top – Huh Boutique
Jeans – Gap
Shoes – Rocketdog from Winners
Earrings & Necklace – F21
My aesthetic seems to be changing yet again.  For a while all I could do was wear sweet dresses and very feminine innocent frocks.  Now I seem to be swinging back to more bohemian and edgy looks.  It’s something that’s been going on all my life: this constant swinging between these two particular extremes.  If you look in my closet at any given point in time you’ll see the split personalities of my fashion psyche.  
I’m wondering what that says about my personal state of mind, but sometimes it’s better ot to ask these questions, because I’m sure there’s an answer.  And honestly, I’d rather not know.  Ignorance is bliss after all.
True Story:
Andrew’s parents came over to baby sit, so I could go to work.  
Once they had arrived and settled she turned me around, pushed me and said, “Go! Go!”  
Apparently, I’m no superfluous when the grandparents are around.

The Tears Of Lucille Ball

Hat & Boots – F21
Necklace – c/o Scarlet Samples
Vest – AE
Dress – Lace Affair

First off, I finally managed to remember to take off my sunnies before pictures.  I know, I’m very proud of myself.  Patting myself on the back for this great accomplishment.  Hush you from the cheap seats…I’ve still got baby brain here *side note: can you have baby brain with a toddler? Oh gosh, I hope so! Otherwise I’ve got no excuse*  

Secondly, my friend Emily *she’s the one in the picture below* and I were told by a store clerk that we had “balls” for wearing big floppy hats like these.  I really like being told I’m ballsy. *In my mind they’re always comparing me to Lucille Ball.  Always. Without Fail.*  But I felt like a bit of a fraud because the motivation behind wearing my hat is totally anti-‘balls’  – I don’t want to expose myself to the sun.

Lucille Ball wept.

Quote of Today:
“They started eavesdropping when I said the word ‘nipple.'”

Fringe And Photo Shows

Earrings – ?; Necklace – F21; Sweater & Top – HUH; Pants – Gap; Boots – Feet First.

I nabbed these two tops from local Toronto designer boutique HUH.  She makes all her own clothes and everything is one of a kind.  So if you’re in Toronto, get your butts over to Queen St. West and nab some stuff during their huge winter sale before it’s all gone! 

And while we’re on the subject of sartorial treasures, can I say that I never thought I would love skinny velvet jeans, but I do!  I love these pants.  They seem to go with everything and I really like that they add this rich texture to everything.  It just makes every outfit feel just a little bit more special.  They were a sale nab as well.  Bonus!

 It was -25 degrees celcius outside when  I did these shots. And I did it just for you!  You see I wore this outfit to a recent photo exhibit by Joshua MacDonald
opening in which I was one of the models, but since I headed out in the
evening, I couldn’t get good outfit shots.  So I put this on a few days
later for some shots, and then immediately jumped back inside and into
warmer clothes. 

Posters for the show on the way in.

This is one of the nine photos on exhibit – and do you recognize the model???

Joshua is really talented.  One of his photos won a prestigious award in Ontario and he only just recently graduated!  He’s going to take the photography world by storm, and I’m so pleased that I got a chance to shoot with him.  This is one person I would work with any day of the week and twice on Sunday!

p.s. I’d love it if you checked out my latest photo shoot here.  Thanks a bunch!
p.p.s.  I had to turn on word verification on the blog. I was getting a lot of spam!  Sorry!

True Story:
Yup, she did that.  
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