Random Sundays: Getting a Little Side-Tracked is Good For the Soul

Hey guys, I know I usually have a hodge-podge assortment of photos for you on Random Sundays, but today I got totally side-tracked (in a good sort of way) and didn’t take any photos except for this one.  Husband, Baby, Drake the Dog, and I went to visit my Mom and Babcia.  And we ate too much good food, played cards, and I sorted through about thiiiiiiis many *see how much?* magazines to choose two more sweaters for my Babcia to make me.  All in all, I had a good day.  Hope you did too!

Goodnight! See y’all tomorrow!

Windy Wonderland

Drake the Dog was having a great time!
Jacket – don’t recall; Scarf – thrifted; Cardigan – H&M; Shirt – Smart Set; Jeans – Guess; Gloves – The Bay; Sunglasses – F21

Yesterday was a tease!  It was so warm outside and the sun had come out in all it’s glory.  True it was very windy but the temperature and sun more than made up for it.  Drake the Dog got to go to the park for the first time in months (it’s been too snowy and icy to tread there safely before). 

If this look is familiar it’s because I had been wearing my maxi dress in the post below, but Husband suggested changing out of it because of the mud and snow that was likely still on the ground.  Good call on his part!

The sad thing is that once the night came things changed dramatically.  The wind was gusting at over 100km/hour and there was a severe wind warning in effect.  I could actually feel my little narrow house moving in response to some of the more powerful gusts.  It was more than a little scary!  But it kind of got me thinking in an apocalyptic movie kind of way.  You know, if the world ended how would I survive?  What would I do?  I watch a lot of sci-fi and post-apocalyptic movies, so sometimes I have these thoughts. *Nerd!*

Dress 33: Showing Some Skin, Starting With My Face

I love that it’s finally warm enough to bring out the leather jacket.

Can’t get enough of the sunshine.
Jacket – don’t recall (no label); Dress – F21; Shirts – Smart Set; Boots – Aldo.

I don’t usually wear this dress.  It’s one of those that tends to sit around in my closet.  I love the embroidery detail, but I’m not too crazy about the full, flouncy and shimmery skirt on me.  But I kind of like pairing a very feminine dress/skirt/top with something very masculine, in this case the leather jacket and cowboy booties. What do you think?  Trash, stash, or save?  And if your answer is save, I’d love suggestions on how you would style it.  Thanks!  You guys rock!

Today is Friday…which really has no meaning for me since I work freelance as does Husband.  So days of the week are kind of devoid of the traditional meaning.  Usually though, weekends are busy as that’s when many conferences and indie film shoots happen.  But this weekend is surprisingly easy-breezy.  So perhaps, we’ll take advantage of the weather to go for nice walks with Baby and Drake the Dog.  I’m excited about the warmer weather.  I’m tired of the many layers and happy to show some skin to the sun!

By the way, in case you’re wondering, I’m finding not shopping very hard to do.  When I was downtown yesterday it took all my effort to not go into my favorite stores.  I just couldn’t look at stuff and be tempted.  Right now my will is too weak for that.  I’m hoping that as things get easier, I’ll go in for inspiration. 

True Story:  I realized after taking these shots that I totally forgot to put on make-up.  Whatever, you guys get to see everything I guess.  And on that note, I need new mascara. Recommendations?

Dress 32: Another Whole Day To Myself!

A cup of coffee is needed!
Sweater – H&M; Dress – F21; Leggings – F21; Boots – in NYC

What I wore: The dress is more schoolgirl than I usually wear, but it’s fun to play up that side once in a while.  What do you think?  Trash, stash, or save? I’ve been finding your comments/emails very helpful, so please keep them coming!!

This morning I headed off to the dentist.  I know, fun right? But now my teeth feel all clean and shiny. 
See me smile?  
*sparkle, sparkle* 
One a side note, the vet says we should take Drake the Dog to a doggie dentist.  Anybody ever done that? 

Despite the dreary day I was in a good mood as I headed downtown to have a day to myself.  I didn’t do much: I looked into smartphone plans, etc.  And yes, I have settled on one, but I won’t tell you about it yeeeet.  You’ll just have to wait and see when I get it in a few weeks. 

While I was down there, I picked up Husband’s new phone….Drake the Dog chewed up the old one. 
That’s okay, it was ugly anyway. 
Good Boy!   
*the dog, not the husband*

I have hot friends!

I had lunch with two good friends.  We chatted about everything under the sun while we had some delicious fresh food!  I love time with my girls!

When I gave Husband his new phone, I got a big smooch in return. 
Yeah, that’s right! 
A biiiig smooch! 
And it’s not over yet; right now Husband is roasting me a chicken for dinner!  Yay! 
It’s easy to butter me up….I’m a sucker for a good meal.

Dress 31: Stepping Out Stepford

My photographer makes me laugh!

Dress – H&M; Cardigan – Esprit

Bag – Matt by Matt&Nat; Tights – Hue; Shoes – Clarks

Hey all, hope your day has been as fun as mine.  I got a run in today and went to a really fun audition.  It’s for the lead and supporting role in an indie feature film (yes, I auditioned for both roles) and it was so much fun to go in an play.

