I’m spending the day at home with Baby while Husband is at work. Lately, she’s been giving me a run for my money by keeping me up most of the night. But since we’ve gotten home from my Moms house she’s started to calm down again. Perhaps, it’s being in her own surroundings that’s doing it.
I managed to grab a great photo of the two of us today and it’s going to go on my desktop. You’re seeing a cropped version of said photo. Sorry, not going to show you the rest as I don’t want Audrey’s face in any photos I share on the net. I chose to put mine up, but she hasn’t chosen to do that and I respect her privacy too much to make that choice for her. It’s my own personal decision.
On another note, I’m still revamping the site. The basic template is down but I still need to rework the header and some minor things. It’s frustrating me to no end. I’m computer literate, just not code and web design literate, so my laptop has come close to being smacked on something hard a few times today. As I sit here writing it’s still shaking from it’s several near death experiences. But in the meantime I will continue to post so please continue to check in and see what’s new. Better yet, why not subscribe?