Category :Florals

Seven Years Tomorrow

Shirt & Necklace – F21; Pants – Gap; Sandals &Ring – Ruche.

Happy Saturday everyone.  I’m kind of excited.  Tomorrow I’m going away with Husband to a B&B for the night.  It’s our seven year anniversary and we’re getting away for two days and a night.  It’s silly the things you get excited about when you have kids – a whole night to yourself!  His parents are staying at our house to watch Baby, and I know they’re going to have a great time too!  Baby loves to play with them, so she’ll be plenty entertained.

Last night I was on air again, and was thoroughly creeped out by the horror line up that finished my night.  I love scary movies, but I’m such a wimp that I didn’t like the idea of going out into the dark night alone.  Thank goodness one of my fabulous co-workers walked me to the car!   I’m still scared of the dark.  I’ll admit it.

And speaking of Baby, check out our lovestory featured on the Ruche blog

Quote of Today:
“It’s meandering.”

Let The Sunshine In

Belt – H&M; Wedges – Payless.

I thought about wearing white shoes with this outfit but I don’t really like it when things are too matchy-matchy; so instead, I went with nude wedges.  I think it looks better.  This has to be one of the easiest dresses to wear.  It’s comfy, breathable, and styles so easily.  And its available in so many varying options.  I bought mine from Ruche, but you can get one in jade from Dress 911, or a green one from Spotted Moth one as well.   And if you’re plus size, pick up this ivory one from Modcloth, or this coral one from Ruche.

Remember, when I swore off shopping? Yeah, I’ve failed miserably at this.  Well, not “miserably” – it’s not like I’m in debt or have gone outside my means.  Just done really poorly in terms of will power.  But I keep trying.  And I’ve got a renewed energy to do so.  Partly because of the sunshine.  Partly because things have really picked up.  I’m hopefully going to have some exciting stuff to share with you in the coming months. 

Quote of Today:
“It’s like flopping down on a sofa made of Chuck Norris.”

Maxis ‘Round The Pool

Dress – street stand in Valencia, Spain; Glasses – F21; Sandals – Zellers.

Today was another wonderful sunny day at my Mom’s house.  I went swimming three times!  Like I said, wonderful!  Baby ran around, chased the dog, and screamed when we tried to *yet again* take her swimming. Oh well, we tried.

I bought this dress in Valencia, Spain several years ago and I’m still completely loving it.  It’s so bright and happy – perfect for a sunny day!   Ah, and check this out if you want to see how I styled it in the cold weather.

The family enjoying pie after dinner!

True Story:
Drake ripped open a squeaky toy today – killed it.  Baby found the big plastic part inside that squeaks.  Then she spent twenty minutes with it in her mouth chomping down non-stop to make it squeak as she crawled around the house. Kids are hilarious!

I Apologize In Advance For My Language

Glasses – F21; Dress -street stand in Lagos, Portugal; Sandals – Abercrombie &Fitch.

This is one of my favorite dresses.  And can you believe I bought it for $5 in Lagos at a street stand.  Just goes to show that your favorite things might be the cheapest!  The colors are so sunny and they make me happy! And how wonderful to have a Love Story feature on the Ruche blog!  Go on, read it.  I dare you.  And if you like the photos, get Stacy Kinkaid to shoot your special moments…if you’re in and around Toronto that is. She’s so talented and just a complete pleasure to work with.

But alas, that’s where my happiness ends today…

Commence rant.
I nearly lost my dog.  And when I say lost I mean he was nearly killed. Yes, that adorable black fur ball was nearly killed. Why? Because of stupid dog owners!  A man had his huge German Sheperd off leash in a children’s playground – where it’s illegal to do so by the way – and the huge beast ran at my dog.  He came up and sniffed him, then bared his fangs and pounced on Drake.  Thank goodness my little guy is quick ’cause otherwise that thing would’ve got his neck.  I immediately put myself between the two and picked up Drake.  And the beast continued to try to attack him in my arms!  I half turned so that Drake was away from him – and my body was between the beast and Baby in her stroller, and shouted “No!” authoritatively at the monster.  It was shocked enough to pause, and that’s when the owner ran up, “He never does this.”  Clearly, you’re wrong because he just did.  Dog owners keep your #%@$@ dog on leash!  Especially where it’s illegal to take them off leash!  Especially around little kids!  Especially if you can’t control your own dog!  It’s one things for me to let Drake off leash – he’s barely 10lbs soaking wet.  If he charges, one swipe of a foot and he’s out of commission.  But a huge bag of muscle like a German Sheperd is another story.  I was terrified.  And not just for Drake, but for Baby and for myself.  Who knows what could’ve got into that brain?? So I reiterate, keep your #@%#$! dog on leash!!
End rant.

