Category :Florals

Happy New Year!

Top – hand me down; Dress – Ruche; Tights – Hue; Shoes – Payless.

Hope you all had a great night!  Husband and I stayed in yesterday and had a totally lazy day.  It was wonderful!  We spent New Years Eve drinking red wine, eating chocolate and I even did some sewing played Zelda on the Wii.  I know, we’re absolutely wild!  Wild, I tell you!

It’s a New Year and it’s a fresh start.  I’ve definitely got some goals this year, and I’m hoping I’ll achieve them, but as they say, “Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.”  So we’ll see where I’ll be this time next year.  But one thing that I’m committed to this year in this blog is fun!  Hope you’ll join me!  I’m excited to introduce a new regular post to you on Saturdays, stay tuned for that.

About mid-January I’m running a new series about Mamahood.  I’ve got some great Mama bloggers lined up to share with you their journey in Mamahood – the truth and nothing but the truth.  You’ll hear about the good things and the bad things – all cards on the table.  Hopefully, you’ll see yourself in this and realize that you’re not alone.  I certainly find it reassuring that other women have the same thoughts that I do.  It’s often dis-heartening to me to read about Mama bloggers who love every minute and never have a bad thought or experience. It makes me wonder, “What’s wrong with me?  Why don’t I love every single second? Am I a bad mother/woman?”  But hearing some of these women’s stories makes me realize that I’m not alone.  It’s not all cupcakes and butterfly kisses.  It’s also temper tantrums, sleeplessness and wanting to pull your hair out.  So I look forward to reading and sharing these women’s true stories of Mamahood. Keep an eye out for that mid-January.

And I’m so glad I got a sewing machine. Yes, Andrew  *it’s time he got a name since he’s always bugging me to be in the blog I no longer have to protect his privacy* bought me one for my birthday and I’ll show you that beauty soon.  I’m glad not just because I’m excited to get better at making my own stuff, but also because this dress above is starting to fray.  I’ve worn and abused it so much that it’s starting to show the results of my loving wear.  So, I guess I’ll be fixing that up real soon!

Quote of Today:
“You won’t give her another cookie, but you’ll give her alcohol?”

Birthday Outfit

Top – AE; Sweater – Gap; Pants – Le Chateau; Boots – Locale; Bag – Matt by Matt&Nat; Ring –

First off, notice the awkwardness of taking outfits shots in a crowded boxing week sale mall?  Yeah, mega awkward!  Almost as awkward as that time I was shooting a music video in downtown Toronto in a silver catsuit….

Allmost, not quite though.  Anyway, I digress.

My husband took me out for my birthday and he said that I can’t get
dressed up. “Jeans and a hoodie, he said.  I at least negotiated a cute
sweater instead of a hoodie and cords instead of jeans.  And to be honest, I was upset that on my
birthday I couldn’t get all gussied up, so I decided to have my own
little rebellion by doing my nails a fun and bold color.  But the shooting lesson was worth the dressing down.  Oh and I found out why he told me not to get all fancy, because you have to have your cleavage and such covered in case the shell casings fly down your shirt.  That would suck, ’cause they burn.

Chelsea, my lady, that’s you!  I have to say that even though the draw is random, I was pulling for Chelsea.  She entered everyday!  And she tweeted her heart out about it, so I did I little cheer when I saw that her comment was lucky 13!   Email me your image and link and let’s get you set up ASAP.  Congrats lady!

Stay tuned for another giveaway coming in early January!

Quote of Today:
“I can’t liiiive without red lipstick!”
My thought in reaction, “Really?  COD: lack of red lipstick?”

Telling Stories In Front Of The Camera

Cardi – H&M; Dress – Trollied Dolly from Ruche; Pin & Socks – F21; Tights – Hue; Boots – Locale.

I’m a little nervous about today.  I’m doing a shoot, where I’m the model.  That always gets me nervous.  I’m kind of always afraid I’ll suck and ruin the whole thing.  You’d think I’d be okay with it considering how often I’m in front of the camera as an actress, but no.  When the camera’s rolling I can move, act convey a story and emotion in a very naturalistic way.  Where as I feel it’s a different skill altogether to convey a story of all that in one still picture.  But I get nervous when I’m behind the camera as well, so maybe I just get nervous period.  Either way, I’m psyching myself up for it, and trying to really relax.  I’m working with an amazing photographer, so I know I’m in good hands, and I’m incredibly thankful for that.  I’ll be sure to let you guys know how it goes….and whether I fall flat on my face, ’cause you know that would be funny.

True Story:
Baby pointed at the dog’s bed and asked what’s that.
I told her that’s Drake’s bed.
She crawled in and lay down in it while smirking at the dog.
There’s no length she won’t go to because of jealousy.

