There’s this beautiful thing that happens with long time friends. It’s a lovely kind of ‘cutting-through-the-bullshit.’ They’ve known you too long to let you get away with any new pretenses. They’ve seen you sad, and they’ve seen you happy. And though new friends give you the freedom to shed any baggage and to be who you are now, old friends know the journey you’ve been on. And if you’re lucky accept and understand it. And so after sixteen years you find yourself both giggling and crying on a coffee shop stool.
Dress – Gentlefawn // Cardigan & Sunnies – UO
// Tights – Hansel from Basel // Boots – Aldo // Bag – Target // Necklace – Top Shop // Leaf ring – Tiffany’s // Chevron Ring – ThreadSence
// Rest of rings – F21