  *Pardon my language, but I didn’t stop shaking for an hour and poor Drake peed himself and didn’t stop shaking for two hours*

Quote of Today:
“This car is like a two year old.  It’s really annoying most of the time, but if someone tried to take it away from you, you’d kill them.”

Look Of The Summer

Boots- Ruche; Shirt – Ruche; Tank – Jacob; Shorts & Belt – AE.

First off, I’d like to give a warm welcome to my new followers!  I usually send each new follow a personal welcome message, but for some reason Google Friend Connect is not allowing me to do so for the last two weeks.  So unfortunately, a group welcome is the best I can do.  I’m so glad you’ve joined me! Let me know what you’re thinking.

Second, the outfit.  I read in some magazine that the “look of the summer” is jean shorts, a crochet sweater and cowboy boots.  Well, to be honest, I’m not a fan of crochet sweaters/shirts.  I like crochet as a detail, not as a centerpiece.  So, I decided to put a variation on the “look of the summer”  by pairing my cowboy booties and jean shorts with a top that has crochet detail.  It turned out that this was a great functional outfit to wear for my outing with Baby.  We decided to go out and get lunch *okay, I’m the only one who ordered lunch, she ate what I brought for her* and iced tea.  With Husband away on a business trip, I thought it was a great way to treat ourselves.  Oh, and I also got a chocolate-coconut macaroon.

P.S.  Sorry about the no make-up look today.  In this heat, I can’t stand wearing any.

And today’s True Story warranted a post all it’s own, so read that here.

Iced Tea!

Shirt – Soundgirl ; Skirt – H&M; Sandals – Winners.

Can you believe it’s this hot?!?!?  45 degrees!  I’m melting.  But on the plus side, I’m reeeeally enjoying iced teas!  I’ve been drinking all kinds and they all taste so delicious!  But I’m going through my ice faster than I can make it.  Which is not a good thing.

I have to say I had an amazing shoot yesterday with a talented photographer – dANIEL gARCIA.   We shot outside on the beach and I was in tall wildflowers, up a cliff *in heels no less* and on the beach.  So much fun!  Can’t wait to share the shots with you.

But back to the heat wave, how do you stay cool when it’s hot?

Quote of the Day: 
“You’ll eat goose poo, but you won’t eat an organic cracker.”

New York, I’ve Arrived

Here’s some stuff from my first day in New York…

Cool building.

Fun street metal art.

Yes, I went shopping in Beacon’s Closet.  One dress has been added to my wardrobe.

Overpriced store with a beautiful display.
My obsession with Top Gear has caused me to pay attention to cars like never before.

Top – stolen from Mom; Dress – H&M; Sandals – Zellers; Bag – F21.

See you tomorrow!  I’ve got some good stuff planned.

Making faces at Baby.

Dress – Ruche; Shoes – Payless.

Yesterday I had rehearsal for something I’m shooting on Saturday.  It’s a trailer for a feature that I’ll be in next year.  And it’s a horror film!  Going to be so much fun!  For the rehearsal I wore this lovely Ruche dress.  It was sweltering hot and this dress is nice and cool.  I’ve had to alter it since it’s too big around the bust for me, and I have to do so again, ’cause it’s still a bit roomy.  But I do really like the pattern on it.  And of course I had to wear a matching flower in my hair!

Date Day Outfit

Dress – ShopKempt; Sunglasses & Sandals – H&M.

For our date day out, I wore this little number from ShopKempt.  It was the perfect mix of dressy and casual to make the day special but also not to look like I was wearing a prom dress ’round town.  The light cotton material was so breezy and flowy, I felt so cute and girly!  I like florals, but sometimes they get a bit busy for me, which is why I love that this dress keeps the floral pattern in a simple monochromatic color scheme. 

And I could eat as much as I wanted without my clothes betraying me – it gave my tummy plenty of room!

In retrospect, I would’ve worn different shoes with it, ’cause these are a bit big and they made me feel a little like Ronald McDonald on occasion.

A Story All Of Their Own

Me and my darling babe playing on the swings!

Hat & Glasses – F21; Dress – vintage; Shoes – Payless; Belt – Spotted Moth.

First off, I’d like to say a warm welcome to my new followers!  You’re all awesome!  And I really hope you enjoy my humble blog.  It’s a genuine pleasure to write for all of you.  And your sweet comments always make my day. 

I’m kind of obsessed with vintage dresses lately.  You may know of my general obsession with dresses, but the fact that these dresses are so unique and they have a history all their own really intrigues me.  I am small *not that I’m complaining*, so a lot of stuff doesn’t fit me all that well, but that’s why this belt is awesome.  It’s nice and thick and when I wrap it around me is suddenly makes things look like they fit.  I love this belt so much that I have another one in a tan color too!

Fun tidbit of news:  check out an article my friend was responsible for here.  It features a quote from me!

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