Dress 48: I Can Do Sporty, Right?

My trying to look bada@$…don’t quite pull it off do I?
Jacket – Jacob; Sweater – TNA; Dress – Flora and Fauna; Leggings – F21; Shoes – Sketchers.

I actually wore this dress two days ago, but haven’t had a chance to post it.  And since Husband is leaving for a few days I’m going to go hang out with him instead of writing another blog and editing.  You understand right? 

This was an impulse purchase ’cause it was an awesome indie label and on super sale. And at the time I was really into it,  but I’m kind of regretting it now.  I just don’t think it’s quite me and I don’t think that I’m a sporty casual dress kind of girl.  Does that even makes sense?  Anyway, since it is well done and an indie label, I think I’m going to pack it away for Baby when she’s big enough to wear it.  It’s a shame to waste such a great make and I feel bad just giving it away.  So trash, stash, or save?  Stash…for Baby.  *Though I might be tempted to give it away if someone were really eager…maybe* 

Another look that just doesn’t work on me:  Animal print.  I just can’t pull it off.  I know fashion is all about breaking out of comfort zones and I’m all for experimenting, but there are just some things that you know aren’t you.  The aforementioned animal print for example. What about you?  Are there looks that you just can’t do?

True Story:  Baby is now saying “Mamamamama” all the time.  I’m pretending she’s actually saying, “Mama.”  Delusions are wonderful!

I also did a clothing swap today, and I’m so excited to tell you all about it.  So check out tomorrow’s post!

Dress 47: Star Wars

My New Tank-top!!
Sweater – H&M; Dress – Urban Outfitters; Tank & Leggings – F21; Boots – Somewhere in NYC

Laugh it up chuckles.  
I’m a nerd.  
I never hid that from you.  
In fact, I’ve been completely upfront about it.  
I do own a monstrous Sci-Fi DVD collection. 
So What?  
*Crosses arms and sticks out tongue*
Sorry, I’m really caffeinated right now.  I shot Movieola Shorts last night *you can read about it here* and didn’t get a lot of sleep.  Then I worked on air this morning as well.
Hence the need for coffee.
Moving on.
Remember when I said that I would not shop and the rules of that?  Well, I followed them so far.  *Standing proud*  And I followed them when I recently saw this tank-top on the Forever 21 website.  I had to have it, and I would’ve used the “allowed to break the rules twice” stipulation to get it, but I just happened to have a gift card.  Yay!  The tank-top was at my doorstep in 48 hours.  Once here, I had to wear it.  So I paired it with this knit dress I picked up.  It’s the last of the plain knit dresses in my closet.  So I was saving it to wear it with something special, and this tank was it.   I have serious trouble resisting any and all nerd shirts…especially any that have to do with Star Trek, Star Wars, or BSG.  So if you know of any…send them my way.  Just kidding.  Well, no I’m not..not really. 
I think the dress is a save, if only because I can wear it with so many other things. What do you think?

Dangerously Addictive: Rose a la Mode

Photo from Rose a la Mode.

This lady is one of my favorite blogs to read.  She’s endearingly down-to-earth and witty.  It always makes me smile to read her posts and at the same time inspires my fashion without making me feel like it’s unreachable.  You know?

I got really giddy when I saw my blog listed in her “Sites I like” side bar.
I really did.
I did a little dance.
Then I squealed to Husband.
Things like this make me happy.

You should definitely check her out.
But be warned, you’ll be addicted.

Dress 46: Casual Coffee

Sweater – Gap; Scarf – Jacob; Dress – ??

This is my version of a jeans and t-shirt/sweater day – casual and easy.  I know I’ve been giving you a lot of casual outfits, and what can I tell ya, I’m a casual girl.  *Not in that sense! Get your mind out of the gutter!* I’ve also had a rough night and a rough morning, so I needed the bright color to pep me up…at least a little.

And I’m surviving an emergency right now.  
*Pause for dramatic effect*
There’s no coffee in house!  
Thank goodness I have a good friend who’s bringing me coffee right now. 
She’s on the bus right now.

P.S.  My battery died so these pics were taken with my older and crappier camera…sorry.  You’ll forgive me woncha?

Dress 45: What Do You Wear When No One’s Looking?

Shirt – Smart Set; Dress & Sunglasses – F21; Scarf – Thrifted; Jacket – Jacob; Bag – Matt by Matt&Nat
A close-up of the dress without the fixin’s

What do you wear when no one’s looking?  Do you resort to sweatpants, jeans, lulus? Do you walk around in the buck?  *That’s also a style choice, albeit a chilly one*  It’s a question I’ve been thinking about since I spend much of my day with an eight month old, working from home, and random strangers I see while running errands who couldn’t care less about what I wear.  Husband couldn’t care less what I wear, in fact he’d prefer if I opted for the chilly option above. *boys!* But I’ve come to the conclusion that I need to dress for myself – even if no one is looking.  Even if the day’s big events are a trip out to buy hangers and read my blogs on the net. 

