Category :Jackets

Ugly Clothes

I got rid of my ugly clothes.

To Be Back

It’s fantastic to go away…

The Infamous Red Parka

Yup, it’s f**king back and it’s here to stay: the red parka.


When the landscape around me gets austere with the death that Winter brings, all I want to do is layer texture and life into my clothes.

November Swish

It’s that time, for another swish book. This one decidedly swings towards the reflective and melancholy as the Fall ends and Winter begins to take hold.

Gallons of Water

So for a while now, I’ve been dealing with a physical issue. One that has caused me chronic pain, and is not fun. As part of the healing plan, I’ve been guzzling liters and liters of water and herbal teas.

Better or Worse?

Watching a short video about social media, the question the speaker asked was, “when people come to your page, do they feel better or worse?” He was talking about the constant push of ads, and the consumerism mentality.

Boredom and Nature

“The special kind of boredom from which modern urban populations suffer is intimately bound up with their separation from the life of Earth.” Bertrand Russell

Couldn’t Stop Laughing

One day we walked to swimming, and on the way I stopped with my Girl to take some outfit shots.

Beggars Can’t Be Choosers

Especially when they’re parents. 

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