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Responsible Fashion


Heading up to the cottage this past long weekend, I was yet again struck by the beauty that we have in nature.  Also, the profound meaning and connection we can achieve by just sitting quietly and letting the world move around us.

In my daily life, I try to live as ethically and sustainably as possible. It’s a daily journey, and I’m not sure I’ll ever be 100% there. It’s hard when daily conveniences are, well, convenient.


Though having recently partnered with Ungalli clothing, a 100% sustainable and ethical Canadian clothing company, I had a lovely moment standing on the dock wearing the softest hoodie possible, knowing that in wearing it I had not brought harm to any of the beauty around me.


Hoodie – c/o Ungalli Clothing

This hoodie was the perfect running and lounging layer around the cottage – not too heavy and ultra snuggly. Kind of perfect for a day spent swimming, laying in the sun, and warming around a campfire.




Tank Top – c/o Ungalli //  Overalls – Spell Designs  //  Necklace – Monserat de Lucca  // Sandals – ThreadSence

Ungalli has a threefold mission. First, their clothes are made from recycled material. Second, they’re made in North America under our labor laws. Third, they partner with different environmental organizations to both promote *through their designs* and to donate money from every sale.



But lest you think that these are only cottagey, camping clothes.  Let’s be clear: they totally belong in any urban fashionistas arsenal. This tee is definitely in my favorite tees list.  Not just because of the softness, but also because of the lovely uplifting message it has.  Personally, it reminds me to be present in my life daily. To embrace and feel every moment, and imprint it in memory.



Tee – c/o Ungalli  //  Pants – Jens Pirate Booty via ThreadSence  //  Necklace – Gypsy Love Store  //  Hat – Threadsence  //  Rings – Etsy, F21, and heirlooms  //  Sandals – c/o Easy Spirit

Love to you and all the lovely creatures we share our planet with. Let’s do the best we can by making conscious choices, including clothing choices whenever possible.

*this post has been brought to you in
 collaboration with Ungalli clothing*

Hold It Close


Languorous stretching.
Breathing deeply.
Soaking in the heat.

Let’s all do that today.
Let’s wallow in the glory that is the summer, and the beauty that is the heat of another’s body close to you.







Route 66 Romper – Spell Designs  //  Crop Top & Sandals – ThreadSence  // Bracelets – Ruche & Threadsence  //  Sunnies – UO  // Necklace – Vanessa Mooney

It’s the Weekend


Long weekend here in Canada.  I’m personally heading to the cottage. Gonna enjoy the love and laughs with a whole bunch of great friends. And that delicious, worshipful pleasure of staring at a campfire in the night and smelling it in your hair the next morning.

It’s great to indulge your senses like that.




Romper – FreePeople  //  Belt – F21  // Long Necklace – Homegrown Boutique  // Sandals – Winners  //  Cami – I forget  //  Short Necklace – Etsy

A Millions Things….


…go wrong. Everyday. You wake up with a certain expectation of the day, at least I do, and everyday it turns out different.  Sometimes better, sometimes worse, and sometimes just different.

So how do we deal with it?  Get angry that the day didn’t turn out as we wanted?  Yeah, sometimes I do that. I wish I didn’t though. I wish I didn’t put expectations on a day. But that the curse of humanity isn’t it?  A desire to control what is impossible to control. I’m trying, emphasis on ‘trying’, to take the day as it comes. Still have goals, but realize that the unexpected and the beautiful can intrude on those days. Can intercede and either cause wonder or frustration.

I’m trying to be okay with that.





Dress – Guess *veeery old*  //  Hat – ThreadSence  //  Sunnies – F21  //  Necklace & Rings – various shops that I forget, sorry. 

Messy Hair, Don’t Care


There’s this image that bloggers, mostly fashion and lifestyle, present.

Of course, it’s the perfectly lit and edited photos showcasing the oh-so-effortlessly-chic outfit that looks absolutely perfect.  Yet the reality is this.  This photo above taken at the end of the day.  Hair is messy and sweaty from the thirty five minutes I literally just spent biking in high heat and humidity.  The braid has become mussed from the day as well. And this outfit was more utilitarian than chic.



What you don’t see is the coffee spill from rushing.  Or the ketchup that slipped out and onto pants. Or the wrinkles that happen when you’ve sat and just lived in clothes.  You don’t see that. Because outfit photos are usually taken before all that, or it’s photoshopped out. And you definitely don’t see such stellar, model worthy shots like the graceful one below:

Shirt – UO  // Shorts – Target  //  Sandals – ThreadSence *old*  //  Necklace – Vanessa Mooney  //  Rings – assortment of fair trade artisan, and hand me downs from my Grandma. 

