Category :Just Baby

Random Sundays: Sappy Beyond Recognition

This is the beautiful sight that allows me to enjoy my morning cup of tea/coffee.

My living room after just 3 minutes.

Sometimes people ask what it’s like to be a mom.  It’s messy.  It’s tiring  It means that the living room *and every other room* is always messy.  It means I don’t always get a chance to clean.  It means I don’t always get a chance to shower.  It means being pulled, poked and prodded all the time.  It means having to be patient when you don’t want to be.  It means no more sick days.  It means no lazy Sunday afternoon spent in front of the tv.


It means unconditional love – both for and from you.  It means hugs all the time.  It means kisses.  It means a sweet smelling, smooth skinned baby nuzzled into your neck.  It means hearing ‘Mama’.  It means seeing sparkling eyes light up at the sight of you.  It means giggles.  It means looks at you to make sure you’re watching those proud discoveries because they mean nothing without you seeing.  It means daily amazement at this beautiful creature destroying your living room.  It means a new sense of importance, a new sense of meaning, and a new purpose.  It means your heart swelling in ways you never thought.

It also means you become a sap who talks about things like ‘heart swelling.’
Oh well, the bad with the good I guess.

Baby In Her Pool

I love watching Baby play in her pool.  She splashes around and babbles and has a huge grin on her face the whole time! It’s possibly the greatest time imaginable. 

I’m such a cheesy mama!

Poor Drake, Is Nothing Sacred?

Still can’t Baby to get over her obsession with Drake the Dog’s food.  She loves to throw it about the kitchen and of course chew on a few choice pieces.  Again, I’ve given up fighting with her eating it.  It’s organic, sugar, wheat, and corn free….and on the plus side, her hair has a wonderful sheen to it lately!

Swingin’ Round Town

We took Baby for her first swing ride *is that right??*  and like everything else, she cried at the very beginning when we put her in.  But soon enough she was entranced with the chain and how it went back and forth, and she had a big grin on her face as she came closer to me, then further, etc. etc.

Honestly, I think we had more fun watching her than she had actually swinging.

I’m starting to understand what they mean when people say they grow up so fast.  She’s getting to be a big girl!!

And mmmmmaybe I took the opportunity to jump on the swing myself.  Just maybe.

Time Is A Malleable Thing

Earrings and Bracelet – F21; T-Shirt – Dehlias ; Skirt – Spotted Moth; Shoes – Zellers.

 So I’m done my shoots for a bit. I’ve got rehearsals for two projects coming up, live on air shifts and probably more auditions, but right now it’s quiet and therefore I’m taking a small breather. I like being busy, but I also like the quiet moments where I can just enjoy the time.

Oh and Baby’s first birthday is coming up.  That completely blows my mind.  At times it feels like we’ve had her forever *especially when she keeps up at night* and other times it feels like we’ve had her just a few short weeks.  But it’s been a year.  One whole year.

Today I watched her watching Backyardigans and was completely mesmerized.  That cute little nose, those lips hanging open in wonderment, and those smooth porcelain cheeks.  I made those.  I nourished and grew them.  And they’re beautiful.  As is the mischievous little personality that thinks I don’t see her splashing in Drake the Dog’s water bowl.

True Story: Opened the fridge, took out almond milk to put in my coffee, put milk back, turned around and found Baby eating Drake the Dog’s food.  His food is organic and sugar free, so at least she’ll have a shiny head of hair.

So Cute It Will Make You Sick

Guess who’s just the cutest thing ever???

Random Sundays: Garden Party!

Chives and Bok Choy.




So I promised to show you my garden last week and have been very negligent in fulfilling my promise.  But finally here it is!  I’m so excited!  It’s the first time I’m attempting to grow anything.  If I can manage it, it’ll be the first plants that I have manged not to kill.  I’m kind of a black thumb.  No, seriously. 

On another fun note, we got Baby a little wading pool and so far the verdict is still out on whether she actually likes it.  I’m sure once it gets sweltering hot she’ll love it!

Today was one of her boyfriend’s birthday parties.  And let me tell you it was pretty cool to see the kids playing alongside one another.  They don’t really plat with each other yet; they kind of crawl over and around one another right now, but it’s still pretty cute. 

Fun note, I met one lady who reads my blog *Hi Stephanie! You looked great,  by the way* and it made me all embarrassed.  It’s weird to meet someone who has read about me, but that I haven’t met in real life.  Cool, but weird.  It made me feel all bashful…like my underwear was showing *which you never know, it might have been*

One Cute Handful

Seriously, Baby’s into everything!  My Mama and Babcia said to me that she’s not going to be a quiet, calm child sitting in the corner with her book or crayons, she’s going to be active and mischievous.
And a handful.
They’re right.   

Out to cause trouble with the recycling, or Drake the Dog’s food.

That used to be my bookmark….no more.

Backyard BBQ

A teaser of my outfit…the hat wasn’t a part of it, just my go-to sun protection.

  We really took advantage of the day today!  I had a run in the morning, and later we spent most of the time either in the backyard, on a walk or *wait for it*  watching Baby in her baby pool *shots of that later*  We had a lovely BBQ dinner out in the yard, and Baby loved gobbling up her chicken, and veggies while occasionally tossing some over the side of her high chair to Drake the Dog. 

And I promise I’ll show you my garden soon! I swear, I haven’t forgotten.

Husband posing for the camera.
Baby’s still not used to the grass.

Betsey Johnson, Baby!

Baby loves my Betsey Johnson bag!  I knew she had good taste!
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