There was a large heat wave one of the days this week, and Baby and I decided to take advantage of it by having a fantastic day together. We walked to school for kids group, ran around the gymnasium, then after her nap headed out for the entire afternoon getting some things done, but also and more importantly, spending about an hour at a playground having a ball. But even that hour was not enough for her because when I told her it was time to leave she started crying and fighting with me. I knew it was time though, when the fight didn’t last long at all and the thumb was in the mouth within seconds. She was tired. She was so knackered after our day I had to put her to bed early so she would have time to relax and wind down in the dark silence of her room. During this interlude, Mommy enjoyed some of her delicious port. Boy, did we have a great day!
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Top – hand me down; Dress – Ruche; Tights – Hue; Shoes – Payless. |
Hope you all had a great night! Husband and I stayed in yesterday and had a totally lazy day. It was wonderful! We spent New Years Eve drinking red wine, eating chocolate and I even did some sewing played Zelda on the Wii. I know, we’re absolutely wild! Wild, I tell you!
It’s a New Year and it’s a fresh start. I’ve definitely got some goals this year, and I’m hoping I’ll achieve them, but as they say, “Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.” So we’ll see where I’ll be this time next year. But one thing that I’m committed to this year in this blog is fun! Hope you’ll join me! I’m excited to introduce a new regular post to you on Saturdays, stay tuned for that.
About mid-January I’m running a new series about Mamahood. I’ve got some great Mama bloggers lined up to share with you their journey in Mamahood – the truth and nothing but the truth. You’ll hear about the good things and the bad things – all cards on the table. Hopefully, you’ll see yourself in this and realize that you’re not alone. I certainly find it reassuring that other women have the same thoughts that I do. It’s often dis-heartening to me to read about Mama bloggers who love every minute and never have a bad thought or experience. It makes me wonder, “What’s wrong with me? Why don’t I love every single second? Am I a bad mother/woman?” But hearing some of these women’s stories makes me realize that I’m not alone. It’s not all cupcakes and butterfly kisses. It’s also temper tantrums, sleeplessness and wanting to pull your hair out. So I look forward to reading and sharing these women’s true stories of Mamahood. Keep an eye out for that mid-January.
And I’m so glad I got a sewing machine. Yes, Andrew *it’s time he got a name since he’s always bugging me to be in the blog I no longer have to protect his privacy* bought me one for my birthday and I’ll show you that beauty soon. I’m glad not just because I’m excited to get better at making my own stuff, but also because this dress above is starting to fray. I’ve worn and abused it so much that it’s starting to show the results of my loving wear. So, I guess I’ll be fixing that up real soon!
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Cardi – H&M; Dress – Trollied Dolly from Ruche; Pin & Socks – F21; Tights – Hue; Boots – Locale. |
I’m a little nervous about today. I’m doing a shoot, where I’m the model. That always gets me nervous. I’m kind of always afraid I’ll suck and ruin the whole thing. You’d think I’d be okay with it considering how often I’m in front of the camera as an actress, but no. When the camera’s rolling I can move, act convey a story and emotion in a very naturalistic way. Where as I feel it’s a different skill altogether to convey a story of all that in one still picture. But I get nervous when I’m behind the camera as well, so maybe I just get nervous period. Either way, I’m psyching myself up for it, and trying to really relax. I’m working with an amazing photographer, so I know I’m in good hands, and I’m incredibly thankful for that. I’ll be sure to let you guys know how it goes….and whether I fall flat on my face, ’cause you know that would be funny.
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Scarf – street stand; Top&Tights – F21; Dress – Ruche; Shoes – Payless. |
As my birthday nears *oh dear Lord, I’m getting old!* I find myself thinking back to high school. Don’t ask me why because I have no idea, but that’s what’s on my mind these days. I think it might be because as teenagers we feel like we’ll be young and full of potential and capability forever. Or it might be because I had such a clear and vivid picture of what my life would be like when I reached the age I’m reaching. But either way I find myself being nostalgic and retrospective.
I think back to the girl I was. I felt so out of place, so awkward, so nerdy, and so un-cool. I don’t know if that’s the truth, but that’s how I remember it. If you look through the yearbook you might find a picture of someone who was…what? Bold? Daring? Confident? What did others think? I wonder how they remember it. It’s interesting how our memories differ based on our perspectives. Over the years, I’ve run into friends and people I knew back then and realized that what they remember is different from what I remember. So I wonder who the keeper of truth is? Is there an absolute truth out there or is it all malleable based on our thoughts? Is it like time: based on your position and speed in relation to the universe?
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Sweater – made by my Babcia; Infinity scarf/hood – Smart Set; Shorts – Ruche; Tights – H&M; Boots – Feet First. |
Continuing with the Toronto Star’s focus on childbirth around the world, today we talk about Afghanistan. I was reading the article when this sentence struck me like baseball bat to the back of the heart, “In this benighted nation, a woman dies in childbirth every 29 minutes.” This country has the world’s highest maternal mortality rate.
Then right on the heels of that came this: One out of every five children dies before its fifth birthday. The maternal mortality rate is 10 times higher than the number of civilians killed in conflict annually.” This is just the cusp of the harsh and cruel reality that faces women there everyday. During this week of Thanksgiving for our friends south of the border, I join them in giving thanks that I live in such a privileged place.
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Belt – H&M; Wedges – Payless. |
I thought about wearing white shoes with this outfit but I don’t really like it when things are too matchy-matchy; so instead, I went with nude wedges. I think it looks better. This has to be one of the easiest dresses to wear. It’s comfy, breathable, and styles so easily. And its available in so many varying options. I bought mine from Ruche, but you can get one in jade from Dress 911, or a green one from Spotted Moth one as well. And if you’re plus size, pick up this ivory one from Modcloth, or this coral one from Ruche.
Remember, when I swore off shopping? Yeah, I’ve failed miserably at this. Well, not “miserably” – it’s not like I’m in debt or have gone outside my means. Just done really poorly in terms of will power. But I keep trying. And I’ve got a renewed energy to do so. Partly because of the sunshine. Partly because things have really picked up. I’m hopefully going to have some exciting stuff to share with you in the coming months.
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Hairclip – F21; Dress – Ruche; Belt – H&M; Shoes – Payless; Purse – Matt by Matt&Nat. |
Husband got himself into trouble yesterday:
Me: Do you like my dress?
Him: It’s….nice?
Me: Nice, huh?
Him: I mean…it’s nice…I like you in other things…but…um…yeah…it’s….nice.
For future reference, when Wife asks if you like her dress, the answer is a resounding “Yes!”, not a hesitant “it’s…nice?” Husband doesn’t care for the “vintage, hippy thing” as he calls it. Well, tough luck buddy, ’cause I do and you’re stuck with me. *sticking out tongue*
True Story: Baby loooooves meat, potatoes and bread. Husband commented, “You can tell she’s Polish.” I didn’t know whether to be offended, or to chuckle. So I did both. *haha. grrrr*
He’s on a roll isn’t he?