Category :Florals

Dress 78: The Necessity Of A Back-Up Outfit

Dress – Bershka (in Barcelona); Belt – F21

I have to say, I was a big fan of this dress but now I’ve sort of lost the love.  I don’t like that it’s sooo overly babydoll.  I think it makes me look a little shapeless and child-like. It might be a cute dress to throw on around the house in the summer.  I’m not really sure.  Maybe, I’ll sell it, or store it.  Thoughts?

But I was only in this dress until just after lunch.  It got cold, and Baby…well, Baby did what Baby does.  She got food and spit-up on it.  I’ve gotten used to the idea that as a Mom I have a nice outfit and a simple back-up for later.  This was the back-up:

Shirt – Buffalo; Jeans – Guess

Dress 74: Nearing The End Soon

I’m a bit of a grumpy pants in this pic because it started raining on me.
Cardi – H&M; Shirt – Smart Set; Dress – Jean Machine ; Leggings – F21; Boots – somewhere in NYC

Can you believe this dress challenge is almost done?  I’ve got maybe ten more dresses and then I’m done.  That’s so cool.  It’s amazing that it’s taken me this long.  I really could just wear every dress I own three times a year and would have enough clothes for the whole year.  That’s kind of funny!   I’m looking forward to wearing pants…I have these great khakis, shorts and flare jeans…oh I’m getting excited!  Yeah, I know.  I’m easy to please.

I know I have a lot of dresses *and clothes in general*, but I just keep stuff, store, and rotate.  This dress is a perfect example.  I bought it about 8 years ago *it’s pre-Husband* and I still love to wear it ever summer.  I wanted to wear it this weekend because it is a bit folk-ish to me, and this holiday in Poland you’d often dress up in your folk costume to celebrate *I’ll show you something fun regarding that soon*.  So, I’m there in spirit. 

On another note, I bought something from Ruche and it’s coming in the mail.  I’m allowed to do so under the terms here.  And just in case you’re keeping track, we’re on day 77. *le sigh*

On a side, side note, I miss my long hair.

Dress 72: Twirly-Whirly Photoshoots

My dress is twirly!

And juummpy!!

Jacket – Jacob; Cardi – Esprit; Dress – Spotted Moth; Tights – Hue; Shoes – AE

Guess what?  My dress is Twirly-Whirly!  It’s skippy!  And it’s jumpy!  *or more, I’m jumpy and skippy and twirly-whirly when I’m wearing it* Yay!

The sun came out today,  the weather didn’t rise to meet it, but still that’s something.  I had a lovely day today.  It started off with fresh coffee and a photoshoot with a very talented photographer.  He shot my new headshots.  I saw some of the rough ones – the ones that have not been color corrected or anything – and even they looked amazing!  *and I’m not usually one to say that shots of me look amazing….trust me I’m not*  I’m seriously excited to get the edited versions so that I can show you.

And all you Toronto actors/singers/musicians, email me and I’ll hook you up with this amazing guy!

I had a lovely, quiet lunch out by myself.  Good food and a book.  Mmmmm….doesn’t get any better.

On the way to tea with a fabulous female, I saw this festive balcony above a busy shopping street.  Just had to share it with you.

Don’t you just love the X-mas tree in April??

True Story: Husband asked to borrow my new Britney Spears – Femme Fatale.  This is why I love him. He’s such a femme fatale *wink,wink…love you honey*

Dress 71: Hope Your Day Is Good

Dress – H&M; Belt – thrifted; Leggings – F21; Socks – ?

Sorry guys, I’m feeling really unmotivated today *I couldn’t even put on make-up and I spent half the day in pajamas*.  Maybe it’s the weather…it has been cold and rainy here for quite a while and everyone is wondering where Spring has got herself to.  So I don’t have much to say, except that wherever you are I hope you’re well!

True Story:  Baby had such a massive dump she woke herself up with it.  And it leaked through all her clothes, into her blanket and her sheets!  I know that’s gross, but all the Mama’s out there are nodding, “Yup, been there done that.”  I know.  I can see you.

Dress 67: So Far Today’s A Really Nice Day

Sweater – made by my Babcia; Dress – bought in Valencia, Spain; Belt – AE; Boots – Ruche; Earrings – F21

I’m sitting here finishing my coffee as the sun streams in through the windows.  Don’t let that fool you, it’s cold. 

Today, I’ve had a chance to edit photos and finish an episode of Criminal Minds.  So yeah, I’m having a nice morning. 

I thought I’d post these outfit shots that I promised you yesterday. 

More road trip posts to come!

Dress 65: Why Don’t We All Just Relax?

Baby was making funny faces at me off camera and it cracked me up!  Oh, and if you follow me on facebook, this is the dress that got me weird looks on the bus…I still don’t know why.

Cardi – Old Navy; Belt – AE; Dress – Guess; Boots – Ruche; Ring – Spotted Moth

I don’t usually comment on certain private events, but something has been on my mind of late.  I know this woman as an acquaintance *we run in vaguely overlapping social circles* and, since we know similar people, we were facebook ‘friends.’  Now this woman is a lovely person, but she has a tendency to say outrageous and sometimes offensive remarks/status updates.  Normally this is fine.  I’m not one to censor anyone.  Everyone has a right to say what they think regardless of what I may personally feel on the subject.  But it is not necessarily everyone’s right for me to listen to them.