Eat Your Heart Out, Boys.


That’s right.  Look at that poise, and grace.
Hot. I tell ya.
With a capital ‘H.’

With all seriousness, I love to make funny faces for the camera, and relish the use of a good prop. These glasses. Man these glasses are awesome.  So ill fitting and ridiculous.  And I usually have something equally ridiculous in my purse.

It comes in handy. For example, sitting at coffee with two friends who started talking all serious and I knew they would probably just bum each other out. I listened to them, then casually reached in and silently put on the glasses.  No one noticed for a few seconds, but once they did.  Laughs. And the serious mood was forgotten.

Plus, like I said: hot.




Dress – Ruche *old*  //  Boots – Aldo  //  Necklace – ThreadSence  //  Sunnies – F21

The Dress I Wore


On pins and needles, I know. You’ve been eagerly awaiting the follow up post to this one. Well, here’s the dress I did actually wear.  This one didn’t move anywhere on it’s own, it only moved with me.

That’s one of my requirements for a good dancing dress: that it doesn’t move of it’s own accord, so that I don’t have to spend the evening yanking and adjusting.

My other requirements:

1. Comfort. Stretchy or loose it has to be comfortable.
2. Breathable. Too much material and you heat up pretty fast. Then you’re a sweaty mess, and not in the good way.
3. Not too intricate.  To many holes, loops, or architectural details, and someone at some point in the even is going to get caught in it, and something’s going to tear.

And my last requirement: that it makes me smile.  That I look at it and something about it makes me energized and happy.  ‘Cause a sad dancing dress?  That would be baaaad.



Dress – Zara  //  Boots – I forget *old*  //  Purse – ThreadSence  //  Flash tattoos – eBay

The Dress I Didn’t Wear


This past Friday I had a friend’s dance party, to celebrate her birthday. Now, you know I love to dance, and I love me a great dancing dress. I put this fringed backless dress on thinking it would be perfect for the evening. I do love it. But after taking these shots, I came home and did the test. Always do the test. Test out what you’re wearing with what you’re doing. Why? Because I dislike fashion holding back my actions. I don’t want to be limited in my motion. I like the freedom.

So the test: I danced like I would for one song. During that time, the slip moved too much for my liking. It moved too far north, if you know what I mean. And that was after one song of dancing.

Nothing, not fire, not weather, not fashion will take dancing away from me. In this and all cases, if it doesn’t function, it ain’t happening. So, though I wanted to wear this, I decided that dancing all night with no worries was, and always will be, my priority.

What does this mean for the dress?  It means that until I manage to get an inch or two added to the slip, it’s a going out and hanging out dress. Not a dancing dress – that calls for some very specific requirements….which I’ll talk about in my next post when I show you what I did wear.

I know, you’re on the edge of your seats.




Mind Games

Spell-Designs -White-Dress

A friend and I were talking briefly about mind games. Mainly how people seem to play them a lot. And we both agreed that this is part of the reason we have such difficulty navigating the world sometimes – because I hate mind games. I don’t get it. I don’t like it. And I by nature do not engage in them. I usually take people at face value. But I’ve learned to reign in that instinct, because I’ve been burned.

But at the same time, mind games take up so much energy and are frankly, draining. Often, we spend hours obsessing over something – say a crush – instead of just saying, “Hey, this is how I feel, how ’bout it?” That takes waaaaay less energy and is not confusing at all.

So raise a toast to the folks who don’t engage in mind games. To the ladies, like myself, who are a ‘what you see, is what you get’ kind of gal.

Now let’s go dance.

Spell-Designs -White-Dress

Spell-Designs -White-Dress

Spell-Designs -White-Dress

Dress – Sheinside  //  Necklace – Gypsy Love Store  //  Shoes – Payless //  Bralette – F21

Here’s To Our Friendship Flaws


I have very imperfect friends. Some overshare, some drink too much sometimes, some say stupid things at the most inopportune moments, some can be harsh …basically they make mistakes and have flaws, and are human.

All of them are well meaning, and caring, and accepting, and honest.

I can tolerate a lot as long those things are present. Tolerate isn’t the right word. A lot of things don’t bother me because of the presence of the others – that’s a better way to put it. In fact, I count on my friends being imperfect, because that means that they’ll hopefully be forgiving of my own imperfections. Of which I have many, and I try to surround myself with people who will forgive me when I say/do something stupid at the most inopportune of moments knowing that I probably don’t mean it, because I’d like to think I’m well meaning, caring, accepting, and honest.




Tee – Thrifted  //  Kimono – Arnhem  //  Shorts – Spell  //  Boots – Aldo  //  Bag – Target  //  Sunnies – I forget
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