Category :Denim

Tips For Online Vintage Shopping: Learn to Sew

Yes, easier said than done. And yes, that’s a life long skill. I’m not saying become a seamstress. I’m saying learn the basics.

Hilary MacMillian and Betsey Johnson

Sometimes you want to play. Sustainability and budget are first and foremost on my mind when it comes to fashion. But sometimes a girl wants to play.

Give to Get

Give what you want to get.

Vintage Shopping Spree: Trinity Bellwoods Yard Sale

So it’s well established by now that I don’t do malls or shops very well at all.

The Ice Queen Thaweth

Certain things really stress us out: health, work, and love. They do so for a good reason. They’re important things that matter and affect us greatly. Certain other things….

That First Day On The Bike

Yes, I know people in Toronto bike year round.

Cherry Blossoms in High Park Picnic

Toronto’s Cherry Blossoms are at their peak right now.

Check Yourself

Do you produce because you feel an urgent compulsion to express certain idea or feelings, or are you actuated by the desire for applause?” – Bertrand Russell

Selfies vs. Self Portraits (Hate vs. Love)

I told you it was coming. I warned you it was coming. I promised, and so here it is: my thoughts on the selfie.

Embrace the Ridiculousness

When you’re out with your friend, and ask her to take some outfit shots….but she can’t stop making you laugh, what do you do?

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