Category :Denim

An Appropriate Time To Take Your Shoes Off

Jacket – Gap  //  Sweater – Mexx  //  Dress – Love Audrey *get one in Coral from Threadsence
Tights – F21  //  Scarves – street stand  //  Boots – Locale  //  Bag – Ruche
Give me a great dress, a fabulous jacket, and a large bag and I can rule the world.  Not literally of course, but somehow this is the perfect trifecta of sartorial brilliance to make me feel confident with who I am.

This is also the outfit I wore to a recent audition where in the middle of it I took off my boot.  To be fair, it was relevant and part of the scene, but I don’t think they expected me to do it.  Nor to continue the rest of the scene waving my boot around.

I got excellent feedback from that audition and they were “impressed with me.”  That seals it, I’m taking off my boot at every audition from now on. 


 Jacket – Gap  //  Dress – ModCloth *sold out*  // Tights & Necklace – F21  // Boots – Feet First  // Ring – Threadsence

Playing with different trends and styles.  Experimenting with different perceptions of self and different sides of various aesthetics.  These are the things I love about fashion.

But there’s also something serenely and peacefully perfect about a homecoming.  A homecoming to that outfit that best defines you. An outfit that really reflects to the world who you are at your core.  The outfit that feels just like the worn in jeans, a cup of hot chocolate, or that home cooked meal your mama made.  

A floral dress, jean jacket and boots.  That’s my fashion chicken soup.  It just doesn’t get any better. 

This is me world.

True Story:
Baby Girl got a firetruck and fireman action figure as a Thanksgiving Day present from my Mom.  
I’m not talking about how she’s been obsessed with it ever since.
I am talking about how she took the fireman figure and insisted on changing his diaper. 
The figurine is maybe 5 inches tall. 
So he went from pooping his pants in a fire to being smothered in a diaper???
Poor guy can’t catch a break.

Fall Upcycled Pieces

Necklace – c/o Imprintalish
Top – H&M
Jacket – Gap
Skirt – Skies Are Blue
Tights – F21
Boots – Threadsence

Fall is fully in bloom here.  Yes, I say that sarcastically since, what it means is that nothing is actually blooming, but instead dying.  I’m not a big fan of Fall.  I love the first week because I pull out my sweaters and boots, and then I’m over it.  I know it means we’re in for several long months of winter and cold, and really, I could totally pass on that!

But it does mean the return of darker colors and richer tones.  That I really enjoy.  So when I recently got the opportunity to style a piece from Imprintalish, I naturally navigated toward this necklace in a darker hue.  It also seemed perfect because I immediately thought of a white shirt.  Then I just had to build the rest of the outfit around those two pieces.  And this was the result.

I loved the idea of pairing this very cool upcycled necklace with a white top because it’s a great way to make something office-like *the white shirt* look unique and chic. I can see someone in an business atmosphere pairing this with a blazer and trousers, or a cute pencil skirt and being professional, yet totally one of a kind.

That’s what’s so great about Imprintalish.  All the styles are neutral enough to be worn in so many different venues and occasions, but unique enough that people will be asking, “Where’d you get that?”  I’m thinking I may have to get this piece next.  You? What would you get?

Nowhere Near Spartacus

Dress – Numph via Bloom
Jacket – Gap
Shoes – Payless
Belt – H&M
Necklace & Sunnies – F21

Some days I feel just so uninspired when it comes to getting dressed.  Today was one of those days.  Seriously, if you were in my bedroom with me *although why would you be?!?* you’d have heard lots of groans, and sighs, and “ughs” and had lots of belts, necklaces and several dresses tossed in your direction.  Now, I realize that this could sound like the opening lines of a Spartacus Roman scene *you know what I’m talkin’ about…wink wink* but trust me when I say that it was nowhere near as sexy, definitely not as well lit, but probably in a similar state of undress.
Quote of Today:
“I thought it was her because all I saw was a butt, and you two have very similar butts.”


Dress, Sunnies (old) & Bracelets (old) – F21
Sandals – Ruche
 Jacket – Gap

We all know the ‘secrets’ to living a healthy lifestyle.  It’s not magic.  Good diet, plenty of exercise, and low stress.  So I’m not going to tell you any of this.  You know it.  I know it.  We all know it.  But here’s what I will say.  My best kept secret to a healthy life?  My amazing naturopath!

I don’t go to a regular General Practitioner anymore.  I go for my regular yearly check- up, and if I broke my leg I’d go to a hospital.  But when it comes to my day-to-day quality of life, sickness, and other ailments I see my talented naturopathic doctor, Jennifer Forgeron.  She has literally changed and saved my life as well as the lives of some friends I’ve sent to her.  She helped me to heal myself when 7-9 specialists *from oncologists, to hematologists, to rheumatoid specialists* had no idea of what was even happening to me.  I think the idea behind naturopathic medicine is the key: help the body heal itself.

Now, I’m talking about homeopathy, herbs and Chinese medicine.  These ones have definitely proven their mettle to me.  And the key is to find a really good and very capable naturopathic doctor.  They are not all made the same.

That’s my two cents.
This in no way replaces the advice of a qualified health care professional – whether natural or not.

A Wonderful Week

July 4 Shirt – don’t remember I’m sorry.  It’s old.
Vest – AE
Jeans – Gap
Shoes – Threadsence

I’m going to see some Fringe Festival plays today as part of a fun gig to review them for Mooney on Theatre.  Definitely looking forward to getting out there and having a good time. It’s been a wonderful week so far filled with photoshoots, kung fu classes, audits of acting classes, and now this!  Keep it coming July.  Next up, several other projects, including the premiere of Posthuman on, before I leave on the 22nd for my best friend’s wedding.  Oh yeah!

p.s. Due to the amazing response to the Coffee Talk: Posing vlog, I’ll definitely be adding a video element to ModaMama.  Next vlog coming at you on July 13th!

Quote of Today:
“I’ve got a chainsaw and I’m going in the Manor.”

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