But even better?  The weather was warm – and I use that term loosely.  It wasn’t shorts and t-shirt weather, but it was warm enough that I wore my tweed coat and no hat.  So that’s warm!

This dress is a cute little one from H&M that I picked up while pregnant for super cheap.  I couldn’t wear it then, but now I can!  Yay!  I’m liking it.  I think you’re going to see a lot more of it…once the challenge is done of course.  Trash, stash, or save?  I’m thinkin’ save! 

True Story:  Husband called this look “very Stepford.”  And I told him it was appropriate because I was auditioning to play a Stepford-esque psychopath.  He said, “Well, you look it.”  Now did he mean….Stepford or psychopath????

Dress 30: The Grannies

Dress – F21; Cardigan – H&M

I know it’s not the greatest of shots, but well it’s been a hectic kind of a day.  So I gosh, darn, done the best I could.  This is a cute black and gray dress that makes me feel kind of retro, and I truly think this is one of those that looks a lot better styled in the spring/summer.  So perhaps, I’m going to file it under “seasonal.”  What do you think?  Trash, stash, or save?

Happening:  Last night, while hosting, I called the “Grammys” the “Grannies” on live tv.  True story.

Tempestuously Foul

Must say, I’m in love with this cardigan!
Husband makes fun of my sticky-out ears…but I know he secretly loves them!

Love the etched detailing on the belt.
Cardigan – Anthropologie; Shirt – Smart Set; Belt – AE; Jeans – Guess; Earrings – Indie store in Santorini.

I was in a foul mood when I got dressed yesterday.  Why?  Because I’m not a fan of Valentine’s Day.  Sometimes I try to psyche myself out by pretending I like it, hoping that fiction will become fact, but I really don’t.  I disagree with the manufactured romance…like you have to show your love just once a year.  I think Valentine’s should be at least once a week, you know?  If you love someone show them more than once a year on a forced holiday.  That’s my rant.  It’s over.

But that’s also why I’m not wearing a dress.  If I’m in a bad mood, I gaurantee that I’ll put on pants.  I can’t deal with wearing a skirt or dress; I don’t know why.  But that’s not to say that if I’m wearing pants, I’m in a bad mood.  Make sense? 

Once I got to work and had chocolate, Olivia (the lovely camera person) and I got silly.  We were giggling non-stop and watching bad-for-you tv, and eating chocolate…well at least I was.  So if you watched last night, you saw me being silly on live-tv.  Yeah, that’s how I get sometimes. 

Oh, and I treated myself to a cab home because it was soooo cold too!  So I got home lickety-split and tucked myself into bed.  This morning I’ve started off in a considerably better mood.  Yay!  I’ll hopefully have a dress for you soon!

How I Spent My Valentine’s Day.

Husband made paella.

Last night was our Valentine’s celebration.  Some people get a day, some get an evening, as new parents we got two hours…after Baby went to sleep.  Husband cooked paella, possibly my favorite dish ever, and dessert was pie and white wine!

Smartphone…get it?

Then, knowing how much I want to get a smartphone, Husband got me this for V-Day. Yeah.  Punk.

How are you celebrating?

Random Sundays: Decidely Domestic.

I’m telling you, Drake the Dog is such a media hog!

Sweater – H&M; Top – Vintage Havana; Tank – Smart Set; Leggings – Moto; Boots – Feet First

Last night I got to see some wonderful women.  And I realized that everyone was looking really cute.  Let me take you round the group:

A cute plaid dress with two little pleats in the back, a lavender wrap top tied in a sweet bow in back, a chic black and white abstract print dress, a hot pink off the shoulder jumper, skinny jeans with a circle chain, and a black mini with a cream off the shoulder top.  I’m tellin’ you I have some stylish friends!

Today was a really drab, damp, and grey day.  But I started off on a great high with two fabulous meetings back to back.  Nothing better than getting creative energy going early in the morning! the rest of the day calmed down into a decidedly domestic day.

Yup, it’s diaper laundry day at my house…fun.

But afterwards I was a little too drained from my lack of sleep to continue on the high.  So I crashed and took a really long hot shower.  I was going to run, but you know, when I don’t feel like it I don’t.  No biggie.

Baby’s asleep now, and it’s time to enjoy my Valentine’s Day dinner.  Good love all!  See y’all tomorrow!

Dress 29: Busy Day Today…

Shirt – Smart Set; Dress – HUH; Leggings – F21

This is one of my favorites dresses.  It’s form a local Toronto designer and I absolutely love how simple and cute it is!  This is definitely a save!

Busy day today for me….two auditions, take care of Baby until her nap, then an Insanity workout, now I’m going to a Valentine’s Day shindig.  SUPER MOM!!

Random Happening: Drake the Dog jumped into our bed at 2am in the morning.  Now, he’s not allowed to sleep with us, but the poor boy has been freezing in our cold house lately…I pretended I didn’t seel him.  Even though he was tucked in against me.

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