Category :Dresses


Sometimes, Andrew says I can cause a scene. And he’s not wrong.

Get Help!

Don’t try to do things alone. We’re not isolated creatures. Nor are we gods who can do anything. Get some help with your goals.

Another Day in Kingston

Another day, another cafe… or two.


The city of Kingston in Ontario is so pretty. It’s managed to protect a lot of it’s historical buildings and character.

Dresses in the Woods

“You wore a dress to the woods,” she said shaking her head at me.

Financial Pleasure

We were talking about pleasure. You know what’s also pleasurable? Financial security. Some of us are more fiscally and financially motivated. We live in a culture of consumer debt. That does NOT mean this is a good thing. In fact, I read a statistic that says 46% Canadians are $200 away from insolvency. Not cool, guys. Not cool.

Knowing is Half the Battle

Knowing what drives you to shop is important because it helps to identify what you enjoy and what you don’t.

Kissy Faces

I don’t send kissy faces. Ever.

Start of Summer Swishbook

It’s been a little while. But I’m trying to get back into swishbooks. So here you go…

What Drives You To Shop?

Let’s start with the biggie: What drives you to shop? If you take away anything from me ever, it’s to always ask, “what’s driving you?”

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