Category :Looks

Husband Always Gets My Best Side

Jacket – Jacob; Dress – Esprit; Belt – Hadley Pollett; Tights – gift; Wellies – Petite Pied; Bag – Matt by Matt&Nat.

As you know Husband takes my photos when he’s home – otherwise it’s me and the tripod.  But whenever he shoots he always nabs shots of me making the silliest faces.  Usually I choose not to use them, but sometimes I just have to! 

It seems like my most used accessories for the spring are an umbrella and wellies!  And yesterday was no exception.  I’m becoming a pro at styling for the rain…maybe not.  Do you know what I’m loving though?  Soft, pastel *gasp* shades for nail polish like the pale green I’m wearing in the pics.  I’m eager to get a baby blue as well.  Any recommendations? 


Sweater – made by my Babcia; Shirt – H&M; Tank – Gap; Necklace – F21; Jeans – from Spain; Boots – somewhere in NYC.

Sorry I haven’t been able to post in a while.  I’ve been trying to organize my photo archives and have been distracted getting that up and running.  And then I was on the air last night hosting – thanks for tuning in those who watched – so I relaxed and enjoyed myself there.  Today, I had a great lunch with a fabulous friend as well.  and so the days have simply gotten away from me! 

But I’m back and good to go and ready for action. 

I just discovered Etsy! *well, not really*  I had used it before but I just discovered the fabulous assortment of vintage clothing you can get there!  So excited!  Just browsing is sooo much fun!

True Story: Baby loved eating her lentils and rice this evening!  And surprisingly, most of it ended up in her mouth!

Flowers And A Garden

Hat – Ruche; Dress – Spotted Moth; Belt – F21; Shoes – AE.

It’s finally beautiful outside and my pasty self is coming out to play!  But not too much – big hats and sunscreen in full effect here!  I’m loving hats lately and simply can’t get enough of big floppy ones, and fedoras!  You’ll see a lot of those this summer.  And on the agenda this weekend is my garden – so hopefully I’ll have some veggies and herbs to show you soon.  That’s if my black thumb doesn’t get in the way.

True Story:  Baby loves to play “I’m Gonna Get You!”  I say it to her and she runs *crawls* away as fast as she can screaming and giggling until I catch her and tickle her.   So cute it kills me!

May I Offer You Some Grass With Your Coffee?

That’s when i noticed I had baby food on my skirt.
Shirt – AE; Belt & Skirt – thrifted; Shoes – AE.

This skirt is too big for me, but I really like it, so I hitched it up and tightened a belt around it. Voila!  I made it fit.  I’m loving the whole Annie Hall/70’s vibe that’s trendy right now.  Loose clothing, longer skirts, big floppy hats.  I’m diggin’ it!

So while I was enjoying my coffee with a friend, Baby cleaned the entire cafe patio with her knees.  She got into every single thing and scrubbed that deck spotless with her wriggling around!  Oh, and grass is apparently a great appetizer.  I caught Baby eating it in the backyard just before I took her in to have dinner.  *sigh*

Let The Sun Shine In

Fedora – ?; Glasses – F21; Shirt – thrifted; Jeans – Guess; Flip Flops – Abercrombie&Fitch.

I spent most of the day outside with Baby today.  She loves the backyard, even though she’s very wary of the grass.  Other than that, it’s been an uneventful day.  Husband gets back tomorrow from his business trip and I’m looking forward to some help ’cause Baby has been giving me a run for my money in the nights.  I could use some sleep!

On another note, the music video shoot I was doing has been postponed on account of the fact that it’s thunderstorming tonight and tomorrow.  That means I have the day off – just an audition in the morning.  I hope I get it, ’cause I’d get to play a kick-butt assassin! 

Peter Parker Am I

Vest – H&M; Shirt -?; Jeans – Guess; Earrings – F21; Boots – Ruche

I can relate to Peter Parker – not the super powers due to a spider bite thing, though I do rock at Super Mom even on little sleep – but the whole nerd-never-gets-the-girl thing.  No, I’m not after a girl.  The girl is the metaphorical griffin of life.   I often feel like the underdog – but that’s cool ’cause every dog gets his day.  I’m not the life of the party, or the one everyone gravitates to; I’m the one who watches and listens and snags the chocolate covered strawberries from the buffet table.  And I’m happy being that person – chocolate covered strawberries are good.  No pressure to please, and also no worries.  I like to sit back and watch what happens.  Turning the spotlight on me often makes me nervous.  That’s why I like to act, I guess.  ‘Cause it’s not me up there it’s a different character. 

