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Butterflies and Muscles Cars


At a street festival, there was a booth that was giving away balloons and stickers.  My Girl walked up and got a red balloon then stood in the line for stickers.  When her time came, the lady held out a large sheet of butterfly stickers.  My girl, ever observant, walked right past her and pointed to the other sheet – the sheet of stickers with cars and trucks on them.

Slightly surprised the lady reached for that sheet and my girl selected a muscle car sticker. A purple muscle car.

I thought:

A) Way to buck gender stereotypes!
B) Way to confidently, and still politely, ask for what you want.
C) The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. I’ll take purple muscle cars over butterflies any day.



Dress – Ruche  //  Necklace – Lucky Brand  //  Rings – Fair Trade and F21  //  Sandals – c/o Easy Spirit

F*** It!


There’s this thing that happens…when you think about something for too long.  It becomes the only thing you think about. It takes on a life of it’s own. So what you need to do is take that thing – whether it be a person, an event, a job, whatever – take that thing and say. “F**k it!”

You can only be worried and thinking about it for so long. Take it and put it in a tiny box in your brain and forget about it.  Trust that it will turn out for the best, or that you can whether the storm if that’s what it becomes.

We only have so much control and so much say over the events in our lives and the actions of others.
I say that we choose to smile and let live.
That means let ourselves live and trust that those people/events will be as they should.





Skirt – Arnhem  //  Tank – Gap  // Shoes – Aldo  //  Sweater & Sunnies – UO  //  Necklaces & Earrings – Ruche & Etsy  //

*linking up with Not Dressed*

Hot Pink TIFF Party Dress


TIFF parties have been rampant, and I’ve gone to my fair share. Wish I could’ve shared all the outfits with you, but sometimes the day just got overwhelming.

Like this day. The day was packed, and my outfit choice for the evening had to be based on “What will still look good after being smushed in the bottom of a bag all day?” So that’s the big grandiose thought process behind this look.

I shot a conference all day, quickly changed in the bathroom, ran to a film premiere, then off I went to the party afterwards.  Thank goodness for the trunk of a car which held all my clothes as they came flying on and off.

True, I could’ve passed on something. But when given the choice of spending an evening with good friends or not, I will do everything I can to make it happen.

Despite the crazy day, I managed to grab these shots in the underground parking lot – after just having changed out of work wear.

Moral of the story? A great stretchy dress rolled up in the bottom of a bag still looks pretty okay for a party at night.



Dress – UO  //  Shoes – Aldo  //  Clutch – H&M

Heart on a Sleeve


As much as I try, as much as I claim to be jaded and cynical, I often fail. As a friend once said to me, “You think you are, you hope you are, but you’re not.”  That same friend now routinely calls me ‘innocent.’

I think I’m far from that. I think I’m very pragmatic. And I am. But at the same time there’s a part of me that believes in unicorns and magic…or in my case, spaceships and heroes.  *Think Mal from Firefly riding in on his beat up cargo hauler and rescuing the girl. He’s jaded and cynical but highly idealistic.*

I guess there’s that part that hopes people have the best intentions, and hopes that people have love in their heart, and will speak their truth.  To be fair, as much as that will get me hurt, I don’t want to stop believing and hoping that every person I meet will be as truthful and gentle with me as I try to be with them.  I know that’s not the case, but I choose to believe and act until shown otherwise.

No mystery here. I’m an open book.  I hope you come to me the same.
If so, we can get a coffee.

If not, well…..speak softly and carry a big stick.
I carry a sword.

Overalls – Spell Designs  //  Tank – I forget *old*  //  Boots – Aldo  //  Sunnies – F21  //  Bracelet – made by me.

TIFF 2015 in Full Swing


The Toronto International Film Festival is in it’s full blown glory. That means parties and events.  Which means getting all dressed up. I’m okay with that.

I get to pull out my fancy stuff, and get all gussied up.  I’m not one to wear heels often, but sometimes it’s fun to pull out the stops. In this case though, knowing I was going to be running around for hours, I opted for a low heel, with big impact.




White Romper – Black Daffodil in The Junction  //  Bag – BCBG *thrifted*  //  Boots – Browns //  Earrings – Threadsence

*linking up with Not Dressed*

Don’t Text, Call.


 I used to hate the phone.  I hated it because you couldn’t see the person when you talked to them.
I love those moments when you sit – coffee shop, park, whatever – and a silence falls.

People fear silence, but I love it.  There’s a silence that happens when there is comfort.  There’s a silence that happens when you sit with someone – friend or lover – and neither of you feels the need to speak but can instead sit there in each others presence.

That is the best. But now texting has come. And I text a lot. A lot. And I miss the phone.  I find myself missing the call and talking to someone. Hearing their voice and hearing the silence. Texting is even further away from that elusive presence sitting.

So call me. Don’t text. Don’t ever text.



Dress – Arnhem // Belt – Hadley Pollet *thrifted*

The Kiss


Kiss.  The kiss.
Lips touch and universes are born.  That’s how kisses should be.

They can be tender.  Passionate.  Desperate.
Gentle. Rough. Playful.
Romantic. Soft.

But whatever they are, whatever you make them, make them moments when two people come together for a brief moment in time.
Make them moments that freeze a heartbeat.

Make them moments when universes are born. Even if only for just one brief second.

Go kiss someone.




Dress – Arnhem  //  Sandals – c/o Easy Spirit  //  Sunnies – F21  //  Necklace – gift from my Babcia

*linking up with Not Dressed*

Happy Labor Day!

It signals the end of summer and the return to reality.  But we can all just ignore that, right?

 Use it as an excuse to spend time with friends, having a cold bevy *alcoholic or not* and being a bit silly, just for kicks.

That’s what I’m doing with one of my best girlfriends.  Getting all silly…I mean, er, no, we’re totally serious.

Top – UO  //  Shorts – Ruche  //  Boots – Aldo

Coalesced Thoughts

My brain is swirling with thoughts.  Only a few have coalesced:

Get out there and enjoy the warmth.

Visit nature and walk with friends, because connection and relationship is truth.

We’re all more fragile than we look.

Love each other.

Tank – Love Nail Tree  //  Skirt – Ruche  //  Sandals – FreePeople



Why is it often so hard to ask?  Why do we have a hard time asking for things we want and need?

You know, asking someone you like to spend time with you *coffee, dinner, etc.* Asking someone you love to give you a something you need.  We have such difficulty with it.

I guess there’s that fear of not getting what you want.  But I perhaps there’s also that fear of getting it.  ‘Cause what then?

Sometimes though, all you need is a great breeze, a pair jeans, sunglasses, and Janis Joplin blarring out your car stereo.




Jeans – Zara  //  Tank – Gap  //  Shirt – Guess  //  Necklace – Monserat de Lucca  //  Shoes Threadsence
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