Category :Dresses


“You don’t need enemies.”

Alter Vintage/Thrift to Work For You

I really love this brand, L’ecoles des Femmes, from Paris. But can’t afford it. I’m not saying it’s not worth the price, I’m saying it’s beyond my fiscal capacity – there is a distinct difference.


You know that moment when you say something and suddenly the room goes quiet?

Moving Immigrant Game

And now I’m the immigrant, whose family moved continents as a child, then moved several times here, until I finally moved out on my own….

Sustainble Fashion and Shopping: Why Should You Care?

Sure sustainability in fashion is great for the environment, but why should you do it? I mean why should you care?

Laundromat ‘Joys’

Home ownership for almost ten years means I haven’t had to use a laundromat for ten years…

Sustainable Over the Knee Socks

Now that’s a mouthful. But that’s what they are.

City Versus Rural

I’m a small town girl in a big city, and a city girl on a farm. Growing up on both, splitting time, you’d think I’d be comfortable in either, but the reality is that I’m uncomfortable with both.

A Little Bit Bordello: Sustainable Hosiery and Changing Fashion

I’m sorry if I’m repeating myself, but vintage and sustainable are so my jam…

A Bunch of Skinny Trees

I know this is going to sound weird….

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