Category :Fringe

Sartorial Rabbit Hole of Joy, or Lyst

I’ve recently been going down the best rabbit hole ever. And I do mean that. I’ve been spending time on Lyst. It’s seriously like a fashionista’s online Mecca.

Favorite Scarves


I have a few. Those standards go-tos. You know, the ones you reach for without really thinking.  Obviously, my Polish scarf is on that list. As is a gorgeous black one from Kish & Evie – you’ll be seeing that a lot this Winter.

But a new go-to is this tapestry scarf from HoneyBea. I found HoneyBea at the Port Dover Arts festival. She stopped me and asked about my dress, and we bonded over our mutual love of Spell & the Gypsy Collective. I fell in love with her stylings too. Very boho, but completely geared towards our cold Canadian climate. The cardigans are killer and I definitely want to add one to my wardrobe at some point. But at that moment in time, this tapestry scarf caught my eye.

It’s made from recycled fabrics, and stitched together with love and care. There’s nothing better than a beautiful piece that is locally made and recycled too.

The heavy structure of the fabrics makes it really warm, and the patterns all work well together to create a lovely neutral blend; so it can go with anything.





Tapestry Scarf –  HoneyBea  //  Top –SheIn  //  Jeans – Dittos via UO  //  Sunnies – F21  //  Boots & Purse – ThreadSence

*linking up with Trend Spin and Not Dressed*

Biker Gear


No trip to Port Dover, Ontario would be complete without picking up some kick ass leather halter.

It’s a beach town with a unique mix: hippie dippie types *my peeps*, retirement destination, and bikers. Friday the 13th – bikers from everywhere gather here, hence there’s a heavy influence on the town year round. I really loved seeing the surf shops and boho shops right next to all the biker bars, and bike shops. Just fantastic!

So what does that mean? It means I’m loving all the leather vests and biker gear, and could not leave without at least one awesome piece.

It had fringe, so the deal was done.



Top – On the Fringe Leather

All The Good Things


Something about sitting around a campfire with moonlight and starlight streaking down. With a lovely whiskey and good friends, there is perfection. I did that.

I had friends – loved ones – around a fire. Relationships deepened. Laughs were had. I became a marshmallow hero. It was beautiful, in that imperfect, not profound kind of way.

All I did was sit around a campfire with some people, some could say. But my love for them deepened. And I could convey a million words in simply holding my good friends hand and watching the fire burn the past.





Kimono – Spell Designs  //  Tee – Skyline Fever on Etsy  //  Shorts – Target  //  Necklace – Lustre Boutique in Montreal  //  Sandals – Threadsence

Chase You?


Remember the chase?  That whole chase between men and women. The whole dance of he moves, and you either move with him or shut it down.  I like that chase.

I know it’s not cool to say, but I like being chased. I like being wooed. I like when a man pursues and a woman agrees.  Here’s the key of course, it’s a dance, that means two. That means in the chase, the woman consents and agrees to the chase. It’s mutual. Consent. So with that firmly stated….I like the chase.

I like it when a man reaches for you. I like it when he moves to close the distance. Perhaps because I’m so strong and in charge in my life, I like it when a man can reach the same pace as me. When he can be strong and in charge, and I can let go.

‘Course sometimes it’s fun to be in charge too. Don’t get me wrong.
Just saying, I appreciate the chase.



Dress – Lace Affair  //  Earrings & Shoes – I forget  //  Bag – Target

The Dress I Didn’t Wear


This past Friday I had a friend’s dance party, to celebrate her birthday. Now, you know I love to dance, and I love me a great dancing dress. I put this fringed backless dress on thinking it would be perfect for the evening. I do love it. But after taking these shots, I came home and did the test. Always do the test. Test out what you’re wearing with what you’re doing. Why? Because I dislike fashion holding back my actions. I don’t want to be limited in my motion. I like the freedom.

So the test: I danced like I would for one song. During that time, the slip moved too much for my liking. It moved too far north, if you know what I mean. And that was after one song of dancing.

Nothing, not fire, not weather, not fashion will take dancing away from me. In this and all cases, if it doesn’t function, it ain’t happening. So, though I wanted to wear this, I decided that dancing all night with no worries was, and always will be, my priority.

What does this mean for the dress?  It means that until I manage to get an inch or two added to the slip, it’s a going out and hanging out dress. Not a dancing dress – that calls for some very specific requirements….which I’ll talk about in my next post when I show you what I did wear.

I know, you’re on the edge of your seats.




Here’s To Our Friendship Flaws


I have very imperfect friends. Some overshare, some drink too much sometimes, some say stupid things at the most inopportune moments, some can be harsh …basically they make mistakes and have flaws, and are human.

All of them are well meaning, and caring, and accepting, and honest.

I can tolerate a lot as long those things are present. Tolerate isn’t the right word. A lot of things don’t bother me because of the presence of the others – that’s a better way to put it. In fact, I count on my friends being imperfect, because that means that they’ll hopefully be forgiving of my own imperfections. Of which I have many, and I try to surround myself with people who will forgive me when I say/do something stupid at the most inopportune of moments knowing that I probably don’t mean it, because I’d like to think I’m well meaning, caring, accepting, and honest.




Tee – Thrifted  //  Kimono – Arnhem  //  Shorts – Spell  //  Boots – Aldo  //  Bag – Target  //  Sunnies – I forget

Days of Contentment

The last few days, I danced for probably seven hours combined.  It’s incredible how much energy and emotion is released into the world by the simple act of dance.  I’ve been saying it for years, “Dance it out.” And I always understood Meredith’s *from Grey’s Anatomy* need to have a 30 second dance party. There’s always a good time to dance. 
But more than that, I spent the weekend with the most wonderful people.  Friends, and peers, who despite everyone’s flaws, accept and respect each other. No judgement and no expectations, except for the desire to ‘suck the marrow out of life.’ 




Dress – Spell Designs  //  Boots – F21  //  Bracelet & Small gold ring – ThreadSence  //  Large Gem ring – small fair trade company  //  Flash Tattoos – eBay

Lush Green Trees and a Little Creek


Finding little places like this, low in a valley and hidden from the city, is like entering a secret garden.
Logically, I know that this place is frequented by many.
But emotionally, it feels like my own secret place.
Quiet and undiscovered.

It just begs and cries out for a little twirling and dancing.




Kimono – Spell Designs  //  Top – SheIn  //  Shorts – Target  //  Sandals – Threadsence  //  Hat – I forget  //  Necklaces – Vanessa Mooney and Monserat de Lucca

Yeah Baby!


That whole ’60s/’70s feel. That whole loose waves, fringe and mini dress thang.  All of that.  I’m in love.  There’s a party?  I’m bringing my fringe, backless, and curls to shake shake shake it off.  Yes, I threw a little Taylor Swift in there.  Because it’s all about being who you truly are in all your complex glory.

And this fringed hippie loves her a little Taylor.






Dress – Spell Designs  // Belt & Boots – F21 *old*  //  Sunnies – UO //  Rings – F21 and others *old*
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