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You Say That Like It’s a Bad Thing



Many people, most really, when they first meet me are surprised to learn about the raging nerd I am.

Sci-fi anything and I love it *B5, BSG, Doctor Who, Firefly, Star Trek, Star Wars, etc. etc.*
Post-apocalyptic, and you’ve got me transfixed.
RPG table top games, and I’m running two Firefly seasons.
Board games, and I’m parked at a table.
There is little end to my geekdom.

Then someone looks at me and says, “Wow Jo, you’re such a nerd.”
And I think, “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”

I believe in heroes. I believe in strength and the will to succeed against dire odds. I believe we can all be more than we are. I believe that humanity has a hope and will get better. I believe that even in the worst situations our better parts will survive. I believe that there is magic in the universe. I believe that we will travel the stars. I believe. I hope. That’s sci-fi and that’s fantasy.

So ya, I’m a nerd.




Star Wars tank – F21  //  Skirt – ThreadSence  //  Sandals – Aldo  //  Sunnies – Lace Affair  // Leather Bracelet – thrifted  //  Bead & Gold bracelet – Ruche

What It’s Like To Road Trip With Me


Here’s what a road trip with me looks like:

There’s lots of tunes.  Lots and lots of themed music.

Coffee. It’s a must, and it’s pretty much my only vice…except for scotch. No sugar, no junk, nada.

And then there’s the requisite surprise that will occur. I will at some point, maybe more than once, randomly pull over on the side of the road.

Then we will traipse through whatever the terrain is, possibly trespass onto private property, towards that thing I saw.  That thing I saw is some place interesting where I want to take some shots.

In this instance, it was a hay barn.  Off to the shoulder the car went. And off we went through ditches, trees, and crops to this little barn.  It’s where I took my leather halter top shots too.

Moral of the story? When you road trip with me, be prepared for anything.
And don’t forget the coffee.

*p.s. I love all the beach sand still stuck to my legs and arms!*




Romper – Ruche  //  Bralette – F21  // Sunnies – Lace Affair  // Sandals – ThreadSence

But Mostly, The Beach


The beach, a delicious dinner, a stroll along the marina, a show, and catching up with an old friend.

 That was on the agenda. But mostly, the beach. And what a great agenda it was.  I find the times when I get to sit around with friends the best of times.
Always brings a smile to my face.





Dress – Gunny Sack & Co.  //  Boots – Aldo  //  Necklace – Vanessa Mooney  // Ring – bought at the Arts Festival  //  Sunnies – Lace Affair

Port Dover Arts Festival

On the weekend we were there, Port Dover held an arts festival. Antiques, artisan, and unique vendors all got a chance to showcase their wares.

A large portion of the main street was closed to traffic, and the booths continued into the park. It was lovely to walk and wander and see everything.

I even picked up a handmade unique scarf that I’ll showcase once the weather gets cold enough….sheesh, I don’t even want to think about that!



Maxi Dress – Spell  //  Sunnies – Lace Affair  // Sandals – Threadsence



The day alternated between sudden bursts of rain – darkening the skies and raising the winds to a howling volume – to the gentle warmth of the sunshine bright and warm on the skin.

Either way, the private beach, our view for three days, was perfect. Down from the road, it felt like an isolated island in a series of magical little islands. I stood there imagining I was in another world. A world of tropical breezes, sun kissed skin, and the languorous arms of a lover wrapped around you.

Perfection, no matter how you define it.






Dress – Spell Designs  //  Belt – Guess  //  Necklace – TopShop

Biker Gear


No trip to Port Dover, Ontario would be complete without picking up some kick ass leather halter.

It’s a beach town with a unique mix: hippie dippie types *my peeps*, retirement destination, and bikers. Friday the 13th – bikers from everywhere gather here, hence there’s a heavy influence on the town year round. I really loved seeing the surf shops and boho shops right next to all the biker bars, and bike shops. Just fantastic!

So what does that mean? It means I’m loving all the leather vests and biker gear, and could not leave without at least one awesome piece.

It had fringe, so the deal was done.



Top – On the Fringe Leather

Good Fear


We all feel it. We all react to it. It’s fight or flight, right? We either run towards, or away from it. Fear, in some way or another, motivates us. I don’t think it’s all bad either. It’s just a part of our being. An emotion, both good and bad. It can hold us back, but it can also motivate us forward.

Trying new things. Being honest with someone. Telling people what you want, what you need. Pursuing dreams. Being yourself. There’s an element of fear in all of it. so, like I said, I don’t think it’s the bad emotion we think of.

I like the idea of fear. Usually when I feel fear, in our modern society, it’s not because of actual danger. It’s usually because there’s something I’m thinking of doing or saying that’s outside my comfort zone. In that case, I need to check in. Is this indeed something that I need/want to say/do?

If so, then the fear is a great barometer of my honest self. Am I being honest with my self? Truth and honest and full living, while deeply fulfilling can be a scary concept. Embrace the fear.

this post has been brought to you with a smile.





Romper & Kimono – ThreadSence *old*  //  Sunnies – c/o Woodzee  //  Necklace Homegrown Boutique  //  Boots – Aldo

Finding Something


What is it that we’re trying to find? What is it? What is that thing we’re all looking for?  Some say it’s happiness. Others contentment. Some says it’s excitement. Others peace. Some say it’s silence. Others the noise of life.

What are you spending a whole lot of time trying to find?  And if I may dare ask the question, is it worth the effort?

So what is it we’re all chasing?  And I wonder if we’ll get fulfillment if we find it.




Pants & Top – ThreadSence  //  Shoes – Modcloth  //  Necklace – vintage  //  Sunnies – F21

All The Good Things


Something about sitting around a campfire with moonlight and starlight streaking down. With a lovely whiskey and good friends, there is perfection. I did that.

I had friends – loved ones – around a fire. Relationships deepened. Laughs were had. I became a marshmallow hero. It was beautiful, in that imperfect, not profound kind of way.

All I did was sit around a campfire with some people, some could say. But my love for them deepened. And I could convey a million words in simply holding my good friends hand and watching the fire burn the past.





Kimono – Spell Designs  //  Tee – Skyline Fever on Etsy  //  Shorts – Target  //  Necklace – Lustre Boutique in Montreal  //  Sandals – Threadsence

Chase You?


Remember the chase?  That whole chase between men and women. The whole dance of he moves, and you either move with him or shut it down.  I like that chase.

I know it’s not cool to say, but I like being chased. I like being wooed. I like when a man pursues and a woman agrees.  Here’s the key of course, it’s a dance, that means two. That means in the chase, the woman consents and agrees to the chase. It’s mutual. Consent. So with that firmly stated….I like the chase.

I like it when a man reaches for you. I like it when he moves to close the distance. Perhaps because I’m so strong and in charge in my life, I like it when a man can reach the same pace as me. When he can be strong and in charge, and I can let go.

‘Course sometimes it’s fun to be in charge too. Don’t get me wrong.
Just saying, I appreciate the chase.



Dress – Lace Affair  //  Earrings & Shoes – I forget  //  Bag – Target
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