Rising Together

Cardi – Esprit; White top – Smart Set; Ruffle Top – swapped; Jeans – Guess; Boots – Threadsence; Earrings – F21; Belt – AE.

This fun ruffly top is one of my scores from a recent clothing swap.  So much fun!  I love swapping clothes with fabulously fashionably females.  It’s a great chance to hang out and catch up and get some cool clothes for free!  I’m thinking I need to host one in the spring.
I was tweeting about this recently – and dialoging about it on Twitter with some awesome people –  but it’s prevalently on my mind right now: we women need to support one another more.  The circle of women – both in real life and online – that I work with all rise together.  We succeed together by boosting one another.  I think that’s the difference – seeing success as rising together, not getting ahead at the expense of someone else.

Our gender has had it hard enough, and still does.  Shall we not help and encourage one another?

How do you support the women in your life? 

True Story:
Big tub of almond butter + one spoon = one happy baby.

Sun Flare Lenses Over My Eyes

Shirt – F21; Vest – AE; Dress – Ruche; Belt – came with another dress; Tights – Hue; Boots – Feet First.

The days are growing shorter and shorter and the world seems a little surreal to me, like I’m spending my days in a sun flare haze meandering through the hours until….until what?  That’s the question.  It feels like I’m waiting, but I don’t know what I’m waiting for.  Maybe I’m waiting for the snow to come so it actually feels like winter and the freezing temperatures are justified their existence.  Maybe I’m waiting for December 21st so that the days can start getting longer once more. Maybe I’m just waiting for the holidays to be over and all that stress and activity to subside.  Maybe I’m just, “Waiting for Godot.”

Who knows.

For now I’ll have a cup of tea and read.

What are you waiting for?

Quote of Today:
“Jason, time to drop your pants”

Clothes, Friends, And Food

On me: Top – thrifted; Dress – Ruche; Tights – Hue; Boots – Feet First. On Reggy:  no idea but she looks so cute!

I went to a fun clothing swap today,hosted by none other than the fabulous, Miss Reggy!  She had some lovely treats to eat and in between snacking and chatting we got to try on some fun clothes.  I brought three garbage bags worth of clothes and I’m happy to say that many items found themselves a lovely new home! Myself, I walked away with three pieces: a sweater, a vest, and a top.  Stay tuned for outfit posts featuring those items! 

p.s. why is it that I’m always giggling in my pics?  I’m that person in the group shot that’s laughing while everyone else is looking all cool and glamorous *le sigh*

Quote of Today:
“You wax your chest.  How far does that go?”

Opening A Can Of Worms

Cardi – Smart Set; Blouse – F21; Skirts – Jacob; Tights – Hue; Shoes – Town Shoes.

 A person recently tweeted *and I’m paraphrasing* “To those who think gay marriage ruins the institution of marriage, I have two words: Kim Kardashian.”  That got me thinking, not about gay marriage – because I’m not going to touch that debate with a ten foot pole – but about marriage and what is meant when we, as a society, talk about protecting it.

Marriage throughout history was used as the official stamp on things: alliances, deals, contracts, peace agreements,etc. They were all sealed with a marriage between the two parties.  Even those not in the well-to-do ranks or aristocracy *this goes beyond Europe, and I use aristocracy to mean the upper castes of society* used marriage to seal deals – whether that was to secure two farms to each other, secure care for a daughter, or just to get rid of a mouth to feed. *’cause that’s what an extra daughter was thought as being*  Our modern idea of marriage has been present throughout history as well – I think love has always been –  but it was either an accident, luxury, or done out of wedlock.  Poorer people often had what we consider ‘marriage’ but they had it outside wedlock and without the sanction of the church, or ruling authority, because it was common that people couldn’t pay for a ceremony or pay taxes/fees to their lord to be allowed to marry. 

My question is this, what exactly are we talking about protecting?  The institution of marriage has not been sacred historically – it’s been a rubber stamp, which we don’t need anymore since we have lawyers and contracts and courts.  Our modern idea of marriage was considered a foolish notion, indulgence, or occurred without official sanction – people just lived together as man and wife.

So are we talking about protecting the 1950s idea of marriage?  The one where women had no real means, or power and stayed in abusive marriages because of lack of options, or had to marry because of the same? Is that what we’re protecting? 

I know what marriage means to me.  I know how strongly I believe in it and how important I think it is.  But I also know that the institution of marriage is not a pure and innocent thing.  It has routinely been used without regard for the two individuals involved, so I’m not particularly adamant in protecting it either.  I’ve seen people enter into it casually and leave just as casually *Britney Spears 72 hours Vegas wedding, anyone?* and I’ve seen first hand people live together in love for decades without being ‘married.’

