Category :Florals

So Busy And Excited

Top – Ruche; Jeans – Gap; Boots – Feet First.

I’m really kind of pumped for the next three days.  I’m doing a Movieola live shift tonight, then on no sleep I’m popping down to Center Island to shoot an engagement shoot for a fabulous couple followed by possibly meeting up and talking shop with a really talented actress.   Then Friday I’m shooting a domestic violence PSA, finishing off with TAing an acting class on Saturday and doing a fun creative photoshoot on Saturday night *this time with me as the model*.   Crazy!  But I’m really pumped about all this fun activity.  As you can tell by the verbal spewage that just occurred. 

And on another totally fun note, are you as excited by the new TV season as me?  I’m watching all the premieres of my favorite shows and finding some new ones.  Loved Community, and am looking forward to House on Monday.  What about you?  Have you seen Pan-Am?  I haven’t.  Would you reccomend it? 

True Story:
Baby now says, “Uh-oh!”

And Now Back To You

Top & Dress – F21; Cardi – Smart Set; Shoes – Payless.

Some days I just don’t have a lot to say about things.  Shocking I know.  I’ve been crazy busy organizing things and working on stuff, so I haven’t really had a lot of time to reflect. The only thing I have to say is that I love mixing prints.  It’s something I’ve never experimented with before and now I’m addicted. 

But right now, I’m gonna turn it over to you.  Tell me what you’re pondering today. 

True Story:
Just in case you weren’t aware, all four legged creatures are “how how”  (dog barking) and all birds are “Qua Qua” (ducking quacking).  
At least according to Baby.

Giddy As A Schoolgirl

I wore this jacket in the cooler morning weather.

If you dropped by my house, you’d find me wearing this fun apron over my daily outfit.

Shirt – thrifted; Dress – Ruche; Shoes – Payless.

 Okay, so I actually didn’t get dressed yesterday.  I threw jeans on to go to the park with Baby, but I didn’t actually put on any kind of decent clothing.  Mostly, it was pajamas for me.   I did however get dressed today.

It’s so beautiful outside that it hardly feels like fall.  *which it technically isn’t until Friday*  I know that Fall is associated with darker, deeper colors and I’m all for seasonal dressing. But I also enjoy wearing bright, happy colors year round.  I don’t really follow rules that way.  I’ll wear white after labour day, black with brown and navy, and I’ll wear a sundress in the middle of winter *though I’ll layer it with tights, tops and sweaters – often turning it into a skirt*  So despite it being fall, I didn’t in the least mind throwing on this pretty summer dress.  I love the twirl quotient of this dress.  It always makes me giddy as a schoolgirl.

And I can never resist jumping in it.  *as seen here*

True Story:
 At play group today, one of the moms went off to breast feed her daughter.  
Her 20 month old daughter.  
To me, it felt a little old to still be breastfeeding with such regularity. 
Thoughts?  When is a child too old to breastfeed to in your opinion? 

I’m Still Patting Myself On The Back

Top & Boots – Ruche; Shorts – F21.

It’s beautiful and sunny, but deceivingly so.  I put on shorts and a breezy top and stepped outside to discover it is quite nippy.  boo-urns.

Yesterday one of my fav natural/organic cosmetic lines had a big sale.  I couldn’t get out there, so Husband kindly went by on his break to pick up two products I really wanted – organic jojoba oil and organic rosehip oil.  I love to use oils on my face.  They’re so gentle and soothing.  And I think we put our bodies through enough torture.

Speaking of torture, after my stroller run yesterday *sigh* I decided to do an actual run after Baby went to bed.  So I ran for another 50 minutes.  Crazy, I know!  But sometimes I just have a lot of energy.  Anyway, afterwards I was craving chocolate – badly.  But I’m trying to really stay away from sugar.  Instead, I made a protein shake with chocolate rice protein, banana, almond milk and agave syrup and did not go across the street to the convenience store and buy a chocolate bar.  Yes, I was very proud of myself.  Still am. *proud grin*

True Story:
This morning I was excited to see that the business cards I ordered arrived in my mailbox!  One set for Joanna Haughton the actor, and another for ModaMama.  
I get excited by stationery.
I squeal.

9/11 Pre-empts

Shirt – hand me down from Mom; Dress – Bershka (Spain); Shoes – Payless

Yesterday was the ten year anniversary of 9/11.  And I have a memory of that day that will stand out to me forever.  Every channel had been playing and replaying the footage, and there was news streaming non-stop on the TV.  About three hours after it happened, I went out to a local bulk/health food store to get some much needed groceries.  So, I remember being in the store and getting what I need while the little store TV is softly replaying the footage.  And I overhear some patron complain about how his day is ruined because all his shows have been pre-empted and all that’s on the TV is the same thing over and over again.

As humans we can be so incredibly self-centered.  It makes me sad.

Quote of Today:
“You’ve got egg in your ear”

Happy Monday Pickle!

Bag – thrifted; Top – The Bay; Jeans – Gap; Leather Jacket – ?; Shoes – Payless.

