Are My Politics Showing?

Vest – AE; Top & Necklace – F21; Pants – swapped; Pants – Feet First; Bag – Matt by Matt&Nat.

I don’t usually get political here on the blog, but I have to voice my dismay at our Mayor elect.  He is tearing our city apart at the seams, but I digress.  The issue I specifically want to address is the child care subsidy that he’s hoping to get rid off.  Families already struggle with mounting child care costs and to slash even more funding is unfathomable to me.  These are the future citizens, leaders, thinkers, and business people of our country and you want to cut how well we *as a community* raise them?  So not only will we raise dumb people to lead our country, but we’ll also make sure that the current citizens are stressed and overworked *or kept below the poverty line* by the lack of affordable child care.  Go mayor! *sarcasm fully intended*

True Story:
Yay!  My package from Ruche finally came!  I’m really hatin’ on Canada Post.  These two shipments were unreasonably delayed and took twice as long as any other shipment – from anywhere, even Hong Kong.  Seriously, what up Canada Post?  You made me so sad thinking I would have to stop shopping online *read “at Ruche”*

Giddy As A Schoolgirl

I wore this jacket in the cooler morning weather.

If you dropped by my house, you’d find me wearing this fun apron over my daily outfit.

Shirt – thrifted; Dress – Ruche; Shoes – Payless.

 Okay, so I actually didn’t get dressed yesterday.  I threw jeans on to go to the park with Baby, but I didn’t actually put on any kind of decent clothing.  Mostly, it was pajamas for me.   I did however get dressed today.

It’s so beautiful outside that it hardly feels like fall.  *which it technically isn’t until Friday*  I know that Fall is associated with darker, deeper colors and I’m all for seasonal dressing. But I also enjoy wearing bright, happy colors year round.  I don’t really follow rules that way.  I’ll wear white after labour day, black with brown and navy, and I’ll wear a sundress in the middle of winter *though I’ll layer it with tights, tops and sweaters – often turning it into a skirt*  So despite it being fall, I didn’t in the least mind throwing on this pretty summer dress.  I love the twirl quotient of this dress.  It always makes me giddy as a schoolgirl.

And I can never resist jumping in it.  *as seen here*

True Story:
 At play group today, one of the moms went off to breast feed her daughter.  
Her 20 month old daughter.  
To me, it felt a little old to still be breastfeeding with such regularity. 
Thoughts?  When is a child too old to breastfeed to in your opinion? 

Lazy, Lazy, Lazy

Shirt – Delias; Vest – F21; Jeans – Gap; Socks – Calvin Klein

Do you like the socks?  That’s my particular favorite of this outfit.  I wasn’t going anywhere so I didn’t bother with thinking about shoes.  And to be honest with you, this is an outfit from Sunday when I played BSG with some friends.  I don’t want to get dressed today.

I probably will.  But right now, I’m resisting the urge.

On another lazy note, I’m really looking forward to the next three day’s season premieres.  We’ve got Criminal Minds, Community, Grey’s Anatomy, Fringe and Supernatural.  Love it! But I have to wait until October for The Walking Dead and House.  Boo!

True Story:
I lay down on the couch and closed my eyes.  
I just wanted to lay there for a minute or two in peace while Baby played with her blocks.  
So what does my darling, sweet child do?  
Stick her finger up my nose.

‘Wife’ And Other Ruminations

Sweater – Ruche; Dress – Coco&Tashi; Socks – Hue; Shoes – Payless; Belt – Covet.

I was reading an article on the meaning of the word wife in the Globe and Mail, in which the writer speaks of the connotations of the word and how women are either resistant to it or embracing of it.  Everything she points out is true: it used to deny women rights, it has certain anti-feminist connotations even today, some people are embracing it in a new way.  But what she forgets to mention is “husband.”  She says that being a ‘wife’ is limiting and implies a role that’s subservient, but also how women are taking back the word, though many are wary of it.  But though the word ‘wife’ may be intimidating because of past expectations, so is the modern word ‘husband’ because of modern expectations. In the past the husband was the king of the castle who owned his wife and children.  Not anymore.

The modern ‘husband’ is expected to treat his wife equally *of course*, be supportive, not dominating at all *sometimes men are so afraid of this label that they become doormats*, chivalrous *but not cross over into patronizing*, father, role-model, homemaker *at least half of the time*, and bread winner *at least half the time*.  They have to redefine what it means to be a man and a husband.  It’s a task as hard as defining what it means to be a woman and wife.  We should all cut ourselves some slack and take it easy on both ‘husbands’ and ‘wives.’

Tuesday In Review: Kobo E-Reader

I’m a huge and avid reader.  I’m the person who would drop by the library at least once a week to return and get a new book.  But when I was pregnant I knew that I would not be able to make that library trip as easily and as reliably as before once the baby came.  So, as a present from Husband I received a Kobo e-reader.

You can read the specs here, but I’ll just tell you my personal experience with it. *Just a note:  I have the older, original Kobo – not the touch – they don’t sell mine anymore, but the touch is essentially the same, only a little smaller.*

The e-ink is really easy on the eyes.  There’s no electronic feeling to the page – no flicker or glare.  So it’s really gentle for hours and hours.  It’s really easy to operate with one hand.  And because it’s so light you can be on the couch with a baby nestled in one arm and read with the other hand – one handed and no weird finger splaying to keep the book open.  I know the ipad is cool and lets you do lots of things, but I personally like that the Kobo is a reader and that’s it.  It’s my
library, it’s my book.  It’s not my phone or my computer.  There’s no
distractions inherent in the machine and there’s no way anyone can use
it to reach me.  I like that it’s a bit of an oasis – and escape – the
way a good book can be. 

