Category :Just Baby

Random Sundays: Deep Freeze

It’s freezing here.  I mean -21 degrees freezing.  It’s so cold that my little snow angel is out for a total of 10 minutes before she’s crying to come back in. 

She’s braver than me.  I didn’t even step out to get her back in the house.
What?!  She’s got two feet, she can use ’em.

Drums Really Are Best Played On Your Head


When the snow came a while back, Baby Girl was delighted.  At first she didn’t know how to react and whether this was a good thing.  But as soon as she was shown what a snowball is the fun began! I love this girl.

Random Sundays: More Two Yr. Old Photography

Baby Girl has moved on from mostly finger shots – though there are still plenty of those – to photos of her balloon and creative self-portraits.  That, and pictures of the dog’s butt.

Random Sundays: Two Year Old Photographer

As is common in children, they want to be like their Mommy
or Daddy; so, Baby Girl recently confiscated our small point and shoot
camera.  When I opened the memory card of our little photographer these
are the gems I found.  
I never thought about it, but this is generally her morning view – Andrew cooking and me pouring my tea.   
Unfortunately, she hasn’t quite figured out that you need to take your
finger off the lens.  Result?  A whole bunch of finger shots. 
Followed by the inevitable foot shots.  
But my personal favorite is the finger and foot shot combined.  That’s what you get from a two year old photographer.  
At least her rates are reasonable.  
She works for chocolate.

Choo Choo!

Baby Girl loves trains recently.  Obsessed with them – shows, hearing them, seeing them on walks. 
And most recently, creating them in the kitchen out of chairs and stools.

Random Sundays: One Little Monkey…

…jumping on the couch.
Grandma comes over and….

…Two little monkeys jumping on the couch!

Random Sundays: The Best Part…

…of being freelance is that these are our weekdays.

Top – gift

Rainy Days…

…are best spent bumming around on the couch and wearing mamas shoes. 

Random Sundays: Two

The two of them mucking about in the kitchen.
Usually it results in one edible breakfast. 
And one ginormous mess. 
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