Happy Monday to everyone!  I know it’s the start of a new work week and most people hate that, but I like to think of it as a fresh start.  It’s a new week, anything’s possible.  I’m hoping to get a haircut this week – trying to book an appt with the fabulous Tanya!  There’s other things too.  I don’t want you to think that haircuts are the be all and end off of my week; it’s just what I thought of as I looked over these pics. 

I’m actually in a fashion pickle these days.  I don’t have a clear sense of self right now *too tired maybe?* and so I’m feeling like alllll my clothes just aren’t me.  So everything I wear feels off somehow.  Do you ever get that?   It’s a very weird feeling. Not bad.  Not good. Just weird.  So I’m navigating this highway right now, and in the meantime I’m going to enjoy the cookies Husband baked this morning.  *I know, right?*

True Story:
Baby walks over to pick up her favorite book, “The Paper Bag Princess,”  brings it over and plunks it down on Husband’s lap.  Then proceeds to struggle to get on to the couch and having managed that she settles in next to Husband and looks at him expectantly.  So, he has to read it. 

Skirts Abound With Boho-Casual

Top – Smart Set; Belt – AE; Skirt – Zara; Booties – Aldo.

I was on the set of Posthuman shooting an awesome episode today!  Seriously, it’s gonna be sooo good.   But that’s why I don’t have an outfit pic for you.  Instead, I’m showcasing an outfit that’s a few days old. Hope you like it!  I certainly do, but that’s because I’m having a love affair with Maxis recently.  Shhh, don’t tell Husband.   He doesn’t suspect anything.

In the meantime, check out this video.  It’s a little behind-the-scenes at the Movieola studio. *and I’ll be posting those outfit pic tomorrow, so it’s also like a sneak peek* 

Happy Sunday!

Quote of Today:
“Show me your shifty eyes.”

The Single Child Phenomenon

Dress – bought in London, England for $5!; Shoes – Zellers (on him – I don’t know, probably Value Village).

I wore this happy dress on the last day of my anniversary trip.  It’s such an easy dress to throw on ’cause the silhouette is so classic and flattering and the print is just so joyous.  I’m a big fan of happy prints.  They can just brighten your day like nothing else. 

On our anniversary we were reflecting on the last seven years, and the changes and choices we’ve made.  And once again we checked in with each other about our decision to have one child.  We periodically check in just to make sure we’re still on the same page.  And a lot of relatives and friends chide us for that decision.  They’re strongest and most common argument is that Baby needs a sibling and playmate.  To me that’s not a valid reason because I don’t want to reason for another human beings existence to be as a “sibling and playmate” for another human being.  And since we’re not drawn or moved to have another I don’t see why we should. 

On that note, I was recently reading in the September issue of Marie Claire that only children “tend to work faster and have better vocabularies; they develop a confidence and self-contained quality.”  And further they get plenty of socialization from friends, activities and school.   No longer is being an only child a hindrance as others thought.  And you know what?  I have siblings, but my soul sister is my best friend.

And when it comes to sibling rivalry – Drake the Dog constantly steals her toys causing tumultuous temper tantrums.  Trust me.  I’ve been privy to many such displays.

Quote of Today:
“I have Jane’s sports shirt too” – Firefly reference.

Reaching For Nostalgic Pieces

Necklace – in Dominican Republic; Bracelet – F21; Dress – Stradivarius; Sandals – Zellers.

Had a rehearsal for Posthuman yesterday (check that out here).  It went really well and I’m excited about the shoot on Sunday.  Other than that, I’ve been crazy, hectic busy trying to get through my ‘To-Do’ list.  It feels like it just keeps getting longer and nothing seems to be getting crossed out.  I really wish there were about 39 hours in the day.

Since I’m slightly insomniac lately and therefore not functioning at optimum capacity, I decided to wear my favorite dress.  Wearing this dress always makes me feel better.  I got it in Barcelona, and wore it all throughout Spain; so whenever I wear it it brings me back to sunny days spent walking along the beach and enjoying menu del dias.  What’s your favorite nostalgic piece?

Quote of Today:
“I can feel the cavities!”

Wine And Coral

Glasses – F21; Dress – Ruche; Shoes – Aldo.

So I copped out of Random Sundays, and Tuesday In Review this week because I’ve been away.  Husband and I celebrated 7 years together on Sunday and we went away for our first night by ourselves since Baby was born.  So you guys will forgive me right?  Thiiis time.

We went to Prince Edward County in Ontario, which is another wine region in the province – the main one being Niagara.  This region produces drier wines because of it’s harsher climate.  And we enjoyed tasting what the wineries had to offer.  I thought since we’re going away and tasting wines I wanted to be bright and colorful, hence, I chose this cheery coral dress.  I don’t have a lot of coral, but I’m loving the color lately and this dress is just perfect!  It’s breezy and light and so easy to wear.  And I loved that I was the brightest colored person in every winery tasting room.

Oh, and did you notice the heels?  I haven’t worn heels in forever ’cause I’m usually too busy running after/with Baby to wear heels.  But no Baby = heels!  Husband wasn’t tooo crazy about them since it makes me taller than him, but oh well.  Tough luck.

Side note:  I need a haircut!

Quote of Today:
“My goodness she can poo!”
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