Shirt – Delias; Vest – F21; Jeans – Gap; Socks – Calvin Klein

Do you like the socks?  That’s my particular favorite of this outfit.  I wasn’t going anywhere so I didn’t bother with thinking about shoes.  And to be honest with you, this is an outfit from Sunday when I played BSG with some friends.  I don’t want to get dressed today.

I probably will.  But right now, I’m resisting the urge.

On another lazy note, I’m really looking forward to the next three day’s season premieres.  We’ve got Criminal Minds, Community, Grey’s Anatomy, Fringe and Supernatural.  Love it! But I have to wait until October for The Walking Dead and House.  Boo!

True Story:
I lay down on the couch and closed my eyes.  
I just wanted to lay there for a minute or two in peace while Baby played with her blocks.  
So what does my darling, sweet child do?  
Stick her finger up my nose.