You can use the included software, or just drag and drop the epubs onto your machine.  That’s what I do, and it works really well.  Also, there’s many free and reliable software programs that convert all kinds of files into easy and readable epubs so that your Kobo can read it.  And it really only takes a few seconds to convert a book.  I’ve never had a bug or a freeze, and the battery life is incredibly long!  I think I charge it maybe once every two weeks with frequent use.

Finally, I love being able to re-size the font to a ridiculously huge size! That way, I can easily read while I’m running on the treadmill.  The huge font allows me freedom to move without squinting.  But that’s me.  I’m weird and I like to watch TV or read when I run on the machine. 

Lots Of Things Start Early…Like My Day

Cardi – Costa Blanca; Top –; Jeans – Gap; Boots – Feet First.

Happy Monday beautiful people!  I’m working off of several cups of tea since Baby is still keeping us up at all hours of the night.  I really don’t know what’s up.  Maybe teething, maybe not.  I really can’t tell.  I am, however, proud to say that we’ve made the transition to one nap a day very easily and very smoothly.

And yet again, I didn’t want to wash my hair so I stuck it up in this french braid thing-y.  It’s what I do.  What do you do when you don’t want to wash/do your hair?  Leave a comments and share.  Thanks!

True Story:
I knew I would have a fashionista on my hands…I just didn’t think it would start this early!

Random Sunday: Sunshine and Grammatical Humor

I love the sunshine in the morning.  It always seems so happy to be awake, even when I’m not.
Here’s it playing on my kitchen wall.

And through my window.
And guess what?  
I baked!  
Momentous, I know.  
I made these breakfast cookies here from my friend’s website *with a few alterations* 
Baby loved them too.  She went, “Mmmmmm!”

And I had to add this ’cause it’s so funny.  I really like grammatical  humor.
*I don’t know where this pic is from, but a friend posted it on facebook*

Who Will You Be?

Scarf – street stand; Jacket – H&M; Top – Ruche; Jeans – Gap; Boots – Feet First; Necklace – from Mom.

This morning I headed out to TA an acting class in Toronto.  I’m helping out with a kids class, but it’s nevertheless a great opportunity to see some young talent and get to know exactly what I’m doing.  I’m hoping that next time around I’ll have an adult class to TA so that I can see the grown-ups in action.  But right now the kids are great and it’s giving me some experience in running the equipment.

Watching these guys do their stuff makes me wonder what kind of girl my little one will become.  Will she be the shy one in class?  Or the loud and talkative one?  I wonder.  From what I can tell so far, she’ll be the squirmy one…and the troublemaker.

Quote of Today:
“I was gonna do this thing where I land, but I didn’t.”

Healthy Chocolate Treat

I crave chocolate at least twice a day.  And for months I’ve been indulging, but I’m trying to cut out sugar and such treats because I can feel it in my system.  My body just doesn’t feel good – discomfort, sluggishness, etc. *I’ll spare you the details*  So lately I’ve tried this protein shake as a substitute for when my chocolate cravings hit hard. I always have a shake after a workout, but this one is more of a dessert shake.  I put no nut butter in it *after workouts the nut butter fats and omega help to speed recovery and repair* and more agave syrup than usual *for that extra sweet treat*  I’ve really found this to help satisfy the sweet tooth, and the fact that it’s all good ingredients, plus a dose of hemp seeds, makes me feel better mentally in that I’m nourishing and not burdening my body. 

And I pour it into a big wine glass or beer glass *like this one*  to make it feel more decadent.

 1 banana
1 tablespoon agave syrup
1 tablespoon hemp seeds
3 ice cubes
1 heaping tablespoon chocolate flavored rice protein powder
Almond or Rice milk to desired consistency

Throw it in a blender and go.

Quote of Today:
“How much DO you eat?”

I Fully Admit To No Pride

Scarf – street stand; Dress – hand me down from a friend; Shoes – thrifted; Socks – Walmart.

Some people have certain standards, or qualms, embarrassments what have you.  I don’t.  I like to pinch a penny, cut corners, and otherwise do whatever else I can to save time, money, or energy.  And don’t even get me started on what I’ll do for a laugh!  This doesn’t mean I don’t put effort into things.  I have a strong work ethic, and I always put 100% into whatever I do.  It’s just that I think I’m selective and have certain perspectives about what’s really important and what’s not.

So when a friend said she had a dress that she was looking to hand down to someone, I was more than willing to volunteer to take it off her hands.  I know some people who feel embarrassed to take things other people give away; it’s an “I don’t need charity” mentality.  And I understand their fear of looking less than what they feel they are.  But I think vintage, used, recycled, etc. is great because it saves our resources and uses less money.  Two great things about that:  one, it saves the planet a little and leaves a slightly better place for my little one.  And two, it saves me money leaving more for those dress purchases I can’t resist and for Baby’s education *Harvard here we come!*

So thanks Mares for this great dress!  And Baby will thank you when she graduates from Harvard law school….or Yale…I’m flexible.

True Story:
During breakfast Baby lets out the largest, longest fart!  Then shows me a proud grin!  
And I got it all on video!

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