Plus *and this is in addition to the above* we need to dress for our spouse a little too.  I saw a documentary about a Muslim woman and she said she covers herself in public in part because she saves her beauty for her husband.  I like that notion.  When we’re at home, all too often we get sloppy.  We put no effort into how we look for our partners.  Yes, there are PJ days.  Yes, there are frumpy days.  Yes, it’s still about casual and comfortable around the house.  No, I’m not saying get out the Tux.  I am saying to put a little effort into staying attractive….that goes for both partners.  Equally.

Dress 44: Frankly Frumpy

Shirt – Smart Set; Dress – Numph; Leggings – F21

I wore this dress yesterday to bum around with my family and frankly, I don’t think it’s workin’ for me. The intricate embroidery on the back attracted me to this a few years back, but I think the large side pockets just make it, and me, look frumpy.  Since, Numph is a great indie label, I think I’m going to store this one in case I ever change my mind…or my daughter wants it. 

Baby has been whiny all day, and I really don’t feel like being a parent right now.  So, I’m going to have some chocolate, ignore her, and let Husband take this one.  I need a spa!!!

Random Sundays: Skinny Little Shrimp

I didn’t post yesterday, as you know.  Sorry.  The day was cold, rainy, dreary and I got to my breaking point.  I hit critical mass.  I spent much of the day crying.  Just exhausted, as most moms know.  We all have those days.  So I thought it was better I didn’t post.  I would have had nothing nice to say.  Today, I’m better.  Nothing is different, just not crying all day.  Always good.  So I figured I should check in. 

And to brighten all our days, here’s Drake the Dog before I got my hands on him…


And here’s what he looks like after…


I forget how tiny and skinny he is.  He gets all puffed up in the winter with the fur, and we think he’s so sturdy.  Then I shave him and we realize that no, he’s still a skinny, little shrimp! 

True Story:  All Baby wants to do is stand!  Non-stop.  All day long.  Everywhere.  Doesn’t matter how many bruises she gets.  Allllll day.  Tiring but hilarious!  And tonight she stood up and started dancing to the music (really just bouncing, but still to the music).  Sooo cute, if I do say so myself.  And I did.  To myself.  Several times. 

Dress 43: The Big Question…I Need Your Help!

Jacket – Jacob; Shirt – F21; Dress – H&M; Tights – Hue; Loafers – AE

No you’re not having deja vu, you’ve seen a similar dress before here.  But I told you then that I loved this dress so much I bought it in two colors.  So here’s the second color.  I am absolutely bonkers about the brown and gray combo.  There’s something refined, but oh so easy about it that I can’t resist.  Trash, stash, or save?  I’m thinking since I loved it enough to buy two of them, that it’s a save.  That one was easy right?

But on to more important things…

Here’s what I need your help with right now.  It’s super important…yes, more important than the people starving in the Sudan.  Okay, maybe not more important but a close second.  *yes, I’m being cheeky*  Should I keep my bangs, or grow them out?

The shot on the left is a much older pic, but it give you an idea.

Husband and another person have told me to grow them out.  Husband specifically liked me more without bangs.  Another person said she liked me more with bangs.  So I’m confused.  I need help deciding and I’d appreciate some honest, non-biased opinions.  Thanks so much!

Dress 42: Sm-Attention

My dress swiiiirls!

Cardi – H&M; Dress – Zara; Tights – Hue;Boots – somewhere in NYC.

This dress was a sale purchase at Zara a while ago.  It’s a statement dress, but I’m really liking it.  I didn’t used to wear it much because I thought the pattern a little too loud for me and I didn’t fancy the attention.  But now I’m a little more nonchalant about it.  I figure, “I like it, so I’ll wear it.  Attention, sm-attention.” Trash, stash, or save?  One friend told me today that this dress is a ‘save.”  I think I’ll take her advice.

True Story:  Baby and another baby boy sat next to one another and stared at each other completely fascinated.  Then they both reach for different toys, but in such a way that it looked like they were about to kiss.  They were both surprised so they stopped moving and looked at each other – heads tilted just so.  It looked like a moment out of a movie where the two people lean in to kiss but aren’t sure whether they will.  Hilarious!  And of course, us Moms were laughing and silly about it.  In the end they didn’t kiss…good thing.  She’s a little young for that don’t you think?  Don’t go gettin’ any ideas, Missy! 

Dress 41: Puttering About The House

Sweater – Gap; Shirt -thrifted; Dress – Old Navy; Leggings – F21

how do you wear a tube dress when it’s -12 outside?  Put a t-shirt under it, and a cardi over it.  Plus, I didn’t have to think too hard since I was hanging out with Baby all day today; Husband’s at work.  We’re not independently wealthy yet, you know. So this is the outfit/dress I choose to spend the day puttering around the house in.  So?  Trash, stash, or save?  I’m not sure where I stand on this one.  So I need your help.  Am I too old for a flowery tube dress????  Seriously.

And, I’ll share a secret with you. *though you can probably tell* Ready?  I’m not wearing make-up.  Nope.  None at all.  Couldn’t be bothered.
True Story: I’m afraid that Baby’s security blanket will turn out to be my fuzzy fleece PJs.  She loves them!  She nuzzles right in sucking her thumb.  *sigh* There she goes stealing my clothes already.
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