Category :Travel

Mount Connor or Attila

Up at 4am – it’s kind of a routine you get into in the Outback when you have long drives and hikes to do.

Coober Pedy and a Kangaroo Orphanage

This ones is jam packed. 

Around the Bus

I’ve been talking about the bus and some of the folks on it. I thought it was time to take you around.

William Creek

The final rest stop was William Creek.

Aboriginal Sculpture in the Desert – Semi-Arid Climate!

One of the stops along the drive was what I would call an outdoor sculptural gallery.

Lake Eyre and the Dying of a Bus

At lunch we had stopped at Marree, before heading to Lake Eyre.

Copper Mines

I survived the night…

Heading Into the Outback

Up at 5am in order to be at the tour pickup at 6am. Not too fun, but meh, you do what you gotta. Plus, I was really looking forward to this tour with Adventure tours

Glenelg Beach and the Penis Tree!

After the madness of the animals, a little more civilization was in order….

Adelaide – Cleland Wildlife Park

As you can imagine, that first evening I collapsed like a brick log soon after 9pm. But the next day was a lot better. And up we got to the Cleland Wildlife Park to hang with some animals. 

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