Sweater – Gap; Scarf – Jacob; Dress – ??

This is my version of a jeans and t-shirt/sweater day – casual and easy.  I know I’ve been giving you a lot of casual outfits, and what can I tell ya, I’m a casual girl.  *Not in that sense! Get your mind out of the gutter!* I’ve also had a rough night and a rough morning, so I needed the bright color to pep me up…at least a little.

And I’m surviving an emergency right now.  
*Pause for dramatic effect*
There’s no coffee in house!  
Thank goodness I have a good friend who’s bringing me coffee right now. 
She’s on the bus right now.

P.S.  My battery died so these pics were taken with my older and crappier camera…sorry.  You’ll forgive me woncha?