If we’re protecting the idea of what a love marriage means, well then I don’t think we should worry because as I said, love marriages have always been around and have survived despite humanity’s best efforts to use them as a tool.
So I repeat my question, what exactly are we talking about protecting?
And that’s not rhetorical.  I want to know.   I don’t mean to open up a controversial topic, I’m just inquisitive and curious, and I’d like to know what we’re talking about.  I want to define exactly what is being debated.

p.s. sorry about the blurry pics.  Yesterday was crazy and I had five minutes to grab a record of what I wore.

Quote of Today:
“I could marry you!”

Running While Pregnant

Shirt – thrifted; Cardi – Esprit; Jeans – Gap; Belt – F21; Boots – Threadsence.

 I’m an avid runner.  And I do mean avid.  Before I had the Baby it wasn’t uncommon for me to go for 10k runs up to five days a week.  It’s just something I liked to do.  And when I got pregnant I pretty much continued doing that.  I listened to my body and the days that I felt too tired or not up to it, I cut runs short or skipped them altogether.  And I also did P90X during my pregnancy – everything except the twists, which all the experts agree is not good for you.  And the abs – ’cause once I have a big belly that just wasn’t going to happen!  But I continued this exercise regime pretty much right up until I gave birth.  And then at six weeks post-partum, when I got the medical ‘all-clear,’ I resumed my running regimen gradually starting from 20 minutes and working my way back up.

What frustrated me were the looks of disapproval I got from some people.  The looks that said, “You’re endangering your baby by over exercising.”  I got those looks from a wide-spectrum of people, and I always dismissed them.  I told myself that my doctor and midwife didn’t have a problem with it, and my body seemed to want to continue it so why shouldn’t I? I’m pregnant, not sick.

Today I read this article about a woman who ran/walked a marathon and gave birth shortly after.  She has become infamous, drawing critics from far and wide. We all have different bodies and different capabilities, and where one woman can run a marathon pregnant, another can’t, but as long as both women are healthy, what’s the big whoop?  If you’re healthy and capable and smart, why shouldn’t you do it?  I think what’s more dangerous is the pregnant woman who lays in bed for nine months and takes pregnancy as an excuse to not move and to eat everything in sight regardless of nutrition. But that’s just me.

These days I still run on the treadmill, but I pretty much run all day everyday….after Baby and Drake the Dog.   What did you do during pregnancy?  How did your body feel? What would you change if you were to do it again?

The Last Daily Challenge:
Run.  Whether 10 minutes or 60, just try it. 

Bold Blue And Radiant Red

Top – thrifted; Dress & Socks – Ruche (sold out, but available at Modcloth) ; Tights – Hue; Shoes – Clarks; Pinwheel pin – c/o Blue Eyed Owl.

I wanted to wear something fun and innocent today, and for some reason lately I’m reaching for bold blues, or radiant reds, so it was only natural that at some point I would combine the two.  I need to thank the two fabulous make-up artists, Jessica and Francesca, on the set of my recent film shoot *here and here* for showing my that I can indeed where bright red lipstick despite my thinner than desired lips.  Oh and by the way, I’m loving this neutral eye palette I recently got, it goes amazing with everything!  Today I wore Virgin, Sidecar, and Darkhorse.

This royal blue dress has become a beloved item in my closet, and whenever I wear it simply can not resist the urge to wear these gorgeous pins I received from Liz from the Blue Eyed Owl.  It’s like they were made for each other.

p.s.  if you like this look, please go here and ‘like’ it for the world to see.  Thanks!

Tomorrow’s Daily Challenge:
Look at yourself in the mirror, ignore all your “flaws,” and list five features you really like about your physical appearance. 
*if you’re willing to, I’d love to hear what they are in the comments*

Under Construction

Cardi – hand me down; Dress – Ruche; Tights – H&M; Boots – Feet First; Belt – F21

Oh my goodness!  I’m re-designing my blog because well it’s just time, and the old template I was working with before had so many faults it was becoming a bit of a nightmare to try to manage it.  So in the meantime, I’ve had to revert to a simple template, but at least this one actually works!  I’m hoping to have it done and revealed to you soon.  In the meantime, please stick with me.  I know it looks pretty bare right now, but at least it’s clean and functional.

On another note, I’m getting eaten out of house and home!  Baby ate two eggs with sausage today and half a piece of toast, then munched on cheerios until snack time: two whole bowls of yogurt and a breakfast bar.  Where does it all go???

Tomorrow’s Daily Challenge:
Have absolutely no sugar today – maple syrup and agave nectar allowed, no splenda or such stuff though.
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