In high school I remember having those self-confidence issues we all have.  Wanting to be that girl.  You know, the one every guy liked and every girl wanted to be.  But now I’m happy I wasn’t.  That’s a lot of pressure to live up to.  And that’s a lot of eyes looking at you and judging.  I had good friends and got to geek out all I wanted. 

And that has continued to this day.  I’m still not that girl, but I’m the girl in the corner talking to some dudes about BSG, Firefly and Star Trek vs Star Wars over an old scotch.  And you know what?  That’s company I like.  I understand that language. Those are my peeps.  And I’ve got a lot to say about Boba Fett.

Mother’s Day Outfit

Hat – Zellers; Glasses – F21; Shirt – Ruche; Vest – AE; Jeans – Gap; Shoes – AE; Ring – Smart Set; Earrings – F21

The dresses were great, but I’m so happy to be putting together different outfits now!   I’ve been meaning to wear these flares, like, forever!  And I finally got the chance.  They’re so long though that I have to wear a pretty mean heel with them.  That’s not a big deal, but I felt kind of proud of myself that I managed to spend the whole day walking around Toronto in these wedges.  It’s the little things you know???

If you have a moment, stop by here to read all about the Vicious Kid music video shoot and see some great photos.

Dress 85: The End Of The Road

Cardi – thrifted; Dress – Ruche; Leggings & Belt – F21; Boots – Somewhere in NYC.

We’re done! We’re done! Done! Done! Done-dee-dee-done!  That’s officially the last dress in my challenge.  Phew!  It feels like that took forever.  And it’s kind of fitting that we’re done one day before my very first Mother’s Day!

I probably have just as many, as when I started.  Some were packed away and some were given away, but some were bought to replace them.  *oh well* It’s been great to challenge myself to wear some dresses.  I like how I’ve stretched my horizons just a little bit.

Don’t worry though, that’s not the end of dresses.  I’m just going to mix in some pants, shorts, and skirts now. 

Oh and guess what?  I’m shooting a music video tomorrow.  I’ll tell you all about it.

Dress 84: Seeing Spots

Jacket – ?; Sweater – thrfited; Dress – F21; Tights – from Poland; Boots – Aldo

I think this dress has to go.  I love it, it’s just waaay too short for me.  I guess I’ve grown since I wore it?  I really don’t remember the last time I wore it, so maybe?  I find that hard to believe, but it really is much too short to wear, even with tights.  So I think I”m going to store it for now.

On another note, Husband told me in my other post that I may offend some women because I group myself in the “rest of us” category even though I’m very slim.  And I feel he’s misreading what I wrote.  I’m not claiming that I’m not slim, just that I do have curves.  I’m not a stick straight, boyish shaped woman – that’s not my body type. I have hips, and just a bit more so since having Baby; so yes, despite being slim, I still have hip confidence issues. 

Dress 82: Things That Make You Feel Pretty.

I love the movement of the dress.
Cardi – Smart Set; Dress – Ruche; Tights – Hue; Loafers – AE.

 Today I went to Walmart to get diapers *yes, I know I lead a tres glamorous life – hush you!*  and the girl at the check-out counter told me how much she liked my style.  It made me feel very pretty. 

Risking ‘too much information’, I’m going to tell you something.  I miss wearing pretty bras!  They have been packed away for about a year and a half, and I want them to come back to me.  It’s been maternity and nursing bras for such a long time, but the good news is that Baby is weaning herself.  That means the bras are about to make a come back!

True Story:  I was playing fetch with Drake the Dog using his favorite toy – squirrel.  It fell into the empty, shallow baby bath. He wouldn’t dare reach in with his muzzle to get it.  He just stood outside it and whined looking at his squirrel.  He hates baths that much. Baby reached in and took it out, and he immediately stole it from her and ran away.  Drake, you’re such a wimp and bully at the same time!

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