Category :Fringe

To Dance

“I found that dance, music, and literature is how I made sense of the world…it pushed me to think of things bigger than life’s daily routines…to think beyond what is immediate or convenient.” – Mikhail Baryshnikov

Just Do

“Ah, life is a gate, a way, a path to Paradise anyway, why not live for fun and joy and love or some sort of girl by a fireside, why not go to your desire and Laugh…” – Kerouac

Too Much?

I was talking to a fantastic woman recently. She’s a friend and a colleague. We were talking about #metoo.

That Which Makes You Smile

Florals are fantastic for Spring, totally appropriate for Summer, nostalgic in Autumn, and absolutely necessary in Winter.

My Ears, Her Ears

It throws me for a loop to see things about me that I never liked all that much, look oh so cute on my girl.

This is a Profound Post About Caffeine

I haven’t had caffeine for about a day and a half. My head wants to explode,

Happy Murals

The local coffee shop, SuperCoffee, commissioned a mural.

Not Very Happy

Why? ‘Cause I said I wanted to quit coffee….and he kept me to it.


You know it may be a silly joke, one that’s been taken too far on Grey’s Anatomy,

Imperfect Photos

Today I’m talking about photos.

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