Anyway, as every new Mom knows, the first four months of your baby’s life are rough on you mentally, physically, emotionally, and relationally.  I was going through this upheaval and isolation of new motherhood and used facebook to connect with friends and escape a little over my morning coffee.  I needed the respite from the turmoil and chaos that was the transition time.

During this fragile time, her outrageous and meant-to-be-entertaining remarks would make me really upset.  Though they were not directed at me, I was hurt by them.  So rather than say something that wasn’t my right to say, I simply ‘unfriended’ her.  Not too long ago we ran into each other at a social function, and she was rather cold – barely saying ‘hello’ and not making any eye contact.

Why  do I mention this?

Well, simply because I think we could all show a little more compassion to one another.  I think we could all benefit from watching what we say, and from taking things a little too personally.  Also, I think there is so much drama in the world already, that there really is no need to create more in our personal lives.

Live and let live.

True Story:  It still amazes me that I grew this beautiful little creature that is currently destroying my DVDs.

Dress 64: Being Transported Back In Time And Space

Blazer – F21; Dress – from Barcelona, Spain; Leggings – F21; Boots – First

I was saving this dress for just the right time.  See, when I started this challenge, I said I would wear everything once and not repeat until it was all worn, and this dress is my absolute favorite, so I had to choose the right time to wear it since I could only wear it once. And I wore it to celebrate Husband’s birthday. *he’s turning thirty and having a mini-meltdown about it*

Here’s why it’s my favorite:  It’s got a great pattern, bright colors, an incredibly soft material, and a little ruffle detail that adds just a touch of the flirty and feminine.  But it transports me back to Spain each time I wear it.  I saw this dress in a store in Barcelona a few years ago.  I immediately fell in move and bought it.  It has gone with me to many Spanish beaches, dinners and pubs.  It has been with me through the creation of many wonderful memories.  So I love to wear it for a very nostalgic reason  and sentimental reason.  Do you have a piece like that? 

By the way, I’d like to thank all my readers.  You’ve managed to hit 3 all time highs in the last week.  Next goal: 500 views per day. I appreciate your help in spreading the word about my humble blog!  Thanks so much!

Dress 63: I Really Do Get Easily Distracted By Food

A nice shot of the dress.
A detailed shot of the cardigan

Hat – Ruche (similar); Dress – Ruche (similar); Cardi – Nick&Mo; Jacket – Smart Set; Tights – Hue; Loafers – AE

What a beautiful day!  The sun was out and it was so warm.  The whole world just suddenly got happy.  Baby and I went out for storytime and I had a delicious sandwich.  You don’t understand, it was delicious! I love me some good food.   Moving on: I don’t know why, but storytime was empty.  So Baby got a private reading of two books.  Granted she was more interested in the toddlers and kids running around instead of the book, but what can you do?

Right now, Husband is roasting a chicken for dinner.  I can smell it.  Mmmmm…..chicken.

It’s very distracting. 

Must. Focus.  Mention.  Dress.

I have to say that what I love about this dress is that it’s a girlie lace dress, but the bold blue prevents it from becoming too girlie-girlie, or grandma-esque.  And it is so easy to wear.  The cut is flattering for anyone, the fabric is very forgiving, and it’s very comfortable.  You really can’t go wrong with it.

True Story:  Baby is constantly grinding her teeth!!  I guess she loves the sound??  I don’t know how to make her stop.  But I keep telling her that those are my teeth!  I made them.  I grew them.  She’s not allowed to destroy them!  Now, why can’t she just understand that???

Dress 61: Playing With Patterns

Cardi – Costa Blanca; Dress – Ruche; Tights – from Poland; Boots – Ruche

I promised you I would do better today.  And I think I have.  Just the fact that I got dressed in clean clothes today….ha!

I’ve stopped asking whether I should trash, stash, or save.  ‘Cause frankly, I can’t bear to part with any of them.  But your opinion is always welcome if you see one that is just a big ‘NO’. Please do let me know.  We all need that honest person to come up and say, “Honey, that’s not doin’ it today, you know?”   At least, I appreciate such blunt honesty.

I’m loving mixing patterns right now.  I used to be so scared of it, for fear of getting it wrong, but now I’m just having fun with it and playing.  And it is so much fun to play!

Oh, and I’m going for a haircut on Sunday.  Time to clean this mess up!

Dress 59: Sometimes I Don’t Mind The Rain

Umbrella – Walmart; Dress – Tulle; Leggings – F21; Socks – stolen from Husband; Wellies – Petite Pieds.

A rainy day here in Toronto, but I’m not letting that stop me from looking cute.  It was time to bring out the wellies!  This is a cute dress from Tulle, but it fits me a little wierd.  It’s really loose on top, but tight on the bottom.  I’m thinking it’ll look awesome tucked into a skirt or pants (i.e. worn as a ‘top’).  Do you like it on me???  Trash, stash, or save?

Last night Husband asked me how my no shopping thing is going.  Not bad.  I’ve kind of failed a little – broke my own rules and bought something I shouldn’t have.  But overall, I’ve really curbed my shopping.  So, even though I wracked myself with guilt over the fact that I bought a couple of things I shouldn’t have *on principle, not because I spent too much money or anything* I’m doing pretty well.  I’m trying not to be too hard on myself too, you know?  I’m not perfect.  I’m fallible.  But I think I’m doing